Since 1983

Chapter 401: Tian Ge

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

The Art Center did not disappoint, and contributed another good drama.

"Snow Mountain Flying Fox" does not have the influence of "Longing", but it also harvested a large audience.

Many fart children wore white sheets, danced twigs with branches, and shouted to the heroes of Liaodong ... They were so obsessed with Cheng Lingsu inside that they unconsciously planted the aesthetic enlightenment of teenagers.

Commonly known as white moonlight.

Jin Yong's novels are no longer new in the mainland, and the plot is not controversial, and this is a typical "outer story than story" work.

What everyone likes is the rash and snowy mountains, the heroic and cool clothing style, the handsome men and women, the beauty of Cheng Lingsu's death, and the excellent ending and ending song.

Just like "The Condor Heroes", how many times has it been remade, why is the 95 edition most popular?

It wasn't because Yang Guo was Gu Tianle, and the little dragon girl was Li Ruotong ... Later, Liu Tianxian also had many fans, but unfortunately Master Huang was behind.

"When I saw the majestic snowy mountains in the film, I suddenly realized that the original shooting of" The Legend of Condor Heroes "was so crude."

"Meng Fei played the style of a generation of heroes to the fullest. Gong Cien's appearance does not conform to the original, but that smart and witty, provocative love, but dumped many audiences."

"It was a surprise for the first time that the two sides of the strait co-produced. There are a lot of mainland actors in the film, which is remarkable."

"" Xue Zhong Qing "is bold and courageous," Dream Catcher "is gracefully refined, and the two songs greatly enhance the whole drama."

"The actor and actress are too beautiful, making people ignore the core of the story, entangled in Cheng Lingsu's love and love, but like a love drama in a martial arts coat."


In the morning, the Beijing-Taiwan compound.

Xu Fei walked into the building with a kind of guest mentality and found the studio of "The Screen Connected to You". The area is extremely small and there is only one camera.

The Turtle BTV table has been withdrawn. Three sets of sofas are set up on the venue. A set of hosts sits across the glass coffee table. There is a small one over there, followed by a large set.

"Sister Tian Ge!"

"Yeah, it's so early, not ready yet."

"It's okay, I will sit down for myself."

He waited a long while before Tian Ge came apologetically, "I thought about it again this morning. I think the previous draft is still not working. Can we be right?"

"Ok, Ok."

Xu Fei took over the program outline and read it for a while, saying: "It's a bit scattered. I think it should focus on two parts. One is the feeling of filming, especially when working with Taiwan. What is the difference between the people on the two sides of the strait and what interesting things happen The audience loves watching.

There are also personal issues, which are more relaxed and tacky. "

"Then we will not be a roadside tabloid?" Tian Ge objected.

"Bring a little bit, grasp the scale, we both act at the opportunity."

That day, Teacher Xu stayed in Li Mu's office for a long time. The first suggestion was news and entertainment, each launching an ace show and an ace host.

Tian Ge was selected for the entertainment category, and the models refer to "Luyu is Sick" and "Art Life".

The news category is more cautious. It first introduced the "reading newspapers" that are common in later generations.

The volume of Beijing and Taiwan is not as good as that of CCTV, but the influence of local TV stations in making local news is absolutely not bad. For example, "Nanjing Zero Distance" and "1818 Golden Eye".

It's amazing!

The two studied repeatedly, and Xu Fei asked Tian Ge to prepare a pot of tea and four cups.

After the agreed time, Kou Zhanwen, Wu Yujuan, Chen Hong and Zhao Mingming arrived one after another, and were today's guests.


In the dressing room.

Several people watched the outline while putting on makeup. The first time they went to this kind of program, they felt a little nervous.

Xu Fei also attached great importance to it and kept talking to them about the main points. At the end, he asked: "Hey Mingming, will you graduate next year?"

"Well, there are no more classes now."

"Then do you have a plan?"

"Yes! I will get married immediately after graduation, and then come to Beijing with him. Anyway, I will find a job."


Wu Yujuan and Chen Hong were surprised, "How old are you to get married?"

"21 is not small anymore. The children were there ten years ago." Kou Zhanwen interjected.

"Go to you, I got married and didn't say I want a child!"

Zhao Mingming put on good makeup, and leaned back on the chair, grabbing the back of the chair and said: "Mr. Xu, if I come to Beijing to starve to death, don't see me helpless."

"Okay, you will keep me for three months next year. I'm saving up the drama."


She casually said that the result was really good, and said: "Don't say your month, I will do it all year."

"Hey, what about me? What about me?" Kou Zhan heard anxiously.

"You and Dajuan can make a cameo. Chen Hong, are you free next year?"

"Me, I don't know yet ... but you are looking for me, I will definitely act."

"That's all right!"

In just a short time, four actors were finalized. Kou Zhanwen and Wu Yujuan made fun of each other, knowing that the role was inappropriate after listening to the guest appearance.

Zhao Mingming played Ma Chunhua in "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", the original pure and delicate beauty, along with Cheng Lingsu, Yuan Ziyi and Miao Ruolan, hit the hearts of countless people.

This is also the deepest impression of the audience on the show, the girls are so beautiful!

And she has a simple mind and no special feelings. Chen Hong is different. He filmed ten scenes, big and small, and today he realized the taste of being a star.

Therefore, Teacher Xu will take the initiative to invite him, and he will always agree to it.

"are you ready?"

At this moment, Tian Ge pushed the door in. "We will start when we are ready."

With that said, everyone turned to the studio, the lights were much brighter, but still dark. There are also lavalier microphones, which are all microphones.

Xu Fei has a single sofa, Kou Zhanwen suffocated, flexed his legs, the big beauty slipped over there.

The photographer signaled that the camera was aimed at Tian Ge, and Tian Ge straightened his waist. He said: "The most recent" Snow Mountain Flying Fox "was popular on our station and won praise from many audiences.

This is the first martial arts drama co-produced on both sides of the strait, covering three places ... Stop! "

She was the director of the all-rounder, wondering: "Is it too formal? Let's do it again."



After trying it three times, she couldn't grasp a certain point and waved her hand, "Not to mention the opening, let's talk first."

"Actually, everyone who has watched the drama should know it, er, a few self-introductions."

"Hello everyone, my name is Wu Yujuan, playing Yuan Ziyi in" Snow Mountain Flying Fox "."

"My name is Chen Hong, playing Miao Ruolan."

The four of them spoke in a circle, and Tian Ge was going to introduce Xu Fei in the end, so as to pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, he didn't follow the script and suddenly inserted: "Hey, why don't you let me say it?"


Her heart jumped, and the response was quite good. "Are you still using an introduction? Our audience in Beijing and Taiwan is too familiar."

"That's not necessarily, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach ..."


On-site staff have fun, where are there so many jokes?

Teacher Xu was unimpressed, and seemed to be answering questions, actually grasping the whole rhythm. “I still introduce myself. Hello everyone, my name is Xu Fei, producer and screenwriter of Snow Mountain Flying Fox.”

This little round, played on the spot, Tian Ge suddenly understood what is called a "talk show".

Really chat!