Since 1983

Chapter 375: Surnamed Zhao

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Early this morning, everyone arrived at the unit early.

As usual, cleaning the house, drinking tea and reading the newspaper, but revealing a little subtlety in the silence. Lu Xiaowei, You Xiaogang, Li Xiaoming, etc. don't care, they have achievements, and they are the same for everyone.

Zhao Baogang was a little worried. He was preparing for "The Roots of the Imperial City", and he was afraid of coming to a formal master and withdrawing the project.

Feng was even more worried, smoking one bite at a time.

After a dull moment, someone finally couldn't hold back, "Hey, who is the newcomer? Do you know?"

"not sure."

"Airborne, no one has received the letter before."

"The background is quite big, and Li Tiao'er can be taken away directly."

"Who called" Longing "is too hot? The local station is still five or six episodes a day."

"Hey, when it comes to the point, I really didn't expect the TV series to be like this. Who doesn't win?"

Xu Fei is also there. There is no big news while listening to the newspapers. It is nothing more than the Gulf War, China is preparing to bid for the Olympics, and it is a trivial matter compared with changing leadership.

After a long chat, Lu Xiaowei appeared at the door, "Meet!"

Everyone shut up and went to the meeting room in a hula, the people were too complete, and then they stood against the wall. Xu Fei suddenly remembered how he was when he joined the job, then Li Mu just transferred over ...

After waiting for about a few minutes, footsteps sounded, and Zheng Xiaolong led one in.

Slightly fat, white-faced, big ears, wearing glasses, meticulous hair comb, looks like a very elegant guy.


"Okay, okay."

The person waved his hand and sat naturally in the main position. After a round of laughs, he said: "When I first met with you, some comrades may know, some don't, and introduce yourself.

My surname is Zhao. I used to work in the propaganda department and have been in contact with many literary and artistic works. The art center is well-known in the industry. I transferred it this time, mainly to learn from you, work hard together, and go to a higher level. "


The opening is not bad, as long as the official is not too stupid, he will speak.

"I have always been a loyal audience in the center." Undercover Police "," Alley "and" Desire "have been read more than once.

Don't watch me meet you for the first time, I can call my name. Needless to say, Lao Zheng, Lao Lu, Xiao Ming, You Xiaogang, Lei Lei ... Oh, and Xiao Xu! "

Director Zhao pointed to Xu Fei one by one and said with a smile: "Hey, this is a young representative in the industry, a model worker!"

"Hehe, hehe, hehe ..."

When the leader ends with a grin, it's basically mobilizing the atmosphere. You don't find it funny, but you also need to cooperate with two calls.

"So you are the creators, and I am a big housekeeper, doing good service for everyone. That old Zheng, you used to be in charge of production, and now you are still in charge of production. When I first arrived, would you introduce the tasks for this year?"

"Uh, good."

Zheng Xiaolong coughed and said, "This year's production tasks mainly include" The Story of the Editorial Department ", 25 episodes directed by Jin Yan. There is also" Huangcheng Gener ", 30 episodes directed by Zhao Baogang.

Our current funding has risen to 1.8 million in Taili. These two are basically fully spent, and they have to draw extra sponsorship ... "

He briefly said, Director Zhao nodded frequently, said: "Well, there is an old Zheng, I am at ease. Let me talk about my views?"

"You speak."

"The center has taken Feitian and Golden Eagle for several years in a row, and has produced quality products for several years in a row. Last year," Longing "was empty. In fact, it has reached the top in China. Even if it is filmed again, it will not be possible to replicate the success of" Longing "in the short term.

So don't be conservative, our works are so good, don't always be prosperous in China, go boldly! "


Everyone was shocked.

Director Zhao smiled and continued: "I am communicating with all parties and intend to set up a company in the United States to release our TV series."


It's like throwing a bomb into the water, and a house of people has been bombarded. America is paradise this year! As a result, we have to start a company in the past and sell TV series?

"Not only that, we may also get the agency power of the CCTV program." Director Zhao added another fire.

Everyone is already overwhelmed, and some people are wondering: "Isn't the China TV International Corporation doing foreign distribution?"

"Yes, they are acting for the CCTV program, we will act for them again."

Oh, it turned out to be two packs.

Everyone could not help but respectfully, the new leader was so energetic, he went to the United States with a click.

Zheng Xiaolong is the most excited, and he must win the quota of this company before he can go to the United States to see his girlfriend.

During a discussion, Teacher Xu suddenly asked: "In what form do we distribute this TV series? Are you cooperating with the local station?"


Director Zhao paused and smiled: "It is currently being studied. The significance of this matter is that we dare to go out, and it is good to go out!"


Xu Fei basically understands that renting a shop sells video tapes at most, and I am more courageous to rent a bigger one.

He is sober, others are confused, immersed in all kinds of fantasy. Director Zhao was slightly mean, and said: "The second point is also my immature little idea.

Our strength is one of the best in the country. There are 50 episodes of "Aspire". I wonder if I can work harder and be more brave to create some. "



Everyone still excited, poured a pot of cold water to the end.

Xu Fei lowered his head, seemingly rubbing his forehead, actually laughing.

Everyone was embarrassed, and no one spoke. Zheng Xiaolong reluctantly said: "Uh, Director Zhao, the idea of ​​the 100-episode TV series is very good, but we are short of funds and I am afraid that it will be difficult.

"Funding? Is indeed a problem, then as a goal in the future, we strive to achieve."


A meeting will go high and low and end in a strange atmosphere.

Back at the office, Zhao Baogang closed the door and whispered: "Fuck him, do you know how to do it? The opening is one hundred episodes, why doesn't Ya say a thousand episodes?"

"He didn't dare to say a thousand episodes, but it was really random." Feng shook his head.

"Oh, don't count on this man in the booth. Do your own work."

"Why don't you do your own well, otherwise it will be even more playful."

The layman exposes the essence, often one sentence.

The longest TV series in China, the "Alien Daughter-in-Law Local Lang", was broadcast from 2000 to 2019 and was broadcast over 3,000 episodes.

There is also "72 House Tenants", which began broadcasting in 2008 and has more than 1,000 episodes.

These two are Cantonese sitcoms.

In addition, the famous "Unforgettable Ideas", 807 episodes. What else is the story of her family, 320 episodes.

These are all produced after the new century, the cost is low, the plot is long, and the water is messed up. But you said that it was not a sitcom to play a 100-episode drama in 1991. What about playing?

Very quickly, everyone summed up the characteristics of the new leader: film and television ****!

In the corner, Xu Fei's half cup of tea left before drinking, the memory looming.

This drama seems to have really been made, what is called "Kyoto Chronicle", directed by You Xiaogang, starring Wu Qianqian, Liu Wei, Li Yuanyuan.

Because it was too long, he was a little impressed, it was really a hundred episodes.


He put down the teacup, put on his coat, waved his hand, "Go away first!"

"Yo, Mr. Xu has turned into boss Xu again?"

"Boss Xu is so wide, he doesn't invite us to have a meal."

"That's right, come to Dongshun at night?"

"Please, absolutely, please inform you when ..."

Xu Fei went out with a smile, and the yellow car shoved away without looking at it.