Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 758: Older brother

When Yan Liqiang returned to the cabin, the time had come to the evening, and the sun was setting in the west.

After walking to the door of the cabin, Yan Liqiang took a deep breath and calmed down his mood before pushing the door of the cabin.

The fire inside the wooden house was still burning vigorously. The iron pot was driving on the fire. The water in the pot had boiled away, and the smell of a unique **** soup filled the cabin.

Rui Fei was stirring the soup in the pot with a spoon, and Duan Fei was fanning the fan with a few leaves. Yi Fei was sitting aside, holding her hands on her knees, watching the **** soup in that pot in a daze ...

"Ah, Lord Yan is back ..." As soon as Duanfei looked up, she saw that Yan Liqiang was back, then dropped the leaves on her hand and ran over. "Look at what delicious things Yan Lord has found ..."

Yan Liqiang tried his best to keep the look on his face from showing anything different, but with a smile, he put the pile of things wrapped in clothes on a table made of thick wooden stakes in the cabin. "Now in the woods There are not many fruits, but there are still several kinds, which should be enough for us! "

"Wow, a lot, jujubes, strawberries, alas. I didn't expect there were so many things in the woods ..." Duanfei was so excited, she picked up a small blue berry, "Ah, what is this, I have never Haven't seen it, can you eat it! "

"This is a berry in the forest, it's edible!" Yan Liqiang nodded.

Duanfei tasted a berry. The taste of the berry was sweet and sour, don't have a taste, her eyes brightened, "Sister Rui, Sister Yi, come and taste, this fruit is really delicious ..."

"Now eat less, wait for a rest after drinking the **** soup, or you will get rid of the cold in your body!" Rui Fei smiled. "This **** soup is almost OK, come and drink first!"

"Oh, well, let's drink the **** soup first, and then eat these wild fruits later, I'm really hungry!" Duanfei laughed, then glanced at Rui Fei and looked at Yan Liqiang, Eyes flow, don't say something meaningful, "Sister Rui Rui cooks this **** soup really time, just like waiting for Master Yan to come back and cook it. Sister Rui Rui and Master Yan really have a belt Tacit understanding! "

Hearing this, Yan Liqiang coughed twice, and Rui Fei's face showed a hint of redness, and she gave Duan Fei a little shy glance.

"Okay, okay, my sister and Master Yan came over first to drink **** soup. Otherwise, if you get sick in the wild, then you will be in trouble!" Yi Fei opened her mouth in time, and then changed the atmosphere.

There are also several wooden bowls and spoons in this room. They have also been cleaned by Rui Fei Duan Fei. They can be used. Rui Fei simmers the cooked **** soup into the bowl. One person and one bowl, Yan Liqiang also has For four, four people were sitting beside the fire pond, drinking **** soup slowly.

Yan Liqiang was sipping **** soup while wondering whether he should tell the three women about the death of the emperor. After all, these three people's current status is related to the emperor, and they have the right to know the emperor. His Majesty's news, although they have not seen His Majesty the Emperor several times in the palace these past few years, but from today, they are really widows.

After the death of Her Majesty, the cruelty of this world is bloodless and cold for these women who did not give birth to her Majesty and Princess for Her Majesty. There is no temperature or fluke at all.

But what should I say? This is to tell them the news of Her Majesty's death. It is difficult for them to explain, and if they know that they are on the scene, some secrets may not be kept, which is not good for them and themselves.

He turned his head and pondered for a moment, and Yan Liqiang immediately thought of a compromise!

"I've been with a few mother-in-laws these days. I always have a question to ask the three mother-in-laws. I don't know how the three mother-in-laws entered the palace that year?" Yan Liqiang said in a relaxed tone as much as possible.

Hearing Yan Liqiang's question, the three women glanced at each other, and at the same time lowered their bowls and chopsticks.

"Why did Master Yan suddenly think of asking this question?" Duanfei sent Yan Liqiang an autumn wave.

Yan Liqiang smiled, "It's nothing, but these three mothers have been together for a long time now. I feel that the three mothers are easy to approach, so I can't help but want to ask, even if the three mothers are not convenient to say, I have nothing else to do. the meaning of!"

The three women laughed.

Rui Fei opened her mouth with a smile, "In fact, there is nothing to say, I was in the palace ..."

"Sister, stop!" Duanfei covered Rui Rui's mouth with her hand, glanced at Yan Liqiang, and snatched her voice. "I found that you have something wrong with Master Yan, what you just said, I am afraid Lie to our sisters! "

Yan Liqiang jumped twice with great caution. I rely on her. Did n’t she also have trouble reading the worm, he looked at Duan Fei with a calm eye, and his face was still a little stunned.

"You say in our lips that we are approachable, but we have come to know us all the way from the Imperial City. You see that our sisters are all damsels, and the damsels are screaming. If you call them in the team, no one else at this time, You still call it that, obviously you are out of sight, you did not consider the three of us sisters as people who can talk. Where do you think we are approachable? Is n’t that a misunderstanding? Besides, the three of us are not too old. The concubine is much younger, you cry all day long and call us old! "Duanfei's mouth is not unkind, she said, and brought Rui Fei and Yi Fei to her camp. "Sister Rui, Sister Yi, do you two say this is the truth!"

