Since 1983

Chapter 607: Scammers and Chinese Yahoo are not allow

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Teacher Xu went all the way back to the company, talking about the crime of hooliganism, and decided to take a few months off and sleep separately.

Go to the seventh floor first, throw the phone to Xiao Xu, and ask: "Have you seen it? What's the point?"

"Long ugly, I don't want to see it. How do I play this?"

"How can I play on the phone? I look up."

"Go ahead."

Xiao Xu tinkered with the new toy without raising his head.

Xu Fei went up to the ninth floor again, came to the venture capital of the times, and met a young man in a suit in his thirties.

"Mr. Xu, hello! My surname is Li, a native of Beijing. I just returned from studying in the United States. I'm still hardworking and got a degree. I specialize in the Internet. I heard that Mr. Xu is very interested in this aspect?"

Say a list of certificates to show his true body.

"Yes, the Internet is an emerging industry. I am very optimistic and willing to help aspiring and talented people to fulfill their dreams."

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Xu. I would like to tell you that I returned to China just to establish a real Internet company. It can be said that there is a blank in China at present, and the most famous and sought after is Ying Haiwei, which is pitiful. "

"What happened to Ying Haiwei?"

"That's a second trader, it's not the Internet at all."

"What do you want to do?"

"Mr. Xu, have you heard of Yahoo?"

"know a little."

"Yahoo just went public in the US in April, and the total stock price on the first day reached 500 million US dollars! You know, it was only more than two years old!

What I want to do is China Yahoo! Drawing on their operating model, information makes money through advertising for free, and I guarantee that you will receive a return in a few months. "


Xu Fei dug his ears, "Are you sure Yahoo can make money in China?"

"Great examples are right in front of you, definitely."

After a few more chats, I confirmed that this product was not a pitman, but a genuine thought, and then said: "It seems that we can't talk, please come back."

"Mr. Xu! Mr. Xu!"

The person was dragged away by the security guard and shouted: "You are short-sighted, you have no eyes, you will regret it!"


Teacher Xu drank hot tea, wolfberry and chrysanthemum American ginseng, beautiful and nourishing.

There are a lot of appointments here today, and I saw them all together. A short time later, a second guest came and asked, "Have you heard of Yahoo?"

"see a visitor out!"

Followed by the third: "Mr. Xu, we will do Yahoo China, and you will earn 100 million a year!"

"Go slow."

Fourth place: "Yahoo can be transplanted to China, that is the most advanced business model."

"No more, let's go."

"Shy! Sly!"

Xu Fei made several cups of this tea and slowly exhaled.

In 1994, David Ferro and Yang Zhiyuan of Stanford University established their own online guide information database as a way to record personal interest in the Internet.

Soon after, the two founded Yahoo and provided services to users through the N multi-category catalog. In layman's terms, it is similar to a navigation + search website.

It started without its own search engine and relied on third-party technologies such as AltaVista, Inktomi, and Google as back-end services. It did not develop its own search engine until 2004.

Its model is to provide information for free and make money by advertising. In fact, it is very bleak, with a turnover of only 1.3 million US dollars in 1995 and a loss of 630,000.

But people have high traffic and many users!

This has attracted capital injections. With the Dongfeng of the Internet industry, it has only been listed for two years and has a market value of $ 39 billion.

After going public, it became a new media model, mailbox + portal, etc., which triggered a large number of followers.

"Everyone who wants to make money by e-commerce is confused, and the website has to smash the money ... Hire a few scolding gunmen with high salary, and then find a few cultural celebrities as targets.

What does the website rely on? Rely on click-through rate. The click rate goes up, and the next house will follow. How much money do you smash in, plus one zero is directly sold to the next house.

Some people talk about buying and immediately cashing out. You are free to talk about giving you stocks. If you are interested, you will invest between 8 million and 10 million. I do n’t dare to say that I will make 100 million a year.

I'm talking about US dollars! "

This paragraph is the golden rule in the early stages of the Internet. Don't expect to make money on the website, the money is off-site, in the stock market.

The Internet bubble burst around 2000, and then recovered. Boss Xu ’s plan was to run a wave before the bubble burst, and then buy it back.

Perhaps the reputation of the venture capital of the times is not great. All the low-level goods are found. Talking about Yahoo, and Yahoo must talk about profit, it is pure ignorance.

Xu Fei endured for several days, and finally wrote a few words, saying: "Make a sign to hang the door, and then make an advertisement."

"Play according to this?"


The manager went trembling.

The next day, there was an eye-catching big sign at the door of the company: "Cheaters and China Yahoo are not allowed to enter!"


The nationwide crackdown is in full swing, and the masses applauded.

The criminal gangs were swept away on a large scale. "Car gangsters", "coal tyrants", "city tyrants" and "vegetable tyrants" were arrested one after another and seized a large number of illegal firearms.

Xu Fei's home province is the most powerful province, confiscating more than 8,000 pieces.

He did not hear the crime of hooligan in both ears, and put his most recent energy on venture capital. The phrase "Cheaters and Chinese Yahoo are not allowed to enter" was published in the newspaper and instantly became popular all over the country.

The people who come here are no longer inferior goods.

On that day, Teacher Xu finally looked at a familiar face, and his head was as big as Gulu.

"Mr. Xu Xu, my name is Zhang Chaoyang, I graduated from the Department of Physics at Tsinghua University, and I am a postdoctoral fellow at MIT. In 1994, I was the liaison officer of MIT Asia Pacific (China). I returned to China at the end of last year and served as the chief representative of ISI in China."

After breaking through the resume, the 32-year-old Zhang Fox has a correct attitude and dare not flicker, saying: "Now I want to start my own business, but I haven't figured out what to do.

You must be knowledgeable. I am seeking investment and guidance. Oh, if you do n’t dislike it. "

"It's okay, let's talk first."

Xu Fei held his own tea and smiled: "Everyone told me about Yahoo recently, and I just put up that brand. Do you think the Yahoo model can succeed in China?"

"It is not possible at present. The number of domestic netizens is too small, and the Internet access conditions are insufficient."

"Is there any advantage in China?"

"Of course. We built the ChinaNet national backbone network in January, which shows that the national level attaches great importance.

And people's living conditions continue to improve, and sooner or later the computer will become a mass commodity. By then, China's huge population will become the broadest market. "

"What do you think of Ying Haiwei?"

"It will not last long, and it is not suitable for the domestic or the early stage of the Internet as a charging model."

"Then do you think ..."

"I think it's more important to get this huge market first if you want to make a free thing."

"But I don't know exactly what to do?"

"Uh, huh."

Zhang Fox smiled embarrassingly, sipped his tea to cover up, and froze at the entrance. Is President Xu so vain? !

Historically, he returned to the country at the end of last year and went to the sea this year to pull investment everywhere. Finally, with the support of two American professors, an Aitexin company was established.

I didn't know what to do at first, and it took more than a year for me to learn slowly.

Xu Fei should pay close attention to listing money, and simply teach directly, let people bring a blackboard and start to force, oh no, lecture.

(and also……)