Since 1983

Chapter 349: Ear grind

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!


As soon as the van door opened, Zhang Li jumped tiredly, holding an umbrella between the doors of the car door shop, and beckoning everyone to unload equipment.

From yesterday to noon today, I worked for more than 20 hours, exhausted one by one. Catch the heavy rain again, greasy from the inside out, melancholy, all kinds of weariness.

"Tomorrow afternoon, everyone have a good rest."

"Only half a day off, even worse than Zhou Paipi!"

"It's a day, isn't it afternoon?"

Lin Fangbing, Zhou Jie, and Teacher Li quickly broke up and helped each other into the building. They are the workload of two works, and the intensity is extremely great.

Zhang Li urged: "After you have eaten and then go to sleep, you will recover quickly."

"I see, I see you at night."

Lin Fangbing waved his hand and said again: "Oh, right, go to the restaurant at night, I invite guests."

"Hmm, I haven't eaten meat for a few days." Zhou Jie nodded busy.

"I won't go, something."

"Why don't you go? It's easy to have time."

"Anything is going to happen anyway, you go."

Lin Fangbing raised her eyebrows and poked at her, "Did you see it? It's weird these days. Tie Ding hides the wild man. See you and forget friends!"

Teacher Li smirked, and Zhou Jie said, "Forget about friends!"


Zhang Li glanced back, walked into the house by himself, packed up a little, and went out with an umbrella.


In the afternoon the sky was gray and the heavy rain was dripping.

This piece of rain is too abundant and there will be a flood next year. The Taihu Basin is vast and the canal water level has risen to nearly 5 meters.

She came to the hotel, the door was hidden, and she knocked before going in.

"Huh? How are you today ... Oh, it's raining."

Xu Fei raised his head, he was in a hurry, and picked out a few pages that he could not read.

"No need to hide, I don't look at it."

"It's nothing, a little work planning."

He handed it over, and Zhang Li couldn't help but be curious, and took a look, but it was a TV drama shooting plan.

"Selling Youlang to take the top spot? This is an old story. How many movies do you want to shoot?"

"Not the same, you taste, you taste."


The girl was confused and continued to look down.

"The original name of Zhu Zhong is Qin and he is born in Bianliang. He is the adopted son of the owner of Zhujiayoupu. The only way to meet good people is to be grateful, but you never know you are in a blue building. "

"Zhu Zhong was expelled from the oil shop, still surnamed Qin, and started selling oil along the street. He was very popular. One day, Qin Zhong encountered Yaoqin and was shocked by heaven and earth.

It took a moment to find out that seeing Yaoqin required at least a dozen or two silvers, so he worked hard. "

"Yaoqin gave Qin Chong his own life, and Qin Chong came as scheduled ..."

"Selling Youlang to monopolize the flower leader" comes from "Three Words and Two Beats", a famous novel in the world. The outline of this story is roughly similar, but with some changes.

She turned again, actually there is.

"" Green Peony ", Liu Xiqian, Xie Ying, Che Bengao ... Is this a Zaju show?"

Zhang Li understood and said: "How many short stories are you going to write together?"

"Yes. I lived alone for more than ten days and was unaccompanied. I just felt that the rain in the south of Jiangnan was too good. It's a pity not to shoot."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Fictions of world sentiment, of course, filmed TV dramas of world sentiment."

The so-called world sentiment refers to the social status of writing love marriage, short parental relationships, business dealings, and official residences of young houses. Rising in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, "Dream of Red Mansions" is the pinnacle.

In the current web article, it is a novel about life flow, "From 1983" and so on ...

"I put all my background in Jiangnan. I don't have a thousand merits and demerits. I have children's personal love. I have to live in food and clothing, live in a small bridge, and pursue the beautiful life."

"When are you going to shoot?"

"Not sure yet."

"Then you shoot it, I definitely like it."

Zhang Li blinked his eyes wide, very fascinated, and then looked at him under his elbow.

"Hey, this can't be seen!"

Xu Fei quickly crushed to death.

"If you don't watch, don't watch."

She scanned the outline again and became more and more fond, and finally yawned.

"Sleepy?" He realized that the other party was wearing dark circles.

"It was filmed all night yesterday, and if it is not raining today, I can't come back."

"Then you will sleep, I will write more."


Zhang Li got up to the bed, a pile of luggage and a quilt, and took off his shoes and lay down directly.

People sleep in the afternoon and often feel lonely when they wake up. Especially in the autumn afternoon, looking at the desolate dusk outside, I just want to die.

She slept soundly and peacefully on this sleep, and there was strong wind and rain outside, regardless of day or night. I don't know when I opened my eyes, I was very comfortable, and the exhaustion after a long night disappeared.

The TV is on, the music is soft, and a black and white round cake squeezes in the screen.

Today Tuesday, many units are closed in the afternoon, and the TV station has no signal. As for this pie, the scientific name is the color TV signal test chart.

"what time is it?"

She stretched her waist and got out of bed slowly.

"It's four o'clock."

Xu Fei fiddled with a table of food and smiled, "Is it hungry? I bought dried beans, pork ribs, rice, rice wine, and snacks."

"Yeah, the diamond navel."

Zhang Li lifted a piece of puff pastry, "I like to eat this."

The diamond navel is made with flour and soybean oil, stuffed with pepper and salt filling, sprinkled with sesame seeds, and is said to look like the diamond navel in the temple.

The two were dining around the table. Teacher Xu sipped the yellow wine and shook his head: "I can't get used to drinking it a few times, or the Arctic Ocean is better."

"I think it's soft, and Xiao Xu likes it. You go back and bring her a few bottles."

