Since 2000

Chapter 131: An olive branch thrown by Yahoo

Lin Feng walked upstairs and knocked on Yang Zhiyuan's door.

It was Zhang Chaoyang who opened the door. As a friend who has been with Yang Jieyuan for many years, Yang Jieyuan was not with his subordinates in China these days, but was accompanied by him throughout the whole process.

"Mr. Zhang." Lin Feng and Zhang Chaoyang were old acquaintances, so they didn't ask each other more.

Zhang Chaoyang introduced Lin Feng into the room, and soon, a middle-aged man with glasses appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Yang, hello." Lin Feng quickly stepped forward to say hello.

Jerry Yang can be regarded as a pioneer of the Internet. When his Yahoo dominated the world, China's Internet business was just beginning to falter.

Although Zhang Chaoyang is the leader of China's Internet at the moment, in front of Yang Jieyuan, both the size of the company and the seniority have to stand aside.

"Hello, Xiaolin." Yang Zhiyuan shook hands with Lin Feng with a faint smile. He neither showed affection nor showed a trace of arrogance.

Zhang Chaoyang led Lin Feng to sit on the sofa in front of Yang Zhiyuan, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yang has long heard that there is a sudden rise of 168 in the Chinese Internet industry, and this time I just came to China, so I want to meet you."

Lin Feng smiled modestly and said, "It is our honor to be in Mr. Yang's eyes."

Yang Jieyuan waved his hand and said, "Some people once said that the rise of Yahoo was like a miracle, but the success of Yahoo actually occupied a lot of favorable factors, and our development at that time was far from the competition as it is today.

On the other hand, you 168, able to break through the siege on the basis of the maturity of the Chinese Internet model, I think you should be a miracle. "

Zhang Chaoyang also nodded deeply.

When 168 came out last year, why did I look at it with my own eyes?

It was not until was removed from the navigation bar that they deeply realized the energy of this website.

But at that time, Zhang Chaoyang still believed that 168 would only be a small website that was not in the mainstream, and that he could easily subvert this model as long as he spared some time.

But with a dizzying array of expansions such as 168 Agent Legend, forays into search, investment in instant messaging, and e-commerce, no one dared to underestimate the dark horse of the Internet.

It is no exaggeration to say that 168 is now an Internet company with a larger volume than Arc Search.

Moreover, the most important thing is that 168 has not absorbed any foreign funds so far. Thinking of this, Zhang Chaoyang looked at Lin Feng, who had created so many achievements in just over a year, and couldn't help sighing. , it's really terrifying.

Hearing Yang Jieyuan's praise, Lin Feng smiled slightly, but immediately, he became alert again.

It is impossible for a big man like Yang Jieyuan to summon himself from a distance in Eastern Hubei just to praise himself.

An old Jianghu like him will never do anything for nothing.

Thinking of Zhou Hongyi's phone call just now, Lin Feng felt that Yang Zhiyuan's purpose would not be so simple.

Sure enough, after the two sides complimented each other, Yang Jieyuan said with a smile: "Xiao Lin has been in the search market for a while, I wonder if you are ready to become a search engine."

Lin Feng looked at Yang Zhiyuan with a slight smile and said, "We have always regarded Yahoo as an idol, and we will definitely strive for core competitiveness."

168’s search engine has been under research and development, and Qiandu took the lead in launching its own search engine last month, but neither 168 nor Qiandu should be considered a serious search at the moment. Giants such as Yahoo and Google also have a big gap.

Yahoo and Google have been eyeing China's search portal market, but they have not achieved good development due to problems such as acclimatization.

Could it be...?

Lin Feng had a hypothesis in his heart.

Sure enough, Yang Jieyuan smiled slightly after hearing Lin Feng's answer: "The search engine has a huge investment, and technical aspects cannot be achieved overnight. I wonder if Xiaolin is interested in cooperating with us Yahoo?"

Lin Feng was startled, then raised his head slightly.

"I don't know how Mr. Yang is going to cooperate?"

Yang Jieyuan smiled and said, "We will buy your shares in 168 and provide you with the most advanced search technology."

Looking at Lin Feng's eyes, Yang Zhiyuan continued with a smile: "I believe that with our technology, we can quickly occupy the Chinese search market, and 168 can also grow rapidly."

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "I don't know how much Mr. Yang is going to invest and how many shares he will occupy?"

Yahoo has been involved in search services in China, but due to some special reasons, they are extremely sensitive to the situation in terms of portal content and search content, so they are more inclined to find a partner, in their view Come on, 168 is naturally a good object.

And not only that, in Yang Jieyuan's heart, there is even another even more crazy plan brewing.

If Jerry Yang's plan can be successfully implemented, then Yahoo's biggest competitor, Google, will be far behind in the Chinese market, and companies like 3721, which provide fake search, should not be afraid.

Yang Jieyuan smiled lightly and said: "We will provide 20 million US dollars and provide technology to acquire 168% of your shares."

Yang Jieyuan continued confidently: "Of course, we won't spy on your game, you can split that part out before cooperation, we only need the platform of your 168 website and your current share of the search market. ."

Lin Feng was suddenly shocked.

168 now has a place in the search market, and the only thing holding back the development is search technology.

If you can get Yahoo's search technology that is not inferior to Google's, then 168 may really be able to quickly occupy the search market.

Moreover, Yahoo's offer this time is also very sincere. Everyone knows that the most valuable game of 168 is the legendary game. They took the lead in proposing to let it spin off the legendary game and gave such a high valuation. This is really exciting, even Even Zhang Chaoyang, who was beside him, couldn't help shaking the corners of his mouth.

Throwing off a section that currently has no ability to make money can not only become a partner of Yahoo, but also get funds to grow rapidly. Although he has lost control of the company, Zhang Chaoyang believes that this is still a good deal.

Lin Feng lowered his head and fell into contemplation.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people now, 168's legendary games are definitely more valuable than the search market, but how could Lin Feng, a reborn, think so?

How does it feel when the company you build is ultimately in the hands of others?

"Mr. Yang, this matter is a big one, let me think about it again." Lin Feng whispered.

Yang Jieyuan nodded with a smile, but then he threw out another blunder:

"Our cooperation with Qiandu is also under negotiation. Maybe in the future, Qiandu and 168 will be able to build a strong search alliance around Yahoo. At that time, no one in China's search market will be able to compete with us."

"Yahoo is going to acquire two Chinese search companies at the same time?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Looking at the wealthy Yang Zhiyuan holding the Zhizhu, for some reason, Lin Feng felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Will Qiandu agree to Yahoo's conditions?

If history repeats itself, the answer is no.

So, will Lin Feng do it?
