Sinister Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 391: 7: Comprehension trial (7)

Cangyue mainland, a wide area, in addition to the mortal four countries, other areas are the sphere of influence of the comprehension.

On the coast of the West Sea, in addition to the drug valley is Wan Yao Mountain, there are also scattered Zong Men in the surrounding area, generally some small martial art formed by scattered.

The real big gates are gathered in the Kunlun fairyland, where is the gathering place of the entire Qingyue mainland comprehension, and the most central of the entire Cangzhou continent.

In the northernmost land of the Cangwu continent, there are ghostly ghosts gathered by ghosts, ghosts, and ghosts. In the southernmost part of the Cangyue continent is the Red Sea Jedi, where the sea is boundless, the seabed monster is the forbidden zone of the comprehension, and in the east of the Cangyue mainland is the best trial place for most of the disciples, the sunset wasteland . It is a gathering place for evil cultivation, and it is also a battlefield full of killing and plundering...

In the late days of the Soviet Union, in the medicine valley, there is nothing to do. In addition to studying the distribution of power across the continent, it is studying the medicinal materials of the son of the public. In this abundance of the yard, she practiced her cultivation for a long time, and now she has entered the refining. Gas peak!

If... can have a building foundation or other elixir assistance, Su night is confident that he can break through the refining and advance to the base period.

Now I see a son who has come back for a million years of chalcedony fruit. It is absolutely false to say that it is not a heart.


The repair of Gongzi Mo is unfathomable. Su is suspected that he has already entered the Yuan Ying period or higher. Today, he is not his opponent.

The scarlet eyes that looked at Su’s night kept turning, and the son smiled: “Xiaoqing, do you want to eat?”

"Thinking, but such a valuable treasure, I am afraid I can't afford it!"

Su night shook his head gently, and the son of the public heard a slight smile: "Yes, this chalcedony fruit is what I spent a lot of effort to get a person, is to save a person. Life."

Speaking of this, the eyes of Gongzi Mo is gradually gentle.

A person……

Su night stunned, Gongzi Mo is a rare poison doctor in the medicine valley, the drug Valley everyone respects him for fear, in this vast valley, Su night really did not find out that the son and the stranger Traveling.

However, I seem to have said one thing. She said that there is a dark room in the room where the son is in a strange place. There seems to be a mysterious hail!

Is the person who wants to save the son of the son in the coffin?

Who is it?

Wannian chalcedony fruit can live dead human bones, it is a pity that such precious things are used by one person.

Su night sighs in the bottom of my heart, Nima, you have finished eating meat and giving me a soup! I don't need much, as long as I can bite a bite, I can add five hundred years of cultivation! It’s been five hundred years!

No, no, I have to think of a way, the so-called wealthy insurance! Su night secretly wondered how to get a star-and-half-year-old chalcedony fruit from the son of the son, but still can not cause his doubts.

At this time, Gongzi Mo has returned to his room. He carefully opened the jade box and opened the door of the dark room of the room. In front of him was a simple and clean training room with a transparent center in the middle of the room. The mysterious hail, which is made from the millennium of the East China Sea, can preserve the body and the gods for thousands of years.

After the gentleman walked slowly to the mysterious ice, through the light blue crystal thousand years of ice, you can also vaguely see the outline of someone inside.

This is a little girl who seems to be only seven years old.

Gongzi Mo has been staring at the girl in the coffin. In my mind, some memories are getting clearer and clearer.

"Brother, back!"

"Brother is the best!"

"Brother, I don't want to die."...

Yes, the person in this coffin is the sister of Gongzi.

She has been sleeping here for decades, and her appearance still looks like when she was seven years old.

"Sister", strange and familiar, but also makes people feel the kind words.

Gongzi Mo opened the mysterious hail, and then took the 10,000-year-old chalcedony fruit out of the jade box. The crystal-clear fruit exudes a scent of temptation.

The slender fingers held the chalcedony fruit, and the son’s face was like a joke.

Somehow, at this moment, he suddenly remembered that the little green snake was full of infinitely eager eyes.

The eyes...

The son’s finger stroked, and the flesh of a piece of chalcedony fruit was placed in the jade box. The rest of the nature was placed on the lips of his sister, and she was guided by the infuriating, let her slowly put those The chalcedony fruit has been eaten.

Not long after, the little girl in Xuan Bingzhen had a faint blood color on her face.

Wannian chalcedony fruit is well-deserved! It’s just that she has been sleeping for too long, and she can’t wake up for a while. The son of the family turned away from the practice room. After the door of the practice room was closed, a black shadow slammed into the side of the black ice. .

Keke, this shadow is not someone else, it is Su night.

Just after the son of the son seems to be distracted, and Su night is squatting into the practice room while he is walking away from him, and then carefully concealed in astringent breath.

Fortunately, in his own home, the son of the son did not seem to be too much wary, and he did not deliberately use the gods to scan the atmosphere of the entire room when he left.

This made Su Xiaoyue pass smoothly. At this time, the entire snake body of Su’s night had already entered the mysterious hail, wrapped around the little girl’s body, and felt the smell of her 10,000-year-old chalcedony fruit. I was hesitant late.

The appearance of this girl is somewhat similar to that of a son. Is it his sister? After all, Su night has not heard of the son of a stranger! A single dog that is not even a singer, naturally, does not have such a precious creature as a daughter.

Feeling that the little girl's breath is getting more and more stable, Su can't help but groan in her heart: "If you can't use it anyway, why don't you give it to me? If I can't die in the future, I will naturally repay your brothers and sisters!" ”

Thinking this way, Su night has already sighed slightly at the lips of the little girl, and then the fruit essence that has not been absorbed is turned into a pale green aura, and the little girl in Su night and Xuan Bing. All wrapped up...

The efficacy of Wannian chalcedony fruit is really overbearing. When Su Shi feels that her body is constantly heating and the whole body is to be blasted by the full aura, she can't stop.

An endless stream of aura fills every corner of the entire training room.

When the son was cold and returned to the practice room, he only saw a pale green cockroach. It was still expanding and seemed to fill the space!

At this time, the eyes of Gongzi’s eyes flashed coldly. He put his palms on the outside of the giant clams. The filled aura immediately entered his body along his palm. Slowly, the giant cicada finally gradually Quiet.

And the son looked at the big, small and two vague human figures inside, and couldn't help but frown.

Sure enough, it was a restless snake. She also deliberately left a piece of fruit for her to be made into a medicinal herb for her.

This kind of heavenly treasure, if it is not a person with a special blood, ordinary comprehension is blessed, let alone she is a small snake in the refining period?

When I think of it, the eyes of Gongzi’s stranger are darker –

Sure enough, my own decision at the outset was wrong. She should kill her when she first saw her.