Since 1983

Chapter 407: Pickpocket

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

After shooting this scene, Xia Gang admired Teacher Xu instead.

For decades, domestically produced films have been responsible for the output of ideology. In general, what ideas and meanings are expressed in this film, and they often ignore the film itself.

In the film era, everyone except Jiang Wen and Sunglasses can save money.

So Ken spends 40 NG and loses money, time, energy and patience, just for the guy who grinds a scene for the actor, it must be awesome.

On the first day, Gu Yan filmed his wife farewell. The next day, the husband who filmed Lin Zhouyun rushed to catch the plane and entrusted her to a stranger, Gu Yan.

The airport also had a highlight, Gu Yan sent Lin Zhouyun at the end, the two hugged each other, did not indicate whether to go or not to go ...

"Come again!"

"Ready, get started!"

Xu Fan wore a light green blouse, exposed the collar of a white shirt, pulled her hair up at the back, and combed bangs in front, elegant and beautiful.

She turned around at the entrance for a long time and turned back.

"What's wrong?" Ge You passed.

"The passport cannot be found."

"Look! Look for it!"

Ge You helped to make troubles, and remained silent, and finally touched his pocket, in his clothes.

There were originally two lines: "You put it?" "You could have left me."

Teacher Xu felt verbose and deleted it, and the two became silent. Lin Zhouyun rushed into his arms, just contrasting with the opening scene and following the film.

"Dasa" spans three years, but the stories all happen in winter. He has a lot of simple lines, what he wants is the helplessness, loneliness and longing for warmth in the cold city.

This adds to the difficulty of the performance and is sufficiently detailed.


Xia Gang shouted and shook his head: "It still doesn't work, let's take a break first."

Everyone has been tossing about for a long time, and wearyly find their own places.

Xu Fan was so ashamed that he didn't dare to say anything, and sat alone in the corner with his face covered. Ge You opened her mouth, and it was not easy to persuade her, so she reached Xu Fei.

"Teacher Xu, is there a way?"

"No, take a break."


Ge You was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You gave me guidance the day before yesterday, she couldn't help it?"

"Not the same. You know in your heart, but you can't grasp the feeling, and you can come out after a few more attempts. She is completely messed up, and she doesn't know what to do at all.

Let's shoot something else first, the scene moved to the back. "

"Yes, Xiao Xu is obviously stateless and has too little experience."

Xia Gang still has a certain level, saying: "So, I try to shoot in order, and the emotions gradually advance, hoping to help her."

After a short break, the crew set off and returned to the city.

Xu Fei was sitting on the **** yellow hair, beckoning: "You two, get in the car!"

The convoy drove slowly away from the airport, and he drove slowly, hanging at the end. Xu Fan was uneasy and summoned the courage to say: "Teacher Xu is sorry, please scold me."

"Why am I scolding you? Based on your experience and standards, it's not bad."

"You don't need to comfort me."

"It's not comfort, it's telling you the truth. Don't think that you can become a horn when you go to school for four years. Acting is a great thing, and geniuses have to rely on opportunities, let alone you are not geniuses.

"Aren't you still scolding me?"

Xu Fan's mouth was deflated and his voice was crying. Ge You couldn't help it, and quickly lit a cigarette.

Xu Fei was also happy and said, "What are you doing now? Tensed, unconfident, less experienced, prepared and forgotten. It doesn't matter, I will give you a scratch."


It was dark, and Dafa was gradually thrown away by the team. He was not in a hurry. He said: "The script did not explain the specific situation of Lin Zhouyun. Have you set it yourself?"

"Yes, there is."




"Her husband is an intellectual who went abroad to study for a degree. I guess Lin Zhouyun also has a certain degree and may be engaged in cultural and educational work."

"Well, what about family background?"

"Foreigners, stay in Beijing after graduation. She married three months before her husband went abroad. I guess the two of them are classmates. They are in love at school and have just worked, so there are no relatives or friends.


"It's more coquettish, not good at housework, but still quite strong and independent."


Xu Fei and Ge You looked at each other and said unexpectedly: "The basic skills are very solid, why can't they act?"

"Maybe I'm stupid. I'm always criticized in school. The desk work is so good that I finish it as soon as I play."

"Who did your class perform well?"

"Hu Jun, He Bing, Chen Xiaoyi, Jiang Shan, especially Jiang Shan ..."

Xu Fan came to Tan Xing and said, "When we were arranging the sketches, she never queued and went out to play every day. Then the day before the exam, I carpooled with people everywhere.

Than how to arrange a sketch, there is a role in it, Jiang Shan will come over. You can do whatever you want without rehearsing, and you will act the next day. Hey, the teacher is sure to praise her, and she is good at speaking and spiritual. "

She sighed, "Maybe this is what you mean by genius."


Xu Fei understood, and said: "The profession of actor, talent is indeed very popular. Like this one next to me, I haven't been to school, I am thinking about it myself.

"Oh, don't say goodbye, you can't wipe out my efforts just because I have talent." Ge You was modest.

"Talent can be seen as a feeling, the feeling of drama and characters. He just knows how to act, this is no way, God for dinner.

But acting is, after all, a high-tech job that can slowly accumulate. Do n’t think about it now, let me tell you what ...

Xu Fan quickly turned over the small book and prepared to record.

"Your lines are good and emotional, but your voice is sharp, and it feels like a woman when you speak quickly. You slow down first, soothe your rhythm."

"Uh huh!"

"The eyes are still empty, try to cooperate with some body movements. Can you regard Lin Zhouyun as a cat, have you ever raised a cat?"

"I was there at home as a kid."

"Then practice, the cat curled up on the sofa, curled up on the bed, that alert and lazy gesture."

"Try it when I go back."

"The last one, look for the commonality with Lin Zhouyun. You are also in your twenties and you are alone in the capital. The kind of girl is coquettish, timid, cute, and mean. If you find any kindness, try to get in."

In fact, Xia Gang also talks about drama, most of which is logical.

For example, Lin Zhouyun killed the chicken. Gu Yan used to help and screamed in the hallway.

Ge You couldn't figure out what to say, Xia Gang assumed one, "You think there is danger in the house, something happened."

He has a spectrum-this is called generating ideas, which translates into actions.

But there are some things that cannot be solved by logic alone, Xu Fei teaches methods directly.

"Have you remembered the scene for the first time?"


"Go again."

Ge You opened his mouth and looked at Yan Yan completely, "kill the chicken as such? I thought it was wrong."

Xu Fan paused, "What do you think is wrong?"

"Stop! Why are you in a provocative tone? You should be a little curious and smile while watching him pack up the chickens."


With such a specific explanation, Xu Fan would never study in vain again, and the voice was slightly brisk, "What do you think?"

"Such a big movement, either killing or committing suicide."

"Oh, why am I committing suicide?"

"It's sad to have just sent away my husband and lost the child again? The weak point of life is boring, let alone your husband's absence."

"How do you know my husband didn't write a letter?"


"Tai Ping, the stress is placed on" you ", the tone rises slightly."

"How do you know my husband didn't write a letter?"

"Okay, isn't this good?"

Xu Fei praised, Ge You also clapped his hands.

"You all accompany me to play the script, I can't read it anymore, and I'm so sorry for you."

Xu Fan blushed and promised, "Teacher Xu, don't worry, I will play well even if I die!"

"Oh, when I look for you, I think you're okay. If I can't, I'll change myself. I don't have to die or live."


Xu Fan said with a lip, that he could understand it, the ruthless capitalist, and the kind and friendly Xu Pianba.