Since 1983

Chapter 403: Cultural confidence

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

"We set up an art center on Taiwan, and the first fire drama should be" Four Generations Together ", then" Triumph in the Midnight ", then" Underwear Police ". From" Underwear Police "you started participating ..."

"Yes, I was an artist at the time."

"In fact, the deputy director."

Wu Yujuan interrupted.

"Follow Hutong 1, your deputy director and screenwriter, Hutong 2 producer and screenwriter," Aspire "is the screenwriter. Now that I am in" Snow Mountain Flying Fox ", I have always been curious, why do you suddenly want to make a martial arts drama? Looking for a martial arts drama from Taiwan? "

"Uh, personal hobby. I like martial arts very much, and I think the center should develop a style, so I have a preliminary idea.

There are martial arts films in the mainland, like "Shaolin Temple" and "Heroes of the Yellow River", but that style is too classical, and the demand for the audience is constantly increasing. Under our existing conditions, we can't make a mature martial arts drama, so we want to cooperate.

The Hong Kong that I looked for at first didn't make a deal. Later, CCTV happened to want to shoot, and then slowly communicated. "

"Then did you learn something?"

"Of course. They have a deeper understanding of entertainment than we do and know how to take pictures that the audience loves to watch. Specifically like martial arts guidance, the old pirate takes twelve brothers and learns from Taiwan's martial arts fingers."

"Yes, Hong Kong is a stronghold. Taiwan all passed from Hong Kong, but the level is also very high."

"What do you think is the biggest gap?"

Kou Zhanwen thought about it seriously and said, "Imagine it."

"Imagination ..."

Tian Ge nodded and asked Xu Fei: "You just said to study, I want to know the price?"

"What do you think?"

"I think so. For example, the actor, why don't you use mainland actors?"


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was quiet.

Wu Yujuan, Chen Hong, and Zhao Mingming blinked and dared not continue. The director also frowned, whispering, "Can you elaborate?"

"Listen first." Colleagues replied.

"I'll explain this." Snow Mountain Flying Fox "is generally biased towards the Hong Kong and Taiwan typhoon. What are the characteristics of the Hong Kong and Taiwan typhoon? Have you seen" The Legend of the Condor Heroes "and" The Queen of the Generation "?

It's very foreign, and the actors are beautiful. "

"Do you think mainland actors are not foreign?" Tian Gedao said.

"Eh, don't mislead the masses!"

Xu Fei smiled and said, "I mean the young actors in the Mainland. The 20- to 30-year-old set is too small for us to choose."

"You are specific."


He clanged out a powerful word, "Our talent cultivation comes from art schools, theater companies, and film factories. You see Nortel.

Recruited a group in 1978, who? Teacher Zhou Lijing, right? He was 24 years old when he entered school. There is also Teacher Zhang Fengyi, who is 22 years old.

Due to that special environment, the actors are generally older. The conditions were not good in the 1980s. Some did not perform, some were inadequate, and some came but the style was single.

Until now, it is easy for the industry to develop, and it is almost forty in a flash.

And now the actor under the age of forty has a hard face and can count them. Which one fits the style of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox"?

Now 91 years, 87 years have just graduated. They are young, but they have to hone.

Therefore, there is a dilemma, which is a bit green, and the overall base will not be expanded until the maturity of the entry in the middle and late 80 years. "

Teacher Xu paused and smiled: "There is another reason why it is not broadcast to you.

In the process of things developing, you must pay a price. The price of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" is that they lead the shooting and they appoint the actor.

In fact, it ’s not shameful. What really shame is that when we develop, we ca n’t play the leading role ourselves!

Nowadays, the general environment is very complicated. Hong Kong is the most advanced, followed by Japan and Taiwan. This year, the Singaporean drama "Man on the Road" was introduced. Modutai also has "Growth Troubles", which is an American sitcom.

Mainland creators will face unprecedented impact, in addition to the foreign drama itself, but also the change of the audience.

Some viewers now have this mentality. Both Hong Kong and Taiwan are good, and Hong Kong and Taiwan stars are the most powerful ... This kind of person is particularly inferior.

Maybe many people have n’t seen it before, so I recommend Zhang Xinjian ’s Confucius. Hong Kong and Taiwan will not be able to shoot the majestic, heavy and desolate image composition for another 20 years!

They have done well in entertainment, admit it. But we also have our own strengths, but unfortunately they are ignored by many people.

Why do I engage in "Snow Mountain Flying Fox"? First of all, with the attitude of learning, learn how to shoot yourself, shoot a real martial arts drama led by us. "

Xu Fei paused, throwing the last sentence: "I think the more open the times, the more important cultural confidence is."


Tian Ge froze for a few seconds, so that there was a short cold field, and immediately applauded in his heart.

The staff secretly marveled. What a dare to say!

The shining bulingbuling of the three girls, they looked at Mr. Xu hiding the knife in their smiles and seized the right to shoot.

"Okay, come here today, everyone."

At the end of the recording, Tian Ge got up and thanked, and then shook hands with Xu Fei, "I, I really don't know how to say anything.

"Don't dare to be fooled, you are great."

A group of people went away, Tian Ge whispered again: "Last part to do some editing, please understand."

"It's okay, I'm stupid and bold."

It was almost evening out of the building, and the cold wind blew through.

Xu Fei took a deep breath while standing on the steps, and his brain was exceptionally spirited.

Damn it!

"Hurry up in 1992 and go to the midnight show with them."


A few days later, two-thirds of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" was broadcast, and the revised version of "The Screen Connected with You" was broadcast.

Audiences in Beijing witnessed the birth of a new type of program, which was hotly debated.

"That's why I and you are connected. For the first time, I felt so close to the star. It's very interesting in life."

"It is recommended to increase the number of audiences, as in" The Variety Show ", I'm going to watch it on site."

"Hope to stick with it, I like it very much."

"Seriousness, seriousness."

Don't care what to say, the first impression is good, and the audience can accept it to make the show last long.

And at the same time, somewhere.

After reading the submitted internal reference, the big leader wiped his glasses and asked, "What do you think?"

"It makes sense, but it's also exaggerated," said the secretary.

"I exaggerate? I think it's quite visionary. Under these circumstances, it is far better than most people to say the four words of cultural confidence.

This kid always surprises people, don't be too restrictive, in the future ... "

Suddenly the big leader shut up and said another thing: "Yes, you make arrangements. I will go to the Art Center again after New Year's Day."


After the secretary left, he took another internal reference. After watching the meeting, he became restless and sat alone in the house.

Of course, he is clearly aware of this position. This year, the country is stimulating investment and stimulating consumption, and the private sector is booming. But at high places it has experienced rough waves, and now it is even more critical to life and death.

The stubborn forces are frantically clamoring, and the two major media outlets are stubbornly open, and the clouds are overwhelming.

So that the old man also had to come forward, as early as June to the south to inform the reception, do the reception work, but now has not left, waiting for an opportunity.

"The word situation ..."

The big leader rubbed his forehead and suddenly looked forward to coming soon next year.