Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 663: rule

"I made the decision to hand over the Han Dynasty Empire Times to the court. This is a mistake. If I need to take responsibility, it is also my responsibility, and it has nothing to do with you!" Yan Liqiang looked at Fang Beidou, his face was a bit painful "In fact, I should have thought that all newspapers controlled by the court would have no effect except to lie, deceive the people and sing praises to the court ..."

Fang Beidou stared at Yan Liqiang with a burning look and shook his head. "This is not really blame for you. At that time, if you did not hand the newspaper to the court, Lin Qingtian would not be able to pass this level. The final result, It is still possible to get rid of ... "

Just on the balcony on the second floor of the Court of Prayer, Yan Liqiang and Fang Beidou looked at the snow scene of Luyuan outside, chatting and exchanging what happened to both sides in these days. In the courtyard, everyone was happy, not The few people are already preparing to pack their bags, ready to leave here at any time. The arrests this time were the **** left by Yan Liqiang in the newspaper. In addition to Fang Beidou, Xu Enda and others, Yan Liqiang was surprised. There were also several writers in charge of writing articles, as well as several artisans in the printing workshop. At the last moment, they also stood firmly on the side of Fang Beidou and his own conscience, and were finally arrested.

Fang Beidou hasn't shaved his beard for many days, so at this time Fang Beidou's face and chin, the beard is already very long, covering most of his thin face, inexplicably more temperamental temperament.

"No, you don't understand. It can be forgiven if it happened to others. It is the biggest irony that happened to me!" Yan Liqiang smiled bitterly and shook his head. He has a reason to blame him as a For those who have lived for two lives, he feels that he has enough experience and judgment to control this matter, but at the critical moment, he still made a mistake, and pinned his hope against the calamity in a false error In the past, modern, modern, and foreign, all government-run and government-controlled media public opinion will eventually become institutional drummers, and will become the birthplace of fake news and **** public opinion. They will go to the opposite side of the public and want to cover their eyes and block He lived in the ears of the public, and he thought that the "Han Empire Times" would be an exception, or that the court would not be able to learn to control the media so quickly, but in fact, for the court, such things need not be taught. Almost innate, just like an animal eats and excretes from birth.

"What shall we do now?" Fang Beidou asked.

"Do you think there is any other way?" Yan Liqiang sighed. "I just have the ability to be big and have no way to change the food needed for the migration and migration of more than 10 million people. Even if I am willing to stand up in the Imperial City now The flagpole rebelled. You thought you could save a few more people. How many people are willing to follow me to kill a way of life. Now facing the court, I am a little Qi Yun supervising, there are no soldiers and no soldiers around me, I have the slightest What a chance of winning ... "

Fang Beidou lowered his head, but slowly squeezed his hands into fists, rattling. After a long while, he raised his head, sparks were beating in his eyes, and said quietly, "That is to say ... In 1949, everything we worked for ... has ... has failed, and millions of people who can't escape this Gyeonggi land, and finally ... will finally die in the scourge ... "

Yan Liqiang also remained silent for a while, "They did not die in the calamity, but in the hands of this court, and in the hands of corrupt officials who corrupted and eroded the state barn's grain depot. The greatest enemy of the Han empire is not the Shatu people, the Hei people, or the Shaman people ... "

"so what to do now?"

"Go back to Ganzhou, you go back to Ganzhou first!" Yan Liqiang looked at Fang Beidou and said firmly, "I sent someone to the Imperial City before. I wanted to get some of the Imperial City's craftsmen and craftsmen into Gan during the chaos. The establishment of Qiyun County in the prefecture is also a best effort to save people. One person can be saved, but when I sent people to the Imperial City, I found that people here need to be officially issued by the road guide. This cannot be done, so They are still in the Ganzhou Guild Hall these days, and they are running for this matter. I have met Sun Bingchen yesterday and talked with him for a long time. Sun Bingchen has agreed that I can send people to leave the Gyeonggi area in batches. From now on He can give me five thousand road quotes every month. As long as I find someone who can provide food for those people on the road, he can let me take people away ... "

"Only five thousand road guides per month?" Fang Beidou frowned, "How many people are there in the Imperial City and Gyeonggi?"

"This is already the biggest share I can win. The court is worried that there are too many people leaving, and the scale is too large, it will make the people left behind unstable. At the same time, we are not able to remove too many people at once. Therefore, this matter must be done quietly, and it must not be carried out with great fanfare. This matter is left to you. The people I sent to the Imperial City also listened to your transfer ... "Yan Liqiang said, and he felt it in his arms. A folded piece of paper full of name and a gold waist card were handed to Fang Beidou, "This paper is made by cloth merchants from various states of the Han Empire who have business dealings with the first factory under my world. List, these cloth merchants are local people with backgrounds. This brand is the identity certificate of the foreign affairs director of the first factory in the world. When the first factory in the world cooperated with these people, it was already initially explored and established. A logistics network from Ganzhou to the states of the Han empire. There are dozens of freight caravans. These are all available to you. With this, you can establish a personnel evacuation channel outside the Gyeonggi area and the northwestern Ganzhou. Can save one A, money matters do not worry, I will fully support ...... "

Fang Beidou accepted the list and Yan Jinqiang's gold card silently, "What do you do? Will you stay in the Imperial City?"

"His Majesty ’s Emperor wants me to stay by my side this time, so this time until the beginning of next year I will be in the Emperor City, with me and His Majesty and Sun Bingchen, I can keep you okay, and I also want to see Is there any chance I can convince His Majesty to save a little more people! "

"If Tianjie arrives next year, this emperor's capital will be turned into a fly ash and killed thousands of people. Can this court keep it, even if the emperor and the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty are all alive, this big man Empire, is it still the former Han Empire ... "

"They thought that as long as they were all still alive, even if tens of millions of people died, the court would still be the court, and they could recover after rest and recuperation!" Yan Liqiang looked at the white mountain in the distance, with a mocking face on his face. With a smile, "The dead ghosts are the people who now control the two newspapers of the Imperial City. They think very well, but they forget that once something is lost, it can never be restored as before. This court is like people. Credit is completely bankrupt, and no one can believe what is said, this court will no longer be the court ... "

Fang Beidou's voice shuddered, and UU read the book "You said that after the annihilation of the Han Dynasty, the Han empire will ... enter a troubled world!"

"This is unavoidable. There is such a big thing in the Great Han Empire. The national disaster is taking the lead. With such an opportunity, do you think that the Shatu people and the Shaman people will sit beside them and do nothing. At that time, the enemy is now. Songs are everywhere, and the prestige of the imperial court has disappeared. What do you think the governors of the thorns history will do? And now the masters of the Bailian religion almost emerge, lurking in the land of Gyeonggi, it seems that it is about to do something big. ... I'm afraid it's almost over! So you must hurry up now. If the place in Gyeonggi is really chaotic, even if we have a road guide, I'm afraid it's useless ... "

"I see ..." Fang Beidou nodded, and then suddenly asked Yan Liqiang a question, "If the Han empire really enters a troubled world in the future, the creatures are covered with coal, foreign enemies invade, and the war is endless, what do you want to do?"

"Give me some time and I will make a rule for this world!"

"What rules?"

"Rules for all kneeling people in this world to stand up forever!"

This sentence shocked Fang Beidou's heart!

Yan Liqiang said, without further explanation, he got up and walked downstairs, because he had already seen the official of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs coming to this side under the leadership of several sergeants. The pardon order promised by Sun Bingchen had already Here, the speed is fast, Yan Liqiang did not turn back, but only continued to Fang Beidou's ears, "You can leave here this afternoon and return to the Imperial City, and the rest will be left to you ..."