Silver Overlord

v2 Chapter 928: Mata Associates

? The man who fell from the sky is, of course, Yan Liqiang!

Just a sword in the volley, the flying flag of the feathered snake that fell full of people fell down, and the gorgeous military tent in the army camp on the ground suddenly fell into fragments, guarding dozens of warriors around the military tent. All heads flew up.

Yan Liqiang actually didn't know who was here, but from the sky, it was obviously a full army of people. The big account was the largest and most gorgeous, and the flag of the snake was full of people, so Yan Liqiang Just choose to settle here.

Thousands of square meters of tents shattered, loyal to the sound of anger and the sound of weapons coming out of the sheath, and the people in the tents jumped out at once.

There are more than twenty people in this big account, all of them are wearing full body armor or gorgeous mink fur coats, all of which are men. Those who wear armor seem to be full of generals. Three of them are more attractive. It is noticeable that one of the three people was a Han Dynasty empire at first glance. He was in his fifties, with a long and slender face, and was dressed as a scribe. The other is a man in his sixties with a beard, a tall and fat body, a shady face, a purple-gold fur coat, and a sweaty crown on his head. Most of the man's generals were in front of the man, and the third one was younger than the two before him. He was about forty years old, covered with hair, faced like a crown, and looked like a wolf.

The third person looked at the guard who had fallen to the ground around the big tent and the missing flagpole. His eyes shrank, and his steps moved slightly, quietly pulling away from Yan Liqiang.

In the slight movement of the snake, Yan Liqiang already knew the identity of these people, and the others did not say it. In Yan Liqiang's eyes, they were already dead. Only the three people, the Han man dressed as a scribe was the Han Empire. Former General An Bei Shi Tao, did not expect that this running dog has now taken refuge in the Shaman, and he was sold to a thief in a fair and honest manner. The tall and obese man was the Emperor Monrokhan of the Shaman. The third person, then It is Yan Liqiang who has been known for a long time as a commander-in-chief.

Just now these people were discussing things in the big account, but they didn't expect to run into it immediately.

Yan Liqiang looked at the sky, and sighed in his heart, it really was God!

"Who are you?" When Shi Tao saw Yan Liqiang's appearance, he knew that Yan Liqiang was Han, and he yelled.

"It really is a good dog, barking so loudly, do you want to inform others?" Yan Liqiang smiled, looked at the rioting military camp and the crowd of people who were rushing towards it. Sergeant, "You don't have to call it, I'll make it for you ...", as soon as the voice fell and Yan Liqiang gave a sword, Shi Tao's head flew up. Until this time, Shi Tao's eyes were still so big that he couldn't believe it. That's how he died.

Yan Liqiang was out with a sword. After cutting off Shi Tao ’s head, that sword light suddenly spread like a peacock, and spread the twenty people in front of him all at once. In.

Goli seems to have been prepared for a while. When he saw Yan Liqiang's sword, he was ready to evacuate. He did not intend to slam here with Yan Liqiang, who did not know the strength. However, Yan Liqiang's strength was far beyond his expectations. Rao It is because he has reached the peak of the King of War. Rao asked himself that his military talent is not under Long Feicheng, but these are useless, and Yan Liqiang already knew his plan. When Yan Liqiang moved, Ge Li lost all opportunities. After the whole man yelled, it was like a flat boat in the storm, and was drawn into the boundless raging waves of sword gas.

The emperor Monrokhan, who is full of people, has advanced to the Emperor Wudi, but he is not as strong as the ancient emperor who was beheaded by Yan Liqiang two days ago. As for the other people, Even Ge Li is not as good.

Many people were involved in Yan Liqiang's Jianguang, but this battle for Yan Liqiang was easier than the one at the Yuezhou City Palace that day.

Amidst the chaos and the roar of armor, the large group of sergeants who had filled the battalion had rushed to the big account in horror, but Yan Liqiang's side at this time also appeared a colorful brilliance, and then endless The soldiers and iron horses emerged from the colorful brilliance, killed the soldiers who were full of people, and the soldiers who were full of people who rushed towards the big account here became fragmented as soon as possible.

No one can rush over anymore, because Yan Liqiang's surrounding area is constantly rushed by steel torrents, sweeping away in all directions, the entire army camp full of people is in the roar of the iron hoof that broke the ground, Was completely awakened, but for the Shamans and other fighters of the barbaric tribe in the camp, at this time, nothing was possible ...

Even the powerful men at the level of Emperor Wu and King Wang will be crushed in front of these fellow iron horses, not to mention ordinary ordinary people.

As soon as the bronze soldiers and iron horses like terracotta warriors came out, they began a crazy killing, destroying all obstacles in front of them, all enemies, and all destruction. Except for Yan Liqiang, no one can stop them because of their strength, because this is their existence Meaning.

"Jiulong Baoxi ..." Goli in Jianguang yelled, his eyes were broken, his voice was full of fear and incredible.

"That's right, but there is no reward ..." Yan Liqiang said. Between the turning of Jianguang, the head of this invincible commander flew into the air. In the face of this crushing of absolute power, any scheme, any Power is so pale.

The next second, the bodies of those who were full of generals exploded one by one in the sword light.

Long Feicheng, standing on Tianan Pass, was already stunned, and his whole body was shaking with excitement. He looked at the colorful brilliance and the endless gushing from the colorful brilliance that surrounds the Shaman Man's large military account. The endless bronze soldiers and iron horses finally murmured in their mouths into a scream that rang out from inside and outside Tiananguan. "The Kowloon Baoxi is the Kowloon Baoxi, and the Kowloon Baoxi is now ..."

At Tiananguan, watching the distant military camp full of people in the distance, the impact brought by that visual angle is even more shocking. The bronze soldiers and iron horses swept across the snowfield in the distance like a flood, and the military tents of the full people The camp account is like a leaf on the beach. It disappeared in the blink of an eye when the flood hit. UU read the book www. There is nothing to stand on the ground. There is only one color in the camp of the entire army—blood red, endless blood red, like the heavy color painted by the hand of the devil on the pale snowfield ...

Countless soldiers and generals of the Fengyun Army have rushed to Tiananguan, one by one staring at the camp of more than one million alien troops in the distance, inch by inch, disappearing in front of their eyes, looking at the sides The flag kept falling, disappearing, watching the enemies fall, and then the blood and blood ...

The roar of numerous iron hoofs on the snowy field, even though it was so far, passed to the walls of Tiananguan, so that everyone standing at Tiananguan felt a trembling of bricks and stones from his feet.

"Who are you?" Monrokhan's final roar rang through the snowy field.

"Yan Liqiang!"

With these three words falling, Meng Luo Khan's body was broken into pieces by Yan Liqiang's sword light.

In just an hour and a half, the continuous barracks of the full army of people across Tianan Pass disappeared, and there was no longer a living person ...