Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 805: Intrigue

The voice of the newspaper-selling boy outside the screen paused for a moment, then rang again, and approached the area where the disciples of Ming Wang Zong were dining.

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, the latest" Han Empire Times ", the people of Yulong Mountain, Zhongshan people gathered to attack the seven coyote camps in Shatu, beheaded more than a thousand, and won 10,000 acres of grassland in the first battle ...

Listening to this voice, the boss of Fengqinghe moved his eyebrows, but he did not wait for him to speak. Mo Ziling ran out at once. People on the screen only heard Mo Ziling's voice coming from the outside. .

"Hey, my little brother, how do you sell" The Han Empire Times "?"

"One for six copper plates ..."

"Okay, give me a copy!"


"By the way, I heard that the Han Dynasty Empire Times was not published in the Imperial City. Why do you have it in Ganzhou?"

"The elder sister didn't know. From this month, the Han Dynasty Empire Times was released in Pingxi City. Before that, the newspaper was taken over by the imperial court in the Imperial City. The shopkeeper and a dry tradesman were detained in the Imperial City. Owner, recently the shopkeeper and craftsmen of the newspaper have already arrived in Qiyun County, so they reopened the newspaper in Pingxi City! "

"Oh, that's it, Noah, this half money is for you, don't look for it ..."

"Thank you sister, thank you sister, sister, for you, the newspaper ..." The teenager selling the newspaper outside said happily, and then the sound of silver falling in the money bag came.

"Well, what's going on with the copper plates in your bag, how are they different from the copper plates I've seen before ..."

"Oh, this is a copper plate issued by Qiyun County!"

"Can you give me one?"


Just a few minutes later, Mo Ziling came back with a newspaper, and went directly to Feng Qinghe. He smiled sweetly, "I know the master you want to see, I bought it for you In addition to this newspaper, the copper plate in Qiyun County is also special. Show it to the master! "Mo Ziling directly put a newspaper and a copper plate on the table in front of Fengqing River.

"Just your cleverness ..." Feng Qinghe laughed. Although this Mo Ziling sometimes broke away from being naughty, but among his disciples, he could understand his mind best, and he liked it.

After hearing the master's compliment, Mo Ziling returned to his position happily and made a face at Mo Ziye.

Feng Qinghe's eyes suddenly fell on the newspaper and the copper coin on the newspaper, which was exuding a bronze luster, and his eyes were slightly condensed. The copper coin was really different from the copper coins that can be seen elsewhere in the Han Empire. The style of this copper coin It is similar to the copper coins in other parts of the Han Dynasty. They are all inside and outside, with holes in the middle. Although the style is the same, the copper coins are far more exquisite than those seen by Fengqing River. Ten streets, this copper coin is as clean and new as it is, the texture is hard, the edge of the copper coin, and a small edge of the teeth, the front of the copper coin is printed with a word and two words, and the lower circle is printed with the "Han Empire Yuanping ten The words "issued by Qiyun Governor's House in the past seven years" are very clear. Turn the copper coins upside down. There are two cute sheep heads on the other side of the copper coins.

Put this copper coin in your hand and weigh it. Feng Qinghe felt it all at once. The weight of this copper coin is about 15% lighter than the copper coin made by the official superintendent of the Han Dynasty, but because it is too delicate and strong, In circulation, it is more popular.

"Look at all, although this is a small copper coin, but it reveals too many things, Qiyun County can make such copper coins in a small place, it is amazing ..." Feng Qinghe looked After a while, he handed the copper coin on his hand to other disciples around him to pass it on, and he himself picked up the "Han Empire Times" ...

As the elders of Ming Wangzong, this "Hanhan Empire Times" is a new thing of the Han Dynasty. It is famous all the time. Of course, Feng Qinghe has seen it before, and it is read almost every issue. Naturally, someone from Ming Wangzong collected it for reference and understanding. Gyeonggi Land and the court's movements, holding the newspaper in hand, a familiar feeling emerged spontaneously.

The same header, the same embossed small print below the header, the same date!

——Unicom Quartet, to communicate news, not party or selfish, readable and rewarding.

——New Journal of Northwest China on July 7th of Yuanping.

Feng Qinghe looked at it in ten lines.

On the front page of this newspaper, a mountain man named Chai Yu in Yulong Mountain was indeed published. In response to the call to kill Hu Ling, he gathered more than 500 skilled mountain people hunters in several villages in Yulong Mountain. In July One night on the second day, I went out of Yulong Mountain and attacked a coyote near a camp in Yulong Mountain, killing the Shatu people and losing their helmets and beheads. Finally, they beheaded 1,124 Shatu people and brought their heads back to Baishiguan to receive the reward. thing……

The text on this front page is really the same as the style of the previous "Han Empire Times". It is old, simple, and stubborn. There are no gorgeous rhetoric and seditious language, but all the characters, events, and time are clearly explained. Chu was so credible that people looked at it. At the end of the newspaper, a pair of illustrations of Chai Yu and a group of mountain people holding the grass field contract was also wonderful.

Waiting for the first edition to turn over, seeing the second edition, Feng Qinghe's eyes couldn't help focusing.

