Skeleton’s Training Manual

v1 Chapter 286: Dragon Palace Secret Realm

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Lu Wu looked somewhat dazed at this familiar guy who was holding his shoulders.

It's not that I don't know people.

Lu Wuguo didn't forget, he recognized at a glance, this guy was the guy who showed his face when collecting little goldfish before.

It seems to be from Beijing University, called Liu Cheng.

But what does he mean by calling his brother?

However, before Lu Wuzheng understood what he meant, he was dragged away by Liu Cheng.

"Let's go, my mentor is looking for you."

"Master Ling?"

"Liu Qingyuan!"

Well, as soon as the name came out, Lu Wu was shocked.

"Can you not go?"

Liu Cheng smiled: "What do you mean?"

Just sauce.

Just coming out of Yuan Qingqing's side, Liu Cheng was dragged by Liu Cheng to Beijing University, still in Lu Wu's RV.

As soon as he got on the car, Liu Chengcheng was startled by Lu Wu's car.

Like the little brother who has never seen the world, he wandered around in Lu Wu's car, bumping and touching.

"I can rely on my junior brother, your car!

The exterior is low-key, the interior is luxurious, and the performance in all aspects is quite good. You can give me the whole car too. "

"Sure, but you pay the deposit first."

"how much is it?"

"If you make a deposit, you can give 500,000 points first!

In the production of subsequent vehicles, we will modify them according to your requirements. I am giving you a discount. The whole vehicle should only be several million points. "

"Sorry for disturbing you!"

Well, not everyone can take a few millions out to get a car like Lu Wu.

Even Liu Cheng does not have this family background.

And as a pure summoner, he didn't see how good this car was.

The discounted price was several million, and Old Liu felt that this kid was cheating him.

Lu Wu also didn't tell him about the car.

Compared to the car, Lu Wu cared more about the woman he was going to see next.

Lu Wubian asked sideways, news about Liu Qingyuan.

Lu Wuyi asked, and Liu Cheng responded carelessly: "Oh, you said my mentor, your dad, my cheap master's ex!"

"So what, are we misunderstanding...

My dad is..."

"Don't say anything about the misunderstanding, and don't explain anything.

When your little goldfish found you, my teacher knew who you were. That fish was said to have been scumbed by your father and my cheap master from my instructor. "

When Lu Wuyi heard this, his face darkened.

He used to think that he was the son of Lu Haikong should be quite hidden.

After all, apart from Yan Ruxue, it seems that no one rushed out to do what happened to him. The last time I came to the capital, he was quite calm and peaceful, so why come here this time.

Did all these people find him?

Can he go to this Beijing University?

"Or, I still won't go..."

"Don't panic, my instructor is not prepared to do anything to you. She is just going to give you some meeting gifts just like Master Yuan."

"Meeting ceremony?"

Lu Wuyi was taken aback, and was about to say that Yuan Qingqing didn't give him any meeting gifts.

As a result, at this moment, an unspeakable pain struck, and Lu Wu felt as if every pore on his body had been pierced by a needle at this moment.

Under this kind of severe pain, Lu Wu subconsciously had to disconnect from the [harmful sharing] between Han and Han.

Fortunately, at this time, when the [Unyielding] skill was activated, Lu Wu slowed down.

"What is that woman doing? Are you torturing and playing?"

But thinking about it, Lu Wu didn't feel like it again.

People shouldn't be so boring. Lu Wu probably guessed it before thinking about the conversation with Yuan Qingqing before and the meeting ceremony Liu Cheng said.

Yuan Qingqing should be preparing to help herself strengthen her hansomeness.

Lu Wu was confused.

what's the situation?

Lu Wu said that he couldn't understand this kind of operation to benefit his ex son.

After hesitating, Lu Wu still endured the pain first, and gave Yuan Qingqing a call, euphemistically expressing that he wanted to pick up Han Han.

Lu Wuneng guessed that the other party might be kind.

But Lu Wuzhen was afraid that the naive nutrition could not keep up.

"You can pick it up in three days!"

Yuan Qingqing didn't agree with Lu Wu taking Hanhan away, and only said one sentence, which ended the call.

Yuan Qingqing, who hung up the phone, looked at her in front of her and was soaked in a special container.

According to Hanhan's reaction, various expensive liquids were continuously poured into the container.

At the same time, a pair of eyes fixed on the various data of the nearby instrument.

To the greatest extent, ensure that the experiment will not be accidental.


On the other side, Lu Wu, who was hung up, was particularly entangled.

He doesn't want to bring Hanhan back, he has passed, can people give him Hanhan?

At this time, Liu Cheng on the side spoke.

"Don't worry about it, let her go.

They want to give you a meeting ceremony because they have their intention. This is a good intention. If you don't accept it, you may become malicious, so you still enjoy it.

Well, by the way, if you see my mentor later, she will probably benefit you too. You'd better not refuse. "

Lu Wu shook his head for a while.

Can't understand the thoughts of these women.

After hesitating, Lu Wu finally turned off [Damage Sharing].

On the one hand, Lu Wu's body couldn't stand the toss.

Although the body is indeed strengthening and the strength is improving, the nutrition cannot keep up.

Besides, even if the nutrition can keep up, Lu Wu has to cut off.

