Single Player Only

v1 Chapter 50: Tiger tail

雄 This male tiger is extremely fast!

At the critical moment when the boulder came, one leaned forward and rushed out.

Xiong Xionghu has a huge body, but he is very flexible. This one rushed forward for four or five meters, leaving the boulder's range. However, it avoided the head and body in a thrilling manner, but a tiger's tail was hit by a boulder falling from the sky. The momentum of its forward rush was enough, but the tiger's tail was pressed by the boulder. Suddenly it was dragged by something, and the tiger flew out diagonally upward.

Soon, there was a roar.

Even if the tiger howling one or two kilometers away is full of momentum, let alone the tiger howling this time is near. This roar is extremely unpleasant, and the water on the ground in the passage is rippled by this roar. If it is not an emergency, Yue Qiang can't wait to unplug the speaker socket, and the sound is squatting on the ground with his ears in pain.

Fortunately, the tiger's tail was crushed by the stone. It cannot be moved.

Loses the biggest barrier of flexibility, even if it is as fierce as a tiger, it is just a pile of mobile experience points.

It is a good opportunity to beat the water dog!

Ji Yueqiang was well equipped with iron bars and rushed up with his running skills.

The distance is close to feel the ferocity of the tiger more directly. Its body was two times larger than that of the dead tigress, and it kept pounding forward, but was forced to stop because its tail was fixed and it rushed to half.

Xi Yueqiang certainly will not miss such an opportunity. Stuck in a circle that is only slightly larger than the tiger's attack radius, and constantly launches attacks.

位置 This location is great.

The claws and teeth just couldn't reach him.

The male Xionghu's attack momentum is extremely fierce, and the momentum is amazing. Occasionally, some stones and sawdust can be touched on the wall of the tunnel. The gravitational force contained in the two tiger claws, however, cannot beat Yue Qiang.

Xie Yueqiang's iron bar sold a little bit, the attack power was lower, but it has a little benefit.

How long.

Seeing this situation, he was completely anxious, so he poked at the tiger with an iron bar. The monster's blood volume is no longer displayed, but the blood flowing out of the tiger is getting more and more, and the injury is getting heavier. The iron bar is also attached with toxic damage, which is slowly worn away, and it can absolutely kill it without injury. .

岳 Just as Yue Qiang planned to carry out the long-term war to the end, the strategy of this male tiger changed.

It kept retreating back and forth, until it reached a corner position, and then rushed forward!

一次 This time is different from countless slams before it, with stronger intensity and faster speed. Yue Qiang only heard the sound of "Dora" ...

Tiger tail is broken!

You should know that tiger tail and gecko tail tail are completely different concepts. The tail of a tiger has more than 20 truncated vertebrae, and it is about the same thickness as an adult's upper arm! Such a thick tail was severed because of this male tiger's hard struggle.

It's a choice, just like a strong man grabbing his left hand with his right hand, and then pulling his left hand off his shoulder!

The fierceness can be seen.

Under the pain of the drama, the male tiger made a terrible cry, it had to get rid of the predicament, and patted it towards Yueqiang as fast as lightning!

Ji Yueqiang did not hesitate to open the running skills LV2, but still failed to escape.

It's too fast.

It flew over, waved a tiger's palm, and then sideways with Yue Qiang, it was almost an instant. Then Yue Qiang discovered that his left arm had been bent into a strange angle.

骨折 Fracture of the left arm.

On this attack, he left his left hand unusable. At this time, because the blue progress reached 80%, everyone's blood bars, including his own blood volume, were already invisible, but the concept of life value still existed, which can be reflected in many ways such as the warning degree on the screen. In this attack, Yue Qiang directly removed nearly a third of his health.

Tiger does not intend to give Yue Qiang any respite. It has been beaten by Yue Qiangwo for a long time and has already beaten the beast. He adjusted his posture in a very short time and turned back again!

如果 If this blow hits, Yue Qiang will directly become a stack of meatloaf.

Holding back sharply in crisis, he will escape this attack, but do not escape the hidden tiger claws.

With a bang, he opened his stomach.

As a tiger's claw crossed Yue Qiang's chest and abdomen, a large amount of blood poured out instantly, and the computer screen suddenly turned dark red. He knew that this was a warning that his health had fallen to about 30%.

The tiger struck Yue Qiang to the edge of life and death with a flutter and a lift almost instantly, and after a long period of jabbing, Yue Qiang also consumed a little more than half of the tiger's blood, and the situation was extremely optimistic.

Xun Yueqiang's only thing to look forward to right now is that his anger tank is full in an instant.

In the previous stage of the battle, he used four or fifty points of anger to bless his anger to the basic jab. Now he put the bars in his backpack.

Anyway, the advantage of the attack distance is gone, and the toxic damage of the iron bar is still continuing. Then, now is the time to use boxing to decide the victory!

The damage of the boxing method is much higher than that of the poking method! But the danger is much greater when released close to the body.

She Yueqiang also got angry.

He didn't hesitate to press the shortcut key of “Break Boxing—Kill of Life”, and injected a full range of up to 150 points of anger into this skill. In the subsequent selection of Fuxi's sixty-four hexagram positions, he chose the correct position with the fastest speed so far.

In fact, there is almost no need to aim.

When Yue Yueqiang issued this punch, the huge tiger's head of the male tiger was near, and the open tiger's eye was no more than half a meter away. And his fist filled with rage just hit the position where the tiger's eyes were close to the bridge of his nose.

He was knocked down with a punch, and Yue Qiang was shocked by this huge hedging force.

The vision in the air is chaotic, and the sky turns round. But Yue Qiang's head was sober, he knew that this time he had made a confrontation. With the help of this shock, he escaped from the attack range of Hukou. But a kill full of anger increase was hit in full!

100 points of anger can increase the power of the skill by about 100%, and this punch is the full damage of Fuxi's sixty-four position selection plus 150 points of anger increase. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu. com can deal 20 times the power of damage!

雄 This male tiger has been worn away by him for more than half of his health, and with this punch and continuous poison damage, he has a chance to come back!

At the same time, the role of Xiao Qiang, the new property of Yue Qiang, has also become prominent. His life, physical strength, and anger are recovering at a rapid rate, especially anger.

怒 At first, when anger drops below 30%, there will be an extra boost, plus the increase in Xiaoqiang's attributes, which can be said to be a flying increase.

Xie Yueqiang used the "Break Boxing-Killing Style" twice in succession. With the rapid recovery increase of Xiaoqiang's attributes, he had one more opportunity to use the Killing Style, which was still in the case of running skills.

Not only the rapid recovery of physical strength, but also the continuous recovery of health. If there is no Xiaoqiang attribute, Yue Qiang must dodge the tiger's offense constantly and cannot counterattack at all. When the physical strength is exhausted, he will be easily killed. However, with the Xiaoqiang attribute, not only the physical strength can gradually keep up with the speed, but even the health value has gradually recovered to a safety line that can be attacked without dying again.

In the end, Yue Qiang slammed a tiger's palm on his calf, but also found an opportunity, and once again used the "broken fist-killing style" to completely kill this fierce beast!

Ye Yueqiang, win!

After a series of high-intensity operations, Yue Qiang was finally relaxed. He slowly manipulated the character toward the male body of the male tiger.

Now I can finally verify that the reward of this super-hard task is as "rich" as he thought!

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