The second edition of the "Han Empire Times" actually published a map of Gulang Prairie on the entire page. That map is not an ordinary map, but a top-secret military map that ordinary people may never see in their lives. The complete indication of the current distribution of troops and personnel of the Heiren and Shatu seven on the Gulang Prairie is also clearly indicated. This is just the summary of the Qiyun Governor ’s Office on July 6. The military map of Gulang Prairie and the situation on the Gulang Prairie grasped by Qiyun Governor's Mansion are basically in this picture.

Looking at such a map, even if the terrain of Gulang Prairie, the situation and the opponent ’s military forces were completely obscured, now you can get a rough grasp of the current situation of Gulang Prairie from this map. Understand the situation on Gulang grassland in the shortest time.

Beneath this map, there are several commentaries from Qiyun Governor's Government House on the military ’s judgments on the possible movements of the Shatu 7 and Heihe people on the Gulang Grassland from a purely military perspective. These comments are for discussion. The form of the peace dialogue was given. The different viewpoints were very clear, concise and concise. Among them, one of the soldiers under the supervision of the government stood at the angle of the Heiren and Shatu seven to analyze their possible response.

Looking at the map and reading the comments, it felt like I was afraid that even if I personally participated in a military meeting in Qiyun Governor's Mansion, the information I received was just that.

At the bottom of this page, there is a statistical data-according to the statistics of Qiyun Superintendent's Government, the house, and Baishiguan, from the issue of Hu Huling to July 6th, The number of heads sent by Hu Huling confirmed by the households was 18,687 black people and 34,827 shatu people, and the number of people who checked out from the direction of Baishiguan confirmed by Baishiguan did not include soldiers in Qiyun County. In total, there are about 12,667 Ranger children, 238 teams of more than 100 people. Among these 238 teams of more than 100 people, 37 are 500 people or more, and 16 are 1,000 people or more ...

After reading this edition, there are only two words left in Feng Qinghe's heart-awesome!

This is a real conspiracy. Even if the Shatu people and the Heiren people on the Gulang grassland get the same newspaper, there is nothing they can do but look at the daily increasing number above. At this moment on the Gulang grassland, The Shatu people and the Black people were absolutely sleepy and distressed, and they were so frightened that it was just one month after the killing of Hu Hu was issued. The seven Shatu people and the Black people suffered such a large loss, at such a rate As we continue to develop, I really do n’t know how long those aliens on the Gulang Prairie can persist. When Hu Ling was killed, the black people and Shatu people occupying the Gulang Prairie at this moment became the prey of the entire Han Empire. And fat, everyone wants to bite.

Seen from the elder Fengqinghe along the way, not to mention anything else, only those rangers who want to enter the Gulang grassland, the final number may be very horrible. The more than 10,000 rangers are only in Ganzhou Coming here near the northwest, the rangers in the back are rushing in from all directions, and the hundreds of thousands of rangers in the entire Han Empire are going to two places at the moment, one is the Imperial City and the other is Gulang grassland……

One more page, the new page is the latest issue of "Hero Ranger Heroes", "Hero Ranger Heroes" contains the names of a hundred rangers, and those names are behind them in ancient times. The number of heads confirmed by the report confirmed by the wave grassland. At this moment, the number one ranger is named Jian Bukong. The name Feng Qinghe has heard of it. It is very famous in the Han Dynasty. Behind this name, there is a number 287. This means that the number of confirmed kills of this sword in the past month was close to 300.

Below this "Heroes of Heroes of the Rangers", there is a line of words-until the day when the retro waves grassland is collected, Qi Yun's **** Yan Liqiang will cast a monument on the ancient wave grassland, use iron pillars to express his skills, The Names and Merits of the Top 100 Ranger Heroes in the "Heroes of Heroes of the Rangers" are recorded and passed on to future generations.

Seeing this, Feng Qinghe was a little stunned. The rangers of the Han empire are all trendy, and in the circle of the rangers, they have a reputation that is more important than life. Yan Liqiang made such a fool. Are n’t the Ranger children going crazy, my god, how many Ranger children will eventually flock to the Northwest? UU read the book www. uukanshu. com I am afraid that in the end, it may exceed 100,000, and 100,000 rangers enter the northwest. In this scene, Fengqing River is a little dare to think ...

I flipped over a newspaper again, and it was serialized, which recorded the process of a great change in the land of Gyeonggi experienced by an officer of the Imperial Mabu Division and what they saw along the way from the land of Gyeonggi. This is the second This is the first time that Feng Qinghe knows some details in this period.

In the following pages, there are all kinds of news, commercials' advertisements, even people's notices, and the countdown to the Imperial City ...

When overturning the last page of "Anecdote", the above news suddenly caught the attention of Feng Qinghe-the news said that on July 11, this month, three days later, the Manufacturing Bureau would be in Pingping On the Xijiang River outside Xicheng, experiment with a new boat. The boat can run on the water without much manpower. As for the specifics, it will be kept secret for the time being. Welcome to the people and friends from Qiyun County. To watch ...

What boat can fly on the water without many people? Elder Feng Qinghe frowned, he couldn't think of it, was anyone joking ...

At that moment, Enron, who had just gone to inquire about the news, came back and said, "Master, I have made clear the news you asked me to ..."