Since 1983

Chapter 316: stay

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Having more dinners, I slowly explored my experience.

Many people eat, and cooking is usually cheaper than hot pot, so Li Mu decided to eat hot pot, happy!

In recent years, the food and beverage have been obviously colorful, and there are even Cantonese restaurants in Beijing. Xu Fei is delicious, but the taste is conservative. Scrambled eggs with sugared tomatoes cannot be beaten to death.

The hot pot is good, the hot pot can make the North and the South peaceful, the world is the same, at most let you have a mandarin duck pot.

The staff of "Longing" plus nearly a hundred actors, directly wrapped up the shop, and watched a fluffy white gas rise, meat and juice tumble, taste buds and soul entanglement in the night before winter.

"Xiao Xu!"

Han Ying leaned over with the wine and said, "If we are fortunate, we will eat loose meals for three consecutive years, but unfortunately they are not here this year."

"Do you mean to miss the alley, don't you like" Hope "?"

"Eh, provoke contradiction! Come, I respect you!"

After Han Ying left, Li Chengru came over, "Thank you for your blessing, you have become an addiction to acting, this role is so great ... Hey, how do you drink beer?"

"Something happened at night."

"There's fart, change it!"

Li Chengru opened the second Erguotou bottle, wow, a tall cup.

He was bored himself first, Xu Fei helpless, drink it.

Just after the fight, Li Xuejian came up again, "Oh, although I haven't met many times, but I am particularly destined to look forward to the next cooperation."

Wow, another tall cup.

It was easy to finish a lap. Li Mu wanted to take a break. Li Mu started to circle again.

"Your kid is full!"

"I have something to do at night ... No, I really have something ... I have done it, I can do it."

Everyone is strange, knowing that he has a good amount of wine.

The blink of an eye went down.

"No, it's not good, drink beer."

"Waiter, come with a box of beer."

Five more bottles.

Teacher Xu entered a new stage and began to feel that he was very clever. He patted the table and said, "This is the wrong way to show the results! Beijing and Taiwan have been good in recent years, but the results are the same. You don't know if you are a leader What? You know what you know, it ’s boring. "

"So what do you say?" Li Mu said.

"Attitude, attitude is everything!"

Teacher Xu felt that his thinking was declining, and quickly filled up a cup. His smart IQ immediately occupied the highlands.

From this perspective, the leaders inspect Beijing and the center, not just watching TV series. TV stations are an important cultural output position, spreading ideas to the society, and advocating values.

Go to the street! "

He clanged the two words vigorously.

Street picking was done during the Beijing-Taiwan Spring Festival Gala. The effect was good, but it was not used in conventional methods.

Zheng Xiaolong frowned, saying: "I just ask everyone, the 80s are going to pass soon, what do you want to say to it?"

"Yes, the content is richer, you can ask anything."

Xu Fei dragged Da Gangzi and said, "What do you think is your biggest gain?"

"Uh, just enter the center and join the literary front. It is a dream for me." Zhao Baogang is very serious.

"What about frustration?"

"It's frustrating ... not so successful so far."

"Favorite movies or books?"

"Of course" Hutong People "!"

"Has love been harvested?"

"Hey, buddy is already married."

"The most anticipated thing next year?"

The thieves who cooperated with Zhao Baogang are now more blessed to the soul and blurted out: "The Asian Games, the Asian Games will be held in Beijing, and I look forward to it very much!"

"Say a word to the 90s?"

"Everyone is getting better and better, the motherland is getting better and better."


Teacher Xu slapped and slapped shoulder-to-shoulder with Zhao Baogang. "In this mode, one month is enough. Now TV workers always love to go higher and ignore the masses. In fact, the masses are the eternal topic."

Li Mu's own learning is limited, the biggest advantage is to know and use.

The people such as Zheng Xiaolong, Zhao Baogang and Chen Yanmin were able to display and succeed with his support. It's just that there is now more Xu Fei, pain and happiness.

Several people came up with interest, and the conversation was hot, and the other table was still in vernacular.

"Come on, let me say a few words. This Golden Eagle Award is by no means the peak, it is just the beginning. I hope everyone will work together to hold on to this glory and carry forward."




"Here is the" Sports Heroes "playing for you, welcome to watch ..."

"Time for you ..."

The cake was on the table, and Xiao Xu was lying on the bed, watching one program after another.

Look at the clock, half past ten.

She dropped the remote control hard and was angry with the quilt. It was just once. Estimated to drink too much, and then sent home by colleagues.

Xiao Xu fell down and wanted to sleep. He would climb up again when he lay down and ran to the balcony to watch.

It was dark outside, and only a few houses were still faintly lit, looking down the gate of the quiet community, and the empty street showed a corner without even a pedestrian.


Xiao Xu was irritated in his heart, and his eyes widened suddenly. He saw a man slipping out of the bicycle shed, wandering downstairs, going in and out, and in and out.

The light was too dark, she looked at it for a long time, and always felt very similar.

