Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 867: Great victory

In just a moment, the entire army of more than 100,000 people of the black tadpoles turned on their backs, wailed, and became confused. Those black tadpoles below could never have imagined that under the seemingly peaceful valley floor, there would still be hidden murder. The ground at your feet looks flat, but at this time, you are not stuck with the crater that is erupting.

Those strange liquids exploded constantly from the ground, wherever they flew, where they started to burn, and even if they patted and rolled, they could not extinguish the burning fire.

The whole valley is like a hot oven. The burning strange liquid is not only difficult to extinguish. When they burn, they emit a lot of acrid black smoke, which makes the eyes tingle and **** into the mouth and nose. , That spicy taste with a strange scorching smell, it is even more suffocating.

At this time, no order was used. The frightened rhinoceros began to hiss, crash, stand up, throw off the rider on the horse, and rush the team into a mess. Many black soldiers, from rhinoceros Those who fell immediately, were kicked and screamed, and those soldiers and officers in the army of the Black Tatars also did not care about anything at this time. Especially when the officers and generals were fleeing their lives, they couldn't care less about the lives and deaths of ordinary soldiers. They shouted and rushed forward. When they met the ordinary soldiers blocking the front, they raised their sword weapons and chopped them down. To clear the road, the whole valley is chaotic, and the thick smoke in the valley has risen to the sky at this time, even when it is a hundred miles away.

"These black people are really barbaric. They escaped and ignored everything ..." Situ Feixing looked at the chaos in the valley below and shook his head.

"They want to escape, where is it so easy ..." Fu Changde smiled coldly and waved his hands, and the situation on the slopes on both sides of the valley changed again.

I saw a huge ball of grass with a diameter of almost one meter, burning, pushed down from both sides of the hillside, those burning grassballs accelerated through the hillside, rolled down with a burning flame and a huge impact Rolling down a few hundred meters long hillside, it rushed directly into the valley, hitting a road from the crowd, and then the piles of scattered fire were burning, the smoke was overflowing, the fire was raging, and many were riding The black dragon soldiers and officers of the rhinoceros and horses were directly hit by the rolling down fireballs, fell into the fire, were screamed again and again, and never rushed out ...

Those grass **** were made in situ by people brought by Fu Changde in the past two days, and made of hay branches in Qiyun Mountain. At this time, thousands of large grass **** rolled down, not only the valley The road in front of it was almost blocked. The fire in the whole valley, after a while of effort, added some firewood to the burning stove, which became more fiery.

The billowing heat waves brought by the combustion formed a huge updraft in the valley, and the airflow turned into a cyclone. The cyclone with high-temperature flames raged throughout the valley, even those who looked on the mountaintop felt it. The waves of heat came from below the valley.

"Burned and burned these dogs. Over the years, these black magpies have not made a lot of sins. Every year, they rush to the Gulang Grassland and come to the northwest to fight the grass valley and burn and plunder. This is the retribution. It is best to treat all these dogs. The day was burned to death ... "Wu Daquan, the host of Huoyun Village, said loudly.

Of course, it is impossible to burn all the 100,000 black people below, not to mention people. Even if there are more than 100,000 pigs, when a dog jumps off the wall in a hurry, it can still rush out.

At the very front of those blackbird teams, about six or seven thousand blackbirds rushed out of chaos when the fire just started and the grass ball just rolled down.

The terrain of the canyon behind the Black Tatar team is more open. The burning grass **** that are rolled down are mainly concentrated in the front and middle sections of the Black Tatar team. The rear is basically not affected. Seeing the front ca n’t rush out, stay Can only be burned to death in the place, many people behind the Black Tatar army, about 20,000 people, also turned around and burst out of the flames in the valley ...

After the black soldiers on both sides rushed out, looking at the tragic situation in the flames behind them, they were embarrassed and did not dare to stay in the valley. The west of the valley rushed away, and the people who rushed out from behind the army team at this time did not care much and could only return from the same way.


Let's talk about the six or seven thousand black safari men who rushed out of the front of the army. They just rushed out of the flame array two or three miles. Many people just took a breath and thought that they had escaped by chance. Behind the stones and in the grass, thousands of people with metal crossbows or bows and arrows, all kinds of weeds and branches stuck in their bodies, shot an arrow rain and fell into their ranks. On the spot, five or six hundred people were shot right away.

After getting up, the archer holding the metal crossbow ran towards the black crickets. The machine crossbow in his hand continued to shoot, and the melee power of the metal crossbow was fully exerted. In the sound of the crossbow breaking, a large black screamer was screamed and shot down.

Seeing those people rushing towards themselves, the remaining black people did not even have the courage to desperately, one by one groaning, slumped on the horse, and rushed forward. Many people without horses, just leaned on The feet rushed out of the flame array, and before they ran far, they were chased by the ambush from the back and shot dead directly. There were those who wanted to turn around desperately. Those who pursued were still dozens of meters away. The crossbow arrows flew over, shooting people directly into hedgehogs, and those who rode on the rhinoceros, the horses were shot down, waiting for them, it was also a flying arrow.

Under the baptism of this arrow rain, the six or seven thousand black Tatar soldiers who came here, when they fled, there were only four or five thousand people left, and many were injured.

The fleeing Blackbird and the horse were shocked and rushed out on the horse. After half an hour, these people finally rushed to the valley mouth west of the Crescent Valley. When they thought they were fleeing, they were waiting for them. Windy city, two thousand heads of Qianqigang led the northwest heroes who were more than 10,000.

"Grandma, it's finally our turn, brothers, kill me ..." Qian Qigang's master yelled, waving his sword, and rushed towards the defeated soldiers.


In accordance with the agreement between Situ Feixing and several leading figures, UU reads www.uukanshu. com because it is considered in advance that there may be more blackbirds drawn from the east of the valley, so the blackbirds who escaped here were ridden by a cloud, Huoyunzhai, Dadu Mountain and the Black Eagle. Several masters were responsible for their respective men and women.

It was just that Situ Feixing did not expect that when the more than 20,000 blackbirds just rushed out of the valley, and before the men led by several of them killed the blackbirds, there was a team of ten thousand Many people's horses and horses thundered from the direction of Gulang Prairie and killed them in front of the more than 20,000 Heiren troops.

The teams on the two sides were far apart, the battle bows were roaring, the arrows were vacated, a cloud of black clouds flew up and down, and the escaped more than 20,000 black cricket men lost nearly one fifth of their staffing in the blink of an eye ...

On one side, the handsome flag of the guardian's office with the word "Yan" was floating among the more than 10,000 rushing teams, which was shocking.

Seeing the banner from a distance, Situ Feixing couldn't help but screamed, "Supervisor is here ..."

Further afield, a black line on the grassland approached like a sulky thunder, and the whole earth was shaking. Looking ahead, countless cavalry and horses were rushing towards this place, covering the sky ...