Zhang Li also sipped, only to feel the spirit, smiled and said: "I am still in good health, this will have to change Xiao Xu, staying overnight can take half a life."

"She coughed away and still had trouble?"

Teacher Xu sneered and persuaded: "You don't want to say anything on your mouth, but be strong in your heart. The body is the most important, what should you do if you get sick?"


The girl did not answer, and after a moment, said, "No, it will not work. I and the group formed for half a year, and I have increasingly found myself inadequate. I said that I want to be a big producer like you. In fact, I know clearly that I am now There is no ability to save groups independently, let alone ideas, shots, performances. "

She was a little low, "Maybe I am only suitable to be a production director and logistic butler."

"Don't think so! I'll ask you, do you like this business?"


"That's fine! Don't compare with me, I am a genius.

Compared with yourself, if you like it, you have to stick to it. If you really do n’t think it ’s possible, the film and television industry is not only a producer, you can do something else. "

Xu Fei broke his finger, "Magazines, production companies, brokerage companies, cinemas, film and television cities ... Hey, like Tangcheng, maybe you will build one yourself later."

"Crap again, how can I have such a skill?"

Zhang Li's character is different from that of Xiaoxu.

She did the film production just to test the water, and found that her talent was not enough. Especially Xiaoxu's career started there, and she felt that she had achieved nothing.

After dinner, the two sat at the table and Xu Fei continued to write the story.

He does n’t plan to produce next year, which is left to him, positioning the romantic drama in costume, easy and cheerful, and keeping a good eye.

When conditions permit, he wants to try all types of plays again. You have to make a comparison for the domestic audience, lest any **** come in, what a treasure!

In addition to this, several other plays are in the making, which belong to the category of "prophet" that cannot be watched.

After he finished writing a page, Zhang Li looked at a page and suddenly said, "Is Qin Zhong looking at Yaoqin?"

"Forget it, but this novel is so rare.

The male owner is a small businessman and the female owner is a prostitute. Different from the previous loyal and strong things, Feng Menglong's love for the little people shows the desire of people.

Qin Zhong ’s feelings begin with the other party ’s beauty, and Yaoqin ’s feelings begin with the other party ’s sincerity, but you can taste them carefully.

A selling oil Lang, worked hard to save twelve silver, just to see her. After seeing it, he didn't do anything. When someone was drunk, he took care of the whole night.

Can you say that he is purely for sex? No, his affection for Yaoqin is looking up. One copper plate and one copper plate save money, just like a pilgrimage.

Besides Yaoqin, it is undoubtedly a gambling to give private money to Qin Zhong who has only met twice and let him redeem himself.

Does she have love? There may be a little bit tempting. The key is that she is willing to follow Qin Zhong because he is good to himself.

This may be the love that the ancients understood, or rather, real life. "

The ancients tweeted it and put it in a sentence today: licking a dog will eventually get a house!



The rain is like a curtain, and the sky is getting darker and darker.

This drama is called "The Collection of Love". Xu Feiji is not very clear and belongs to re-creation. There is also a "Shanghuahua Jiaohuo Lang" better, but he is not sure about the appearance of the original.

"Yaoqin is a big family and has a lot of money, reading poetry and books, and drinking wine and talking about poetry with the literati. I arranged a modified version of Feihua Ling, you can help me think about it."

He got up, cracked, and turned on the light.

The dim light shone on the faces of the two, the wall clock clicked, one didn't speak, and the other didn't.

She was quiet for a few seconds before she picked up the manuscript, "Digital Flying Flower Order, even one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eighty nine, plus another flower word ... It's too difficult to check with the book. The situation should be simpler and better. "

"Then change it to the word rain. Can you read the group books, can you take ten sentences?"

"I'm not really Baochai."

Zhang Li gave him a white look. "But I also read a lot of poems. I think ... Xiaolou listens to Chunyu overnight."

"Well, continue."

"The moss and mangroves under the steps, the rains are scarce and the moons are worrying."

"Deep rain wet clothes can't be seen, Xianhua fell to the ground and listened silently."

"Swallows don't return to the Spring Festival Evening, Yi Ting Yan Yu Xing Hua Han."

The ancient flying flower order had extremely strict requirements on the rhythm. Now anyone who understands the rhythm is a simplified version.

She read seven sentences in a row, and had a headache for a while. She got up and turned around a few steps, and suddenly said, "Yes, Xiyu rides a donkey into the sword gate!"

"This is good, chivalrous!"

Xu Fei patted his hand, this is Lu You's poem.

"I can't think of it, there are two left, you make up."

"I really don't understand ancient poems, you're embarrassed for me, uh ..."

He pulled over the other side and hugged it on his thigh, holding his head sweating, "Hey, there is!"

"Which sentence?"

"Warm and sunny winds first broke ..."

He looked at the girl in his arms, "Apricot eyes and peach cheeks, I'm already excited."

This is Yi'an's word. The original sentence is Liuyanmeiqi, which has been felt by Chun Chun.


Zhang Li's face turned red, and his heart jumped wildly, "You are not serious."

"Why am I not serious? Continue in response to circumstances," Xu Fei laughed.

"I won't continue ..."

She bit her lip, only to see that gaze came boldly and warmly, and this warmth, coupled with her close body temperature, made her tremble slightly.



The rain is still falling outside.

"The last sentence, think again."


Her head seemed to be messed up by the rain, her breath was warm, and her eardrops lingered between his lips and teeth, barely squeezing out another sentence, "Rain wet screen."

"Whose sentence?"

"Xin, Xin Qiji's."

"Too few, add a sentence behind."

Xu Fei slid down, buried in her neck, "Rain and wet screens, ears rubbing."
