Since 1983

Chapter 453: Vacation 2

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

More than two o'clock in the morning, New York City is still lively.

As you can see from the floor-to-ceiling windows, the high-rise buildings outside were brilliantly lit like a giant beast with agitation, full of energy day and night.

Teacher Xu lay on the single bed to watch TV, a science and education film.

The sound of water in the bath flowed, and it would be quiet afterwards. After the door opened, the two of them ran into the back room in pajamas without looking, and slammed.


He swallowed his stomach and got up, and it was his turn to take a bath.

Except that Zhang Li was ill, he came to take care of that time, and everyone had never tried under the same roof. She never stayed in the Asian Games Village, the girl's face was small.



The sound of water was flowing through the door panel, flowing between the hearts of the two. The back room is super spacious and the bed is soft and elastic. Xiaoxu sat cross-legged and tried to stand up, but he couldn't bear it.

"How come I seem to have a fever? Weird."

"It's not suitable, it's all jet lag."

"Then why are you okay?"

"I'm strong and strong."

Zhang Li combed her hair in the mirror and smiled: "I heard that those who have just come to the United States have to endure not sleeping during the day and adjust slowly. We came at night and just went to bed."


Xiao Xu sat for a while, without knowing what to think, and fell down suddenly, "Then I sleep, you close the door."

Speaking of rolling up the quilt, there was no movement soon. Zhang Li was surprised. Looking at it in the past, I saw that the small face was full of tiredness and really tired.

She shook her head, turned over the thermos and came to the outside. After taking a shower, Xu Fei was still watching TV and said, "Drink water?"


"Drink cold and get hot."

"Drink directly?"

"Yes, they drink water directly."

Zhang Li took a half cup of curiosity and took a sip. "It seems to have no taste."

"What's the smell of tap water?"

Xu Fei pulled her over and hugged her in the bed. She smiled and said, "We all drink well water when we were young, and we also drank directly when we lived in a building. As a result, the better our lives, the more hypocritical. Now, it's almost impossible to see who drinks tap water.

"It's called Cang Lin knowing the etiquette, clothing and food and knowing honor and shame."

Zhang Li pillowed his chest, his soft body pressed against it, and lay for a while, suddenly said: "Hey, I have been curious, where do you learn English? You speak so well."

"Self-study. It depends mainly on the sense of language and context. We don't need exams, we can listen and speak, and practice in practice. You have to bear the name of a Hong Kong businessman, and you have to work harder."

"I think so too. I read before I came, but it turned out that I was in the lobby just a few Americans chatting and I couldn't understand it."

"Books are nonsense, I will teach you a few practical words. Howmuch?"

"how much is it."


After thinking for a while, Xu Fei said, "IamaChinesetourist. Ineedtocontact thepolice."

"I am China, uh ..."


"I am a Chinese tourist, I need, need to contact the police?"

"Yes. And, asfairasjade."

This Zhang Li didn't understand at all, wondering: "What do you mean?"

"This is amazing!"

Teacher Xu turned sideways, slipping his hands into the bed, "This is called, soft jade and warm incense."

"Hey, it's not serious."

Zhang Li spoiled him, stretched his hand to scrape the man's nose, followed by being overwhelmed, his hair spread out, and his two arms hooked his neck.

After a while, she sighed gaspingly, "Aren't you sleepy?"

"I wanted to sleep, who made you seduce me?"

"How can I ... well ... how can I ..."

"Let me rest, OK, I'm tired too."

"Are you running on fire?"

Xu Fei seemed to have been aggrieved by Tianda, and felt painful. "Be patient to leave me alone?"

"You still say!"

Zhang Li looked up at him, his eyes shining, his voice softer than his lips, "What do you think, do we think we don't know?"

"What do I think?"

Xu Fei lowered her head and gently rubbed the tip of her nose.


Zhang Li became more and more red, and struggled before surrendering completely, "I have to sleep, otherwise I can't get up."

She picked up the cup and ran into the house. The door closed, and it seemed that after two seconds, it snapped.


Xiao Xu slept dimly, woke up at noon and began to feel nauseous, headache, and then rested.

After a whole day, by the second day, the symptoms of jet lag were slightly better.

We always talk about Times Square. In fact, the real name is New York Times Square. Times is mistranslated. Teacher Xu led the two out of the house, and when they walked for ten minutes, they found that they made a mistake.

Times Square was initially high-end, and began to fall during the Great Depression. It is full of **** performance venues, movie theaters where all-night pop movies are shown, shops selling cheap tourist souvenirs, etc.

It was only in the mid-1990s that it was cleaned up and rectified, and these places were closed or moved to Brooklyn and Queens, and replaced by more advanced commercial activities.

"It's a shame, a shame!"

Teacher Xu shook his head while watching, he didn't know it was like that! The two sisters are even more strange, except that there are more buildings and a little more streets, and it feels bad after visiting a few stores.

"Hey, go look at that house."

Teacher Xu strolled around, about Mo came to the 42nd Street, his eyes suddenly lit up, and went straight into a quirky shop.

Two large glass doors, printed with pink hearts and a silhouette of a hot girl, as well as "HOT" and "HOT" stickers, there are a lot of irregularities.

"OH! Let me see who is coming? You guys are very well-faced, but you are a rare customer during the daytime. I will give you a 10% discount for this."

The black boss opened his rap talent as soon as he faced it, "I heard that you Asian men **, I recommend you to use this oil, to keep you enchanted and desperate ... OH!"

He saw the two women coming in again, and before he could continue to rap, Teacher Xu turned his head, "Go away, nothing to watch."

"What store is this?"

"What does he say, like a machine gun?"

"I see the colorful flowers in the cupboard."

"Do you sell magazines?"

The two curious babies, Mr. Xu did not answer deeply, there is no such shop in China, let alone the cabinet is not very useful.

Short Baba!


In short, after understanding the actual situation, Xu Fei took them out as little as possible at night.

The three people strolled around Fifth Avenue, saw the goddess of "There is also a class in the event of a power outage", saw Central Park, and looked up under the Empire State Building-it is said that there is an orangutan on it **.

Finally, I went to Broadway to watch an opera, which started for thirty minutes, one sleeping better than the other.

Xiaoxu's condition improved, entrenched in the hotel these days, boldly speak English, and also learned a certain American habit, always looking for Zhang Li to have a drink.

In reality, she also thought about going abroad. She once went to Germany and transferred to the United States. After only three months, I came back and found it unsuitable.

Zhang Li went to Canada after graduating from Shencheng University, working part-time and earning scholarships, and was very self-reliant. After staying for a few years, he realised real estate.

This is the difference between the two, from inside to outside like the person in the book.