Since 2000

Chapter 106: People are stupid and have more money

A group of bigwigs were arranged in a hotel next to the Yiwang office building.

Under the arrangement of the staff, Lin Feng and Ma Yun put down their luggage and came to the banquet hall on the third floor.

As soon as he entered the door, Ding Sanshi greeted him.

Lin Feng and Ding Sanshi had several phone calls, but it was the first time they met.

"Mr. Lin is here, but I couldn't meet him from afar, so I'm disrespectful." Ding Sanshi held Lin Feng's hand and said enthusiastically.

Although he had already known Lin Feng's age, he was still a little surprised to see such a young face.

After being polite with Lin Feng, Ding Sanshi extended his hand to Ma Yun next to him: "Welcome to Mr. Ma."

Following Ding Sanshi into the banquet room, Lin Feng saw that several familiar figures had arrived.

Under the leadership of Ding Sanshi, Lin Feng greeted those who were in the rivers and lakes one by one.

Most of the people had heard the name of Lin Feng for a long time, but had never seen him, so they looked at this Internet upstart curiously.

Lin Feng humbly stepped forward to shake hands with Mao Daolin, the new president of Sina, Zhang Chaoyang, the head of Arc Search, Wang Shuanglei, the president of TOM, Li Yanhong of Qiandu Company, and many Internet leaders one by one.

Coming to Ma Huateng, Brother Xiao Ma took the lead in hugging Lin Feng: "Mr. Lin, have we met again?"

Looking at their intimacy, Ding Sanshi said in surprise: "So the rumors are true?"

Ma Huateng said with a smile, "Mr. Lin is an important partner of our company."

People who didn't know the inside story before the scene looked at Lin Feng in amazement.

In front of Lei Jun and Zhou Hongyi, Ding Sanshi smiled and said, "These two don't need to be introduced."

Lin Feng quickly greeted with a smile: "Senior, Brother Zhou."

Lei Jun smiled and stood up and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, but Zhou Hongyi turned his head and gave a cold 'hum'.

Lin Feng shrugged helplessly, then sat down next to Lei Jun.

Ma Yun is an old river and lake, and there are no people at the table that he does not know, but it seems that everyone's attitude towards him is not as enthusiastic as Lin Feng.

Ding Sanshi also smiled helplessly.

He and Ma Yun are fellow villagers in Zhejiang Province. According to common sense, they should be in a group. It's just that Ma Yun's remarks are sometimes too amazing. Those bizarre remarks regardless of the occasion often make the atmosphere cold, so this is also Ding Sanshi's meeting. The reason for not inviting him in the first place.

People are weird sometimes.

No matter how reasonable what you say when you don't succeed, others will just laugh and laugh. If one day you succeed, even if you fart, others will feel good.

Back then, I don't know how many people lined up, rushing to listen to Teacher Ma's unrestrained talk that day.

At noon, I drank the rice wine that Ding Sanshi brought from his hometown. All the bosses were also in good spirits. When talking about some interesting things about the Internet, they raised their glasses frequently.

The distance between pushing the cup and changing the cup seems to have shortened a lot.

The three giants, who have always been unfavorable, also temporarily put aside their grievances and conducted exchanges in the industry in a friendly manner.

Ma Yun, who was sitting next to him, picked up the wine glass and touched Lin Feng: "Mr. Lin's investment in Tencent is really a brilliant move."

"Oh?" Lin Feng wanted to hear Ma Yun's opinion.

In the eyes of many people, Tencent is now a company with little potential.

It has been slow to find a way to make a profit, the business is single, and it seems that investors are not very optimistic and there are frequent rumors of withdrawal.

Ma Yun said with a smile: "Tencent was already invincible when the number of registered Penguins exceeded 10 million. It doesn't matter that they don't have the conditions to expand capital and implement fee-based businesses, but as long as Penguin grows and develops, They can easily rely on penguins to expand into countless areas."

After speaking, Ma Yun pouted in the direction of the three giants.

Lin Feng nodded in agreement.

While the three giants are still looking at each other with hostility, they ignore challenges from other fields.

Lin Feng had to admire Ma Yun's foresight.

Speaking of this, Ma Yun continued: "The Internet is changing rapidly, and a lot of patterns can be changed in one year, just like Alibaba, if you give us some time, we can become an existence that surpasses the three giants. ."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

The words were good, but Teacher Ma's slightly trembling legs betrayed his guilty conscience at the moment.

Ma Yun then took the wine glass and gave Ma Huateng a toast.

Instant messaging and e-commerce seem to be irrelevant at the moment, there is no business conflict, and the two are in the same situation and have similar status, so they are quite sympathetic to each other.

Lin Feng smiled.

Although Teacher Ma has an excellent vision, he could never have imagined that they would be each other's biggest competitors in the future.

The meal was enjoyable, and Li Yanhong, who was a thousand degrees, was also quite graceful and toasted with Lin Feng frequently, but Zhou Hongyi and everyone drank it over and over, but ignored Lin Feng, like a **** off child.

Lin Feng wanted to communicate with Zhou Hongyi, but after the meal, Lao Zhou left first.

Lin Feng and Lei Jun looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

After eating, take a break.

As soon as he came to the room, Ma Huateng came to visit.

Brother Ma is in a low mood today, and some recent events in the company have given him a headache.

After seeing Hong Kong Yingke selling its shares at a high price, another investment institution, IDG, became interested.

Tencent has been unable to find a way to make a profit, which hindered IDG's confidence. Coupled with their lack of funds, they came up with the idea of ​​withdrawing capital.

The purpose of Ma Huateng's visit is very simple, that is, he hopes that Lin Feng can accept the shares that IDG is going to sell.

After Lin Feng purchased Tencent shares, as he promised before, he did not interfere with Tencent's development at On the contrary, with the advantage of 168's fame and advertising resources, Tencent's development speed is even more rapid, This also strengthened Ma Huateng's determination.

Such investors are hard to find.

However, Ma Huateng also knows that he is a bit of a tough guy. After all, the company's current situation is not good, so he is a little uneasy.

Just after expressing his thoughts, Lin Feng hadn't nodded when the door was knocked again.

Ma Yun poked his head in and said with a smile, "Did you disturb your discussion?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

Although what he and Ma Huateng said were extremely important, there was no need to avoid Ma Yun, after all, they couldn't catch up with each other now.

After welcoming Ma Yun into the room and making tea for the two horse fathers, Lin Feng asked Ma Huateng, "How many shares are they going to sell?"

Ma Huateng frowned and said, "Their ideal idea is to shoot them all."

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

All shot?

That's another billion-dollar handwriting, and it's hard to save some money. Is it going to hit the bottom all of a sudden?

Looking at Lin Feng and frowning, Ma Huateng's heart became more and more nervous.

After a long time, Lin Feng raised his head and said slowly: "Okay, I'll go back and have someone go to Shenzhen to meet you. If they ask for no more than 120 million, then I will take it all."

Ma Huateng let out a long sigh of relief. After getting Lin Feng's promise, his nervousness was finally relieved. This is the best situation.

Looking at Lin Feng's understatement, he decided the direction of such a large sum of money.

Ma Yun on the side calmly took out her hand and put it on the outside of her thigh again.

Really big lord,

People are stupid and have a lot of money...