Since 1983

Chapter 393: A First Look at the Movie World

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Since the reform and opening up, the first independent filmmaker is Chen Xiaoer.

In 1982, he took the script of "Father and Son" to Xi'an Film Studio. Factory director Wu Tianming didn't even see him at all, and a deputy director said, "We mainly focus on making art films, but we don't do these kinds of films."

Later, I found a circle of no one to invest, and simply pulled money to shoot.

Half of the filming is prohibited because private production is not allowed in the era of planned economic movies. Fortunately, he had an artist's father, and Chen Qiang directly shot the table with the leaders of the film bureau to complete it.

After the filming, there was nowhere else to distribute it, and it was also a document under the film bureau, which was received by Zhongying. As a result, "Father and Son" became the only film in China that had no factory logo and was released in public.

Since then, all of Chen Xiaoer's films have been produced by himself, and the factory label is attached. And this year, this product simply went to Qiong province to establish its own portal and established a comedy film and television company.

A work has been completed, "Grandpa Opens the Cabaret".

The next day, Nortel.

Xu Fei, Xia Gang, Feng Pants came to the door of an office, knocked on the door, and one was sitting inside.

"This is the director of the Youth Film Studio, Lining."


Xu Fei shook hands with each other, feeling familiar, and asked, "Director Li, have we met?"

"Oh, when you picked an actor for" Alley ", I was an acting teacher."

"Oh, sorry, sorry, no impression."

"It doesn't matter, nobles forget things."

Since fate, it is better to talk. Li Ning brewed tea and smiled: "Xia Dao, you know at a glance, is it for the movie?"

"Smile, it's too long, so let's ask."

"Uh, how to say ... I personally like" Da Sa Ba ", but I still don't want to take risks by organizing research. Now the movie studios are difficult, please understand.


Xia Gang and Feng pants looked at each other, Bai waited so long, and really didn't want to shoot.

Teacher Xu heard and said, "Since that is the case, I will say it straight away. I want to invest in this drama, and today I will mainly talk about the matter of being attached."


Li Ning was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that no one had taken the initiative to take the offer, and then summed it up in his heart.

In 1980, the country identified 15 studios, plus a deep city film company, these 16 have the right to shoot feature films.

The film factory is also a state-owned enterprise, and is not unfamiliar with anchoring, but few people are doing it at this stage. The youth factory has exactly the experience, such as "The Second Son Opening a Shop" in 1986, which is said to cost 50,000 yuan.

After Li Ning thought about it, the price of goods had all gone up, so he tried to say: "It's okay to call, and it is customary to charge a management fee ... 20,200,000, this is our research decision ..."


"Ah? Oh, hehe."

Factory director Li was depressed, Xia Gang was delighted, Feng pants grinned and rotten teeth, Huan (ma) Xi (le) Ruo (ge) crazy (bi).

I don't know what psychology, he didn't want Xu Fei to take over the "Dasa", but there was no way.

Two hundred thousand yuan was quickly finalized, and Li Ning couldn't help but be curious and asked, "Could you take the liberty, what is the estimated cost of this drama?"


Xia Gang glanced at Xu Fei and gritted his teeth: "About 1.2 million."

When the words fell, he immediately glanced again.

Teacher Xu is strange, why do you always look at me? ? ?

"1.2 million."

Li Ning smashed his mouth and said, "I will ask again, and now there is generally no return for making movies. Why do you want to take this plate?"

"Like, love, and can't bear to make an excellent work of art quietly obliterate."


Li and Xia suddenly respected, Feng pants he ... tui! But he couldn't figure it out. This product has to intervene for Mao.

Several people talked for a while, and it was almost agreed.

With funding from Xu Fang, Xia Gang led a team to shoot and hang the Youth Factory logo, but the Youth Factory did not participate in the subsequent share.

Before leaving, he remembered one more thing and asked: "When I first entered the film industry, I didn't understand many things. What is the current policy on distribution?"

"Not yet selling copies!"

"Tell me specifically."

Li Ning said with sarcasm: "Since the 1950s, the film has been purchased and sold, with 700,000 color feature films. After the reform and opening up, 900,000 were mentioned.

The studio is still getting more and more losing money, the letter reflects, and changed to sell copies. The earliest copy was 9000 blocks, and 10500 was mentioned the year before.

How is that counted?

Among them, only 35 mm copies are counted as money, 16 mm and 8 mm are facing the countryside, and are free. "

This millimeter refers to the film size. The larger the size, the higher the screen resolution. The standard screen is 35 mm.

"Popular art films in the first few years, but art films can't be sold at all. So everyone is making entertainment films, and they can earn some money anyway. Now entertainment films are also restricted, so they have to make the main theme.

What's more, the box office has nothing to do with us. We have counted that the studios take at most 15%, and the big players are all in the hands of Zhongying.

Alas, Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year anyway, a year is not as good as a year. "

"Then in the current situation, how many copies are considered hot?"

"Now, more than one hundred is good."


Xia Gang blushed suddenly.

More than one hundred, that is, more than one million in return, he mentioned 1.2 million in costs, even if there is no profit.

Xu Fei didn't take it seriously, got up and shook hands: "Thanks to Director Li for solving the puzzle, I won't disturb today."

"Good, I will send you."


"Little, Mr. Xu! I ..."

After coming from Nortel, Xia Gang always wanted to explain that Teacher Xu waved his hand, "Take pictures according to your ideas, don't save me money."

"Uh, thank you, thank you!"

Xia Gang has nothing to say, thank you non-stop, because he really likes this drama.

"Now that it's finalized, let's talk about the specifics. Who do you plan to invite?"

"I have long thought about the actor, Ge You is the most suitable, he has that kind of self-deprecating cold temperament."

"Yes, he's filming now. I'll pick you up after filming."

"A heroine, there is a newcomer named Xu Fan. I think it is very malleable and very suitable for this role."

Xia Dao was cautious in facing the gold master, and the layman was all right. The key was the expert.

"Well, she filmed my scene, okay."

Xu Fei nodded. In most cases, he respects the director's ideas unless he really feels bad.

"That's good, that's good! I've been preparing for a long time, we can shoot at any time."

"Don't worry, take your time."

Xia Gang thought he was polite, but he didn't know the truth. He stood for a while at the school gate and went home first.

The remaining two also dispersed.

Feng Pants recently bought a motorcycle and suddenly disappeared. Not a unit, not a set, but all the way to the Chinese opera.

A phone call was made at the door, and not long after, the heroine just discussed appeared.

"Brother Xiaogang, what's wrong?"

"Great event, hey ..."

Feng's pants resembled a rose flower and said, "The news that I just arrived, I have found the funds for" Dasa "and have entered the preparation stage.

And with my strong recommendation, I will most likely ask you to act as a heroine. "

"Really? Thank you so much!"

Xu Fan and Jiang Shan were in the same class and graduated this year. She was also curious and asked, "You don't say that funding is difficult, why did you suddenly find it?"

"Uh, Comrade Xu Fei is generous ..."

"Teacher Xu? Ah! That's great!"

Xu Fanxi frowned, clapping his hands and said: "I want to film his drama again when I dream."


Feng pants were constipated on the spot, daring not to refute, and muttered in a low voice: "What is my drama!

He knew each other when he made the alley, but it didn't look good at first. Later, he was vigorous and happy. However, Xu Fan will be with Wang Zhiwen, Ya is a crush.

It's the kind of big brother who always asks him for help ...

Swish, lick the dog.