Since 1983

Chapter 323: Inspection (2)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

The art center was so clever, serious and quiet for the first time. Every desk is occupied, everyone is busy, no matter what is busy, it is busy anyway.

Xu Fei was calculating the pre-expenditure and suddenly heard the clamor outside. Zheng Xiaolong went to the house and noticed: "Stop for a while and gather in the courtyard."

Everyone went out somehow, good guy! A group of Wu Yangyang and colleagues in Taiwan also came down.

Two cars were parked in the yard. Someone led the big wolfdog up to check the safety. A buddy took the roster and said, "Where you call, you can enter the building if you click the name."

Xu Fei didn't wear a coat and was as cold as his three grandchildren, full of gossip.

Is this security work? Seeing the curtains upstairs are pulled, there are people walking across the road in place, it should be plain clothes ... new! There was no chance of being inspected in the previous life.

The colleague of the center suffered a long time and finally heard: "Li Mu!"

"Our director, above."

"Oh, Zheng Xiaolong!" Said the buddy.


Zheng Xiaolong went upstairs.

"Lu Xiaowei!"

"Li Xiaoming!"

"Xu Fei!"


Teacher Xu's voice was loud, Ma Ma ran back to the office, "Lying trough, it's too cold!"

"The cold is temporary, and the enthusiasm of the masses is permanent, and it will be warm in a while." Feng pants chuckled and frowned.

When everyone came back, Li Mu ran downstairs suddenly, anxiously said: "I will arrange it! After the leaders came, they were all sitting in the house, each busy.

Let's go to the meeting room first. Lao Zheng, you brought a few people here, maybe ask some specifics. Over there, you're in charge of the old bi, I will give you a code at the end, you call everyone to the lobby, stand in line, and wait for everyone to take a look. "


Everyone was nervous and excited.

The time passed was extremely long, and Xu Fei didn't even bother to settle the accounts. He simply painted on the book.

He thought he should be quite calm, but he was nervous when he was about to come, just like wearing a red scarf and holding flowers when he was a kid, "Welcome! Welcome!"

Then he was touched and boasted that this kid was so cute.

Unconsciously the afternoon.

The sound of a car entering the hospital broke the composure of Taiwan. The center is on the first floor, and you can clearly hear the clutter of footsteps walking upstairs, gradually getting lighter.


You glance at me, and I look at you, tightening a string.


"In a few days, it will be the New Year. The 1980s will be over. What do you think is the biggest change in this decade?"

"It's convenient to buy things, eat more meat than before, and have a color TV at home!"

"Wages have risen and prices have risen."

"I feel that there are more and more cars on the street. I want to learn to drive recently."

"People seem to be more and more beautiful, adults and children are beautiful."

"I married my wife!"


"What is the biggest regret?"

"Something is yellow."

"If you didn't go to college, just try your best."

"When my mother was sick, I was performing a task, no, I didn't catch up with the last ..."

"Sorry, you can't say nothing about things big or small, but you haven't considered them in the past."

"After reading the novel" Snow of Kilimanjaro ", I really want to climb that mountain, but unfortunately I can't."


"Next year is the beginning of the 1990s, talk about your expectations?"

"Asian Games, it must be the Asian Games!"

"Look forward to the Asian Games' success."

"Life is getting better and better, can marry a wife."

"Be stronger and braver."

"Expect the motherland to become stronger and stronger!"


In the large meeting room in Beijing and Taiwan, the leader watched a street video and nodded after a moment of silence. "It's a great idea. How did you think of shooting this?"


The station director relaxed, saying: "The main consideration is that the 1980s will soon pass, and many stories have happened in the past decade. I want to hear the voices of the people and show the changes of the times from a personal perspective."

Li Mu secretly pouted, fart!

Obviously found several cares, rehearsed countless times to get it! Of course, there are a lot of people interviewed in real life, and it takes only a thousand choices to cut out a section.

"Well, the idea is very good. The current style of literature and art likes to pull the banner, in fact, it is not implemented at all, not bad."

The big leader stood up, Li Mu hurriedly came over, followed the team downstairs.

at the same time.

Zheng Xiaolong is saying madly, "Old Lu, Xiao Xu, quickly!"

The four or five people at the core hurried out of the house and sat down in the small meeting room of the center. They saw a group of people crowded around the leader and appeared, and immediately stood up and applauded.

"Okay, sit, sit."

The leader waved his hand, accompanied by Li Mu and the director, and there were still photos next to it.

"Beijing and Taiwan have shined on the screen in recent years. I heard that it is your credit. As the first professional TV drama production unit in China, it has indeed played a role model."

Li Mu quickly humbly and expressed a set of nibbles.

"I have seen a little of your two alleys, and a few young people look at the completeness below. There are some arguments in the society, but I think since they like it, it should be a good work, not to mention the Golden Eagle Award.

By the way, what drama is this year? "

"One is called" Longing "and is in the post-production period. There is also a martial arts drama co-produced with Taiwan, which is turned on after the Spring Festival."

"Oh, who proposed it?"

Li Mu quickly introduced that Teacher Xu leaned forward and said: "The production of this drama mainly considers two factors. One is that Taiwan's television industry is entering a golden period, and many experiences are worth learning from. The second is also to strengthen cross-strait culture communicate with."

He didn't make a long speech, and the occasion was wrong.

The leader was undecided, saying: "Well, Taiwan is indeed very mature in this area."

After talking, there was a brief cold field, meaning to go.

Li Mu was trying to give Bi Jianhua a secret code, and suddenly saw the grandson speak ... Sa! In an instant, Director Li Mao exploded.

"We opened the conference early this year and advocated multi-play genres. In fact, it is now a very good stage, with the soil where they grow, especially the warming and healing category."

"Oh? Specifically."

Leaders have never heard of the word "heal", but they can also be associated with literary and artistic works.

"In today's society, changes are taking place, the previous things are broken, the new things are not understood, some people try to accept, and some people are very resistant.

This kind of struggling and confused mentality, I feel more and more obvious. The film and television play can undoubtedly play a role of spiritual comfort, so that the audience can be relieved in the mind.

"Longing" is such a work, it is not simply telling people that you want to be happy; but telling everyone that life is hard and hard, but after all, it is beautiful, don't give up.

It seems to be talking about family ethics, but it is actually conveying a positive force, warming the audience, healing the soul ... oh, I scream. "

"This statement is interesting."

The leader laughed: "But if it is too frequent, will the audience be boring?"

"The film and television work must be closely connected to the era it is in. At least during this period, I think everyone wants to drink a bowl of chicken soup."

"Oh, sure enough ..."

The leader smiled again, said nothing, and stood up.

A group of people accompanied them to go out, and Bi Jianhua organized everyone to stand in a team, with the seniority and ability in the front row. The big leader saw it, and really encouraged a few words in the past, but unfortunately did not shake hands.

From beginning to end, about an hour, stayed in the center for thirty minutes.

After two months of toss, this hour.

When the wind calmed down, Li Mu came over, "What's your special, don't know how to say you, you weren't at that time?"

"Wow, but you have to say it." Xu Fei was also a little afraid.

"Come on, you are now registered."

Li Mu patted the grandson, just a short chat, just a few days before the quasi-bao spread throughout the literary and art circles, and even further out.

Although the leadership did not show a respectful attitude, other people will make up their minds and make up their minds. In the future, as long as he does not commit the problem of life style, basically no one can engage him.

(Friendly push book: "I have problems with my end times")