Fei Rui looked at Yan Liqiang, and was a little embarrassed. She didn't speak, but Yifei nodded her head, and looked at Yan Liqiang with a smile on her eyes. "Sister Duan said this, I also think it makes sense, Sister Rui didn't speak, it seems I agreed too! "

Yan Liqiang was speechless for a while, and could only rub his face and smiled bitterly, "I have to say this, I really can't explain it. I call the three maids out of respect, not out of sight!"

"What's hard to explain, if you really think that our three sisters are approachable and there are no outsiders here, then we might as well tell us one sister and one sister to listen to it!" Duanfei pointed to Rui Fei and Yi Fei, "This is Sister Rui, this is Sister Yi, and I am Duan Sister. If you call, then it proves that you did not tell lies, did not treat the three of us as an outsider, we are naturally willing to answer your questions, right, Sister Rui Sister Yi ... "

Yi Fei nodded her head, that Rui Fei was a little embarrassed at first, but was afraid that if she did not nod, Duan Fei said something that made her embarrassed, and then nodded.

The Duanfei originally said with a joke, but after that, the three women's six eyes were staring at Yan Liqiang's face. Yan Liqiang looked faintly between the three, but there was a little expectation. Looking at the three people's looks, somehow, Yan Liqiang suddenly felt weak and stood up directly, solemnly saluting each of the three of them, "Yan Liqiang has seen Sister Rui, has seen Sister Yi, and has seen something. Sister, if the three sisters are not surprised, I will call it like this when there is no one ... "

Seeing Yan Liqiang so solemnly salute the three, Princess Rui, Duan Fei, and Yi Fei all quickly stood up and returned to Yan Liqiang.

"Brother sit down, sit down!" Somehow, when she saw Yan Liqiang being so serious, Duanfei's eyes turned red. When she finished the ceremony, she quickly took Yan Liqiang's hand and pulled Yan Liqiang. Sit down, and as soon as Yan Liqiang sat down, Duanfei let go of her hand, and her eyes were no longer as teasing as before, and she was dignified a lot. "Sister just joked with you, why are you so serious!"

Yan Liqiang's face was full-faced, "My sister is joking, but I'm real. In the future, I will have three older sisters, and three older sisters will be my younger brother. The three older sisters will not call me Lord Yan anymore, just call me Liqiang, the things of the three sisters will be mine. If anyone dares to bully the three sisters, I will never agree! "

"Okay, then our three sisters will have one more brother in the future!" Duanfei laughed and took a deep breath. She glanced at Fei Rui and Yi Fei with some emotions, "I didn't expect our three sisters to leave Emperor When Beijing arrived here, a great disaster did not die, and there was an extra younger brother, which seemed to be the arrangement of the Lord. Today is really a good day for our sisters, Sister Rui and Sister Yi, do you mean it? "

Rui Fei and Yi Fei both smiled and nodded. Like Duan Fei, after hearing Yan Liqiang saying those words, the eyes of both of them didn't know why they suddenly became red.

"Brother Li Qiang's question just now, I'll speak for Sister Rui!" Duanfei looked at Rui Fei and said, "Sister Rui's father was originally a doctor of Chinese medicine, and Sister Rui had a true biography from her childhood. The medical skills are not inferior to those of the Taiyi Hospital. The female doctor originally had a post in the palace. After the previous female doctor left because she was too old, Sister Rui passed through Taitai Hospital because of her talent. After the assessment, he entered the palace and became a female doctor in the palace! "

"Ah, that's it!" Yan Liqiang nodded. "Sister Rui is exceptionally talented and looks good. In the harem, her majesty will naturally be fancy!"

"Brother, you guessed wrong. The reason why Sister Rui was watched by Her Majesty was that there was another story. At that time, Sister Rui encountered a stranger in the palace with Her Majesty. His Majesty saw Sister Rui and asked the stranger. Guessing the identity of Sister Rui, when the stranger saw Sister Rui, she said to her Majesty, Sister Rui's face, called Yuhuang Chaolong, is a rare sight of Wang Fu in a century, and she will have two princes in the future. The emperor was ranked as a concubine, and the emperor was very pleased to hear that she accepted her sister as a concubine, but until now, her sister, like us, did not have a son and a daughter for her majesty, and her majesty did not promote her sister to her. Years of good years, I spent it alone in the palace! "Speaking of this, UU reading books Duanfei also sighed," Everyone thought we were in the palace in fine clothing, respect It ’s extremely glorious. It ’s been a fairy-like life, but our sufferings, how can others know, really speaking, my sister was really hurt by the one who looked at him that day. Sister Over the years, it must be a happy family, sons and daughters, then why the palace and we suffer so much in! "

"Sister, don't say it, maybe this is life!" Rui Fei lowered her eyes and sighed softly.

"Who is that **** that has hurt Sister Rui, and where can there be such a pit?" Yan Liqiang scolded indignantly.

"You must have heard that brother, he is the first sorcerer of the Han empire, and Su Baiya, the owner of the Star Observation Deck of Emperor Beijing ..."

"Ah ..." Yan Liqiang was shocked. This person is not the master of Fang Beidou. This Su Baiya is a real expert. Even Tianjie can be counted. It is logically impossible to see Rui Fei. The emperor's majesty is dead, and Rui Fei is still Rui Fei. There is no prince. This is not a joke. What kind of waffle is it? It's nonsense ... wait ...

For some reason, Yan Liqiang suddenly remembered the Kowloon Baoxi he got today, and his face suddenly became weird ... ()