Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 921: coming

? Three days in a blink of an eye!

The Han Dynasty Empire Tongan finally arrived on December 11th of the year. The current Bailian Lord will formally ascend to the throne in Yuezhou City on this day, establish the Bailian Heavenly Kingdom, and formally form the Jinzhou court. The court resisted.

This is the big day of the Bailian religion. It is not yet bright. The streets of the city have been lined with rows of guns and white soldiers. All the residents in the city, from house to house, are required to Get up, wear the newest and most beautiful clothes, put incense at the door, light incense, kneeling in the direction of the palace in the icy cold wind-celebrate with the sky!

In the entire city of Yuezhou, at this time, people can still be active on the streets. In addition to the sergeants of the Bailian religion, there are only upper-level characters in the city who want to go to the palace to participate in the ceremony.

The Ghost King also got up early today, and before the day dawned, the Ghost King was awake, and then the servants were cleaned up and put on the dress for the ceremony in his house, and the Ghost King was also sitting in his luxury wagon. With his gorgeous ceremonies and guards of hundreds of people, he headed for the "Royal Palace" of Yuezhou City.

Sitting on the gorgeous chariot, in the sound of the turning of the wheels, holding the heating gilt stove, looking through the window of the glazed parquetry carriage, looking at the streets in the new clothes in a fragrant case The people in the city kneeling at the door of their house, a feeling of flying high above the sky, made the ghost king almost forgot about those unpleasant days these days and his eyelids kept jumping as soon as he woke up this morning, but this fluttering feeling It didn't last long, and when his teammate Ma Yue approached the palace, and the white lotus sergeants on the street became Chiba Wei, a glimmer of gloom that was hardly noticeable flashed in the ghost king's eyes.

He sat in the carriage with the ghost king, as well as a henchman under his command. Now he is the steward of his house, and he entered the palace with him today to participate in the ceremony.

This steward of the Ghost King is a very good person who is good at detecting and observing colors, but when he saw the gloom in the eyes of the Ghost King, he couldn't help but open his mouth. "I don't know what the Lord thinks, now he is in the religion, Regardless of seniority and prestige, you can be the leader of Chiba Guard. You must be an adult, but the Lord has arranged for a person who does not know where to find him to make him the leader of Chiba Guard. Many old people feel sorry for adults! "

The ghost king snorted with his nostrils, his face became more gloomy, and he said slowly after a few seconds of silence, "Do n’t say this outside, now Bailianism is no longer Bailianism. If you say this, Hear, I'm afraid I can't save you. Lord Lord is right to do anything, remember not! "

The butler of the ghost king still smiles, but his voice can't help lowering a lot. "Of course I said this to you, adults. Rest assured, in front of outsiders, my mouth is definitely stricter than sewing, but I also heard a lot of gossip outside these days ... "

"Oh, what rumors?"

"Those rumors say that the Lord ’s choice for the throne this time is not the 28th day of the month, nor is it Jiazi Day, and there are no six or nine. I am afraid it is not good. The Lord ’s ascension this time was a bit rushed ..." Speaking, he quietly looked at the ghost king's face.

Regarding these things, the ghost king has always believed, so when he heard it, he just dismissed it with a smile, "Well, if you choose a good day to go to the throne, you will be able to spread it for thousands of years. Who do you mean? "

"Adult is right, but there are still some rumors that are a little worried ..."

"What do you mean?" The ghost king's eyes narrowed suddenly.

"This, my subordinates dare not say ..."

"Go ahead, I don't blame you!"

The ghost king ’s confidant first pulled up the curtain of his car window, and then whispered, “The rumor says that the Lord does not know where to find so many powerful masters. The ultimate goal is to Replace all the old people in the previous religion and wash them away. Even if the Holy Religion can lay down the mountains and rivers of the Han empire, those who are sitting on the river and mountains are not the people who are now born and die for the Holy Religion, but the strong ones that the Lord has found from the outside. Masters, only those who are the confidants of the Lord can gain the trust of the Lord. Elderly people who are highly respected in teaching, such as adults, are likely to ... possibly ... "

"What is possible?"

"It is possible ... sacrificed by the Lord as cannon fodder ..."

Pop ... The gold stove in his hand was smashed by the ghost king at once, and the ghost king's face also became iron-blue, and his face was secretive, because these rumors happened to be in the heart of what he was most worried about and most afraid of Things.

Originally in the Bailian religion, although the ghost king was not one person under 10,000 people, but the status of the whole religion was only ranked under three or five people. It was also regarded as the top leader in the religion, but At this moment, the cause of Bailianism is getting bigger and bigger, but the ghost king feels that he is getting farther and farther away from the center of power of Bailianism. There are not fewer people standing on his head, but more and more. The Lord is increasingly scaring him, and the Lord Master who does not know where to find the strong master is stepping out of the core circle of the White Lotus, if not because of his previous identity The night marching ghost army that has been practiced by hand in these years is still useful. It is estimated that the King of Heaven in this ceremony does not have his share, and even if he can become the King of Heaven, as long as there are ten people in this position, There is yet another prime minister on his head, the ghost king has no confidence in his prospects.