Because of the pain, it has seriously affected his daily life.

[Sharing Damage] Lu Wu suddenly became more relaxed at the first level, and he also threw the silly things behind him.

People love it, don't kill the naive.

As for the pain? Lu Wu guessed that guy was enjoying it.

Not long after Lu Wuyi dropped [harmful sharing], their party came to Beijing University.

Lu Wu is still quite curious about the best universities recognized in China, but unfortunately he doesn't have time to visit.

Liu Cheng directly asked Li Kai to drive the car to Liu Qingyuan's research room. After reaching the destination, Liu Chengcheng asked Lu Wu to dismiss Li Kai and Dudu.

"I guess you will have to stay at Beijing University for a long time. Let them wait for you over the arena first."

Lu Wu didn't have any hesitation, and nodded for the first time.

Let Li Kai and them go to the meeting place first, and then he walked into Liu Qingyuan's research institute alone.

Well, yes, he is alone.

Liu Cheng ran away before sending him over.

He was planning to go out and hide for two days, because he felt that the nearest capital city might not be peaceful, especially for him, a cheap apprentice of land, sea and air.

In his experience, this kind of Shura field can still escape as far as possible.

As for Lu Wu.

He has no choice but to pray that he is safe.

On Lu Wu's side, as soon as he entered the research room, he ran into Liu Qingyuan head-on.

"Xiao Lu, you are finally here, come on, come in with your Aunt Liu and let Aunt Liu take a good look!

When you came to Beijing last time, Aunt Liu seemed to have seen you, but because you didn't know what was going on at the time, I was not good to see you rashly.

Well now, we can finally see above. "

Compared with Yuan Qingqing, Liu Qingyuan is much more enthusiastic.

As soon as he came up, he took Lu Wu's hand and led Lu Wuying into the research room's living room. After Lu Wu sat down and looked at Lu Wuyi for a while, Liu Qing nodded in satisfaction.

"It's so handsome, worthy of being their child."

Lu Wuyi was taken aback by these words.

Because there is something in Liu Qingyuan's words.

"Do you know my mother?"

"Uh, I can't say that I know all, but I know half of it."

This answer may be confused by others, but Lu Wu instantly understood: "Which half do you know? Body or soul!"

When Lu Wu said this, Liu Qingyuan's mouth raised.

"It seems that you know a lot more than I expected!"

Lu Wu came back to his senses as well, vaguely feeling something was wrong. He frowned when he realized that he might have been talking about the woman in front of him.

The result was just this micro expression, and Liu Qingyuan on the opposite side smiled.

"The reaction is so fast. You are much better than Dad. He was so stupid that he said everything before he found out that he was being slapped."

What a scary woman.

Lu Wu had already clearly realized that the other party had noticed a slight change in his mood just now.

People can detect it with just such a movement.

Lu Wu couldn't figure out how such a woman was deceived by her own old man.

At this moment, Liu Qingyuan on the opposite side sighed: "Love is unclear, isn't it someone said? A woman in love has basically zero IQ."

"You can read your mind?"

Lu Wubei broke out in a cold sweat.

Liu Qingyuan teased: "Yes, so don't have bad ideas in front of Aunt Liu."

Lu Wu hurriedly straightened up, meditating on the eight honors and eight shame in his heart.

Seeing Lu Wu like this, Liu Qingyuan couldn't help but chuckled out: "Okay, funny, how can I read mind."

Lu Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Qingyuan said again: "I can only infer your general thoughts through your subtle expression changes."

Hmm, Lu Wu's face and he sat up straight again, and continued to recite the Eight Honors and Eight Shames.

"So nervous? It seems that you really have a lot of secrets that you can't let people know?

I guess, did you secretly cheat other girls outside like your dad? "

Lu Wu immediately raised his watch loyally: "No, no, no, I am different from our old Lu.

I am the most dedicated man in our old Lu family. I will marry Dudu alone in my life. "

"As far as I know, your dad said the same to no less than 30 women."

Lu Wu couldn't chat anymore, and could only continue to recite his eight honors and eight shames.

Liu Qingyuan looked at him like this, so he stopped teasing him.

"Okay, don't read it, little goldfish, stay with you? Call it out and show me!"

Lu Wuyi was taken aback.

He felt that the women on this side of the capital were very strange, the one in front wanted his bird, and this one wanted his little goldfish.

Lu Wudi was very happy.

After all, birds and fish are things that cannot be easily shown to others.

But in the end Lu Wu still compromised, and honestly shouted out the little goldfish from his heart.

As soon as the little goldfish came out, Liu Qingyuan took it over, and looked at it with the little goldfish, which was still a little confused.

"Yes, it's okay, it's white and fat, enough to make a plate of sashimi."

Lu Wu is a bit dumb, what kind of evaluation is this?

At this moment, Liu Qingyuan took out a token and threw it to Lu Wu casually.

Because Liu Cheng said before, Lu Wu was mentally prepared for Liu Qingyuan's benefits.

Originally, Lu Wu was still thinking about whether to refuse, but this time Liu Qingyuan spoke.

"This is the key to the [Dragon Palace Secret Realm] of Beijing University. There is a dragon gate in the [Dragon Palace Secret Realm]. You can take it to see it."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Wu's hand holding the token tightened.