So he turned around and touched the head of garlic, and broke it open, snap! Smashed on the bicycle shed. Throw it again, right, right before it.

The man looked up and seemed to recognize it, shouting, "What are you doing?"

"What do you ↘↗ do?"

Hearing the movement, it really was him.

Rubbing upstairs, opened the door and came in. The state is not very good, the eyes are not concentrated, the face is red, I don't know whether it is frozen or drunk.

"When did you arrive?"

"Come at ten o'clock."

"So what do you wander underneath?"

"Don't I think about blowing the wind and waking up ..."

Xu Fei sighed in his palm, "Look at it, it will be much lighter."


In a short time, Xiao Xu felt sore in his hooked heart. He was always like this, and he was both angry and reluctant.

"Okay, let's eat cake. Have you eaten tonight?"

Xu Fe dragged her into the bedroom, seeing that she shouldn't, and laughed: "Aren't I here yet? It's not past twelve."

Speaking of cutting the packaging, get ready.

This year's birthday cake is the same, a thick cake coated with cream, pull a little flower, write a word. This piece is similar, with a line of red letters printed:

"Happy 18th birthday!"

"Actually, there is a hat in the West. I didn't find it. I'll give you one."

Xu Fei specially bought colored paper and made a pink conical hat for her. Xiao Xu looked at the word and asked, "What does it mean to be 18?"

"I was 18 when I knew you."

"Nonsense again! We have known each other since we were young."

"Ha, I wish you 18 years old forever."

Mr. Xu ran the train with his mouth full, plugged in small candles, lit the fire, and turned off the lights.


He scratched his head. Is there this song in China? Not impressed.

This song was originally called "GoodMorningToYou", it was created in 1893, and in 1935 it was changed into today's happy birthday song.

He was too lazy to struggle, and sang again: "Come on, make a wish."


Xiao Xu ignorant, made a wish silently, blow out the candles, and counted the process.

Xu Fei cut off two pieces of cake. "I didn't buy you a gift. I didn't give you a gift last year. I am so cold."

"Who is rare, I have someone to send!"

She got up and took out a scarf with beautiful colors and exquisite patterns, proudly saying: "Zhang Li knitted it for me."

"She has come back?"

"I rubbed the crew's car and left for ten minutes. You said that she didn't do serious things in Xiangshan, and knit a scarf for me all day."

whispering sound!

Teacher Xu rolled his eyes. You two show love, what am I?

He opened the bag and found an object. "Then I had to take it out. I bought it at Modu. It's a local handicraft."

At first glance, Xiao Xu was an exquisite fan of Gu Xiu Tuan. On the back was a miniature view of the Grand View Garden. On the front was Tao Lin.

It's just a strange style, with a face like a bun, a squinting smile, and a V in one hand.

She recognized that when she sold shoulder bags together, he said this was called the Q version of the character. Of course, Modu does not sell Q version characters, of course, it is specially customized.

"What do you give me?"

Xiaoxu took a hand and fanned gently, "Don't you say you want to jump out of Lin Daiyu, how can you give me Daiyu?"

"Yeah, so she laughed, and I hope you are happy."


Xiao Xu listened to these four words, and all kinds of tastes came to mind again.

She put down her fan and whispered: "Seriously, I grew up so that no one has been as good as you. My parents are also good, but they don't understand. The two of you are like falling from the sky, one is mine Ascaris, one is my pillow ... "

"Your analogy is very spiritual!"

"Me, I don't know what to say, in short, it's all right."

Xu Fei didn't look good, quickly covered her face, and began to sing, "Woo ... She's so good to me, and I don't know how to knit sweaters, I will give her something back ... Woo, you're so good to me , I can't afford a fan again, what do I give you back ... woo woo ... "

Xiao Xu, who was about to cry, immediately suffocated and said in shame: "You shut me up."


"get out!"

She couldn't hold her face and rushed out, "Go out!"

"Okay, don't cry."

Xu Fei grabbed her hand and said, "You are sentimental, that is me, otherwise no second person can bear it."

"Then I have to thank you?"

"Not at all. I mean, for me, you also fell from the sky."

He lowered his head, "So ..."


Xiao Xuwei leaned back and only felt the itchy palm ...

"You, you should go." Her voice was getting softer.


Teacher Xu took a look and looked at the clock. "Also, it's too late."

He stood up by the table, alcohol raging in his nerves and internal organs, and he could not help shaking. Xiao Xu also looked at the clock, twelve o'clock, and the little hand grabbed the clothing corner, "How do you go back?"

"Take a taxi, I don't know if there is."

Xu Fei wobbled to the door, struggling to put on his shoes, and said, "Oh, that one ..."

He knocked his head, "Advertisement, next year, don't worry."

Open the door, go out, and take it gently.


There is only one person left in the room,

She was about to lock the door, squeak!

The man leaned against the door frame, with a lightened alcoholic smell, "It's too dark, no, not too afraid to go."