Since 1983

Chapter 435: Do you remember

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

When it was dawning, the police came.

Three drivers, plus two responders, all five are from the same country. Was ravaged by a group of young men for half a night, crying and crying to beg the police uncle to lead him away.

Xu Fei got the head of the police station with a piece of Chinese fruit and a few catties of fruit, followed by a two-day break, and recruited drivers again.

A big and small storm, the team cohesion came out, no less than the four irons of life. Think about this group of people becoming popular in the future, the last "Luyu is sick" or something:

"Think back then, we and teacher Barbara ... Jiang Wu took the eggplant!"

One thing can be said for thirty years.


South of Suzhou, there is a Canglang Pavilion.

It was built in the Northern Song Dynasty. In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, it was a private residence of the famous general Han Shizhong. Together with the Lion Forest, the Humble Administrator's Garden and the Lingering Garden, it is listed as the four major gardens of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing.

The crew stayed in Hangzhou until August, and the weather was not cool.

Seeing that everyone's mental exhaustion was running out, Zhang Zien proposed to reshoot the outside scene, and then went back to take the interior scene when it was cool.

If the warehouse is rented for one more day, the extra day will be counted, and other crews must consider the expenditure. Teacher Xu, who is accurate-in fact, he is also uncomfortable.

Now I've photographed "Selling Youlang Exclusively the Flower Leader", a famous novel of ancient novels.

Xinyao Qinben is a rich lady in Bianliang City. She is full of poems, poems, songs, calligraphy and painting. When Jingkang was in trouble, Yaoqin was separated from his family during the escape and was abducted to Lin'an.

First met an old bustard, Xu Fei invited Sun Mengquan to play, Li Wan in "The Dream of the Red Chamber".

Yaoqin vowed to die, but the old bustard was helpless and sold it to another old bustard, played by Deng Jie, named Siniang. Siniang's methods are clever and all kinds of mental brainwashing.

Yaoqin admits his fate, and soon becomes Huakui's lady, whose name is Lin'an, and she needs twelve silver in one night.

Zhu Zhong was an oil seller. When he fell in love with Huakui at first sight, he began to save a dozen pieces of silver one by one like a pilgrimage. It was easy to see Huakui, but they got drunk and did n’t do anything. They also waited for a night.

Hou Huakui's father and mother lived in Lin'an and happened to work in Zhu Zhongdian.

While Hua Kui was humiliated by the dignitaries, he jumped the river to seek death, and was rescued by Zhu Zhong. The two knew each other's intentions. Yaoqin handed over their savings for many years to each other, and the other party did not fail, and redeemed her.

Inverted flowers are common, and it's not uncommon to have a good ending. In the end, the loved ones reunite, and they are all happy.

At night, at the arcade of Canglang Pavilion.

The lights were bright and the crew was busy, preparing to shoot a night show.

Later generations of costume dramas, at night the bit is still bright during the day. In fact, the brightness of the candlelight is enough for the camera to display, and there will be a hazy, true texture-of course a lot more.

In "Gan Nineteen Sisters," Gan Mei and Yin Jianping fell to the cliff, roasting a fire in a cave, and Gan Mei undressed.

This scene is completely light of fire, and the face is indistinct, but you see that mood, that tenderness is so tender, and you want to say a rest ... It's just hanging!

"Take trouble, let it go."

The little boy braided two thin braids and hugged the script. The small and delicate drills ran to Chen Hong, "Sister!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"I don't understand a play, this."

"Did you say it yesterday?"

"Yes, but I'm confused again."

Chen Hong was worried, this girl was restless and lively, why 100,000.

The two of them acted as masters and servants. As a senior, they could barely talk about it. If they could persuade each other, it would be fine; if they couldn't persuade, they would be like this now.

"I will put on makeup in a moment. Teacher Xu is over there. Ask him."

"I can not."

"Don't you dare? Who can tell you this stall, go."


The little boy was shoved tremblingly over, at the end of the arcade, a man was wandering at the moon.

"Xu, Teacher Xu!"

"Well, why?" Xu Fei turned his head.

"I don't understand a play, can you tell me something?"

"It's about to be filmed, you don't understand? What do you usually do? Script!"


The young man blinked, so harsh!

The scene she asked was that after Yaoqin became Huakui, she had a relationship with the servant of the moon, feeling about herself, and having a conversation.

There are sixteen children in the art school, but she is the only one who stands out and mixes into a supporting role. No one else disagreed, after all, he played the work of a big director.

Xu Fei leaned on the red lacquer pillar and took the script. "Why don't you understand?"

"Hua Kui is crying, Xi'er is crying too, I don't understand why cry?"

The young man stood beside him seriously and said seriously: "Does she sympathize with Huakui or feels empathy? But I don't think she feels empathy."

"You figured it out yourself?"

"Well, I can't understand, I won't, I won't play."

Her voice was slightly deeper, but it was still in the category of a girl, far from the male duck's voice. Xu Fei talked to her for the first time, "sit."

Then sat across from him, a long chair.

"Actually, it's easy to understand. You understand the ancient Qinglou, no one is willing to enter, they are all abducted, sold, or even sold themselves.

Yangzhou skinny horses were popular in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The girl-in-law bought girls from the poor people. Since childhood, she has been mobilizing her every move and smiling. She has strict standards to cater to the tastes of powerful people.

When they are brought up, they are picked like goods.

Those who entered the elite family were lucky. Those skinny horses that are not selected are usually sold into Fengyue venues. They are smeared with powder and powder every day, dressed up and enchanted.

The ancients have a record saying, ‘Evening night, you have to go, quietly like a ghost. Seeing the old bustard, hungry, suffering, all unknowable. ’”


The little son didn't understand ancient Chinese, but she understood the meaning, her eyes became more focused without blinking.

"Yaoqin was born into a wealthy household and strayed into the blue house halfway through. She had a happy life, and once broken, it was even worse.

Then you think about it again, the ladies in the blue house are all of this fate, what is the maid? They may have been destined from birth, and they were even born in a blue house when they were young.

So why can't Xier feel empathy?

Look at her three questions, she asked Huakui and herself. "

The youngest son is only 18 years old, and many things are not thorough. This time, when it comes to the heart, it is completely convinced: "I understand."

"and also……"

Xu Fei looked at the script and said: "Xi'er sees Yaoqin crying, and she can't help crying. How can you act like this crying?"

"Just cry!"

"No, Xi'er has been in the Qinglou longer than her. She has also served the master before and seen such scenes. She has to be a little calm, but she can't help crying."

Subconsciously, Teacher Xu asked the little girl according to the strictest standards.

"With your experience, you can't do it basically. I will teach you a technical approach. Don't blink now, yes ... how long can it last for so long ..."

"Come on, start!"

The young man is very obedient, and he really keeps his eyes wide open.

After opening for a while, I felt that my sight was a little virtual, and there was a voice in my ear again: "Don't let it go, don't look at it, focus."

She quickly shook her head and raised her eyes again. The night of Jiangnan in the false light and the autumn pond in the corridor seemed to converge into one eye and concentrate on the man.

Not knowing how long it passed, he asked, "Is it sour?"


"Persevere for a while."


The young man tried hard, his eyes turned red obviously, and his eyelashes flickered unconsciously.

After a while, finally broke through the bearing limit, a tear rolled down from the pearl, dripped onto the face, scratched the young and delicate skin, and fell on the jaw.