"Adult atonement ..." The ghost king's confidante saw the ghost king's face, scared and did not dare to lift his head, and quickly pleaded guilty.

The ghost king took a deep breath and his face slowly slowed down. "I don't blame you. I ask you, where did this rumor come from, and how long has it been ..."

"I do n’t know where this rumor came from, but the news I heard is that almost half a year ago, after the Lord found the first batch of strong men and came to the church, such rumors began to spread quietly in the church. Now, I also happened to hear about makeup a few days ago when I went out to do something for the adults. The old people who are teaching now, except adults, everyone is also at risk. Everyone is worried, but they are afraid to say it. Do n’t dare let you and the Lord hear you ... ”

The ghost king's voice didn't waver at all. "The Lord is not this kind of person. In the future, no matter outside the palace or the government, you can't tell anyone ..." Having said that, the ghost king stopped for two seconds. "This time After the ceremony is completed, go back to the house. You go to the storeroom to collect some silver, and arrange a few eyeliners and ears in the city and the teaching. In the future, there will be any rumors and gossip in the Yuezhou city. I want the first time. know……"

"Yes, my master, rest assured!" The Ghost King's confidant housekeeper was relieved in his heart, but was a little excited. He knew that when he made the right bet this time, the Ghost King would rely more and more on himself and the resources and power in his hands. , Will also grow bigger.

In a few moments, the ceremonial honor of the ghost king's convoy has arrived outside the "Royal Palace" of Yuezhou City. At this moment, there are more than tens of thousands of people gathered here. Those who have status and status in the Bailian religion are almost here with guards of honor. Together, and each person's guard of ceremonies, that is more than one person, one more gorgeous than one.

The ceremonial guard of the ghost king stopped almost at the entrance to the palace. The carriage and horse here just stopped. The ghost king just got out of the carriage and was about to enter the palace. As his eyes swept through the crowd around him, For a moment, when he saw a back walked into the palace door, the heart of the ghost king shrank with a terrified shock, and a cold air made the hairs on his back stand up. It was ...

Just a moment, when the ghost king looked at the gate of the palace again, the back was just mixed with a large group of guards, and it was no longer found. The ghost king carefully looked at the guards who entered the gate. After looking at it, I can no longer find the back of the crowd that will make me feel palpitated.

Impossible, impossible, that person is now King Pingxi, with power in hand, and I heard that he has been missing for more than half a year, I do n’t know how to live or die, and how can he appear here, and the back just remembered the one who seemed to have seen himself. People are still a little different, with a slightly thinner body and slightly narrower shoulders. They don't fit the size at all. The ghost king comforts himself and shakes his head in his heart. It seems that he is jumping with eyelids when he comes together today. ...

"Guo Mingchuan has met the adult ..." General Guangming General Guo Mingchuan suddenly appeared in front of the ghost king, with a smile on his face, his smile showing his closeness and enthusiasm. "It is gratifying to hear that the Lord has been named King this time. I sent some special products in my house for two days, and I will send them to the adult's house tomorrow. With a little heart, I hope the adult will not abandon ... "

"Ah, it's Mingchuan ..." The ghost king turned his eyes from a distance and looked at Guangwei General Guo Mingchuan in front of his eyes, thinking that this Guo Mingchuan was still so respectful to himself since he lost power in teaching, always at all times I had a gift and my heart delivered to my house, and I patted Guo Mingchuan's shoulder with some emotion, "It's really hard for you ..."

"Whereever an adult speaks, this is what it should be!"

"Let's go in together!"

"Master please ..."

The ghost king then walked into the "Royal Palace" with Guo Mingchuan ...

Although the UU reading book is a reconstructed palace in the city of Yuezhou, the breath revealed by the entire palace is also extraordinary. It is a bit of a smaller version of the imperial palace, and if it is displayed, it ’s luxurious , But not inferior to that imperial palace ...

The ghost king and Guo Mingchuan walked all the way, passed through the heavy court guards, and went directly to the white lotus hall of today's ceremony.

When the two came, the people in the White Lotus Hall had already arrived. At the back of the hall, Jin Yu was on the stage, and a dragon chair was placed at the highest place. ...

The people who can enter the main hall are those at the top of the Bailian religion. On the square outside the main hall, there are tens of thousands of government officials in the Bailian religion, all gathered outside ...


ps: Thank you for accompanying Tiger through 2018 and ushering in 2019 together. Here, Tiger wishes all book friends a happy New Year's Day. In the new year, Vientiane is updated and getting better and better!

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