Skynet In Another World

v2 Chapter 350: Red Mountain Fort Smart Upgrade

Chapter 350 Red Mountain Fort Intelligent Upgrade

During the time when Hong Ji went to the extreme north, due to the rapid expansion of the Red Mountain Fort, Serenas and others had limited abilities and energy, and it was inevitable that a large number of spies from outside forces were mixed in the Red Mountain Fort.

At the same time, many officials inside Red Mountain Fort were wooed and corroded.

These circumstances were as early as when Hong Ji returned to the Red Mountain Fort, she had already learned about it through the brain core and the Taki LAN.

The situation of spies and traitors is very clear to Hong Ji, and it is almost impossible to completely eliminate them. Human nature is greedy and selfish.

There will never be a shortage of people in this world who take risks for the sake of profit.

What Hong Ji can do is to compress the living space of spies and traitors as much as possible, and increase the difficulty and cost of their crimes.


Hong Ji installed the "spherical magnetic brain" in the basement of the central main fort of Hongshan Fort. For a long period of time in the future, the "spherical magnetic brain" will replace Hong Ji as the control and command center of the entire Red Mountain Fort.


The closure of the internal area of ​​Red Mountain Fort lasted only overnight, and the closure was lifted the next morning.

However, the border pass of Red Mountain Fort is still under blockade, and the entire Red Mountain Fort is completely isolated from the outside world.

In the early morning of the next day, the ordinary laborers of Hongshan Fort got up on time as usual, arranged the bedding, washed, assembled, trained morning exercises, and went to the cafeteria for breakfast. It was completely a military camp life pattern.

Serious and well-trained.

And these are just the most ordinary laborers in Red Mountain Fort.

Since the blockade of the internal area of ​​the Red Mountain Fort has been lifted, the ceremonial officers of the Imperial Court have been allowed to visit some non-secret areas, but the Red Mountain guards must protect the entire process.

The Red Mountain Fort's aspect was protection, but everyone knew that it was surveillance at all. It's just that the ceremonial officials of the imperial court don't care, anyway, they will be at ease if they come.

The high quality of the ordinary workers in Hongshan Fort naturally aroused the attention of the court officials of the imperial court.

With the eyesight of the etiquette officials of the imperial court, it is naturally not difficult to see the power of the militarized way of life and work of the ordinary laborers of Red Mountain Fort.

The Red Mountain Fort even the most ordinary laborer can achieve strict orders and prohibitions, not to mention the officially established Red Mountain Guards.

As the court officials of the imperial court had a little bit of in-depth understanding of Red Mountain Fort, their expressions of contempt began to become more and more solemn.

It is worth mentioning that after waking up this morning, some of the more keen-minded Hongshanbao workers found that they were on the only way they used to pass, like the door of the dormitory building, the entrance of the canteen building, and the workshops Some strange devices have been added to the main road and other places.

Since the interior of Red Mountain Fort is already in the steam age, most people in Red Mountain Fort are no strangers to steam engines.

In each heart, there is also a different degree of cognition of the concept of mechanical equipment.

Therefore, it is natural for some people to think that maybe it is a new thing invented by their castle owner.

After all, all the sacred mechanical facilities in the Red Mountain Fort came from the hands of Hong Ji, which is already a well-known thing.

There is a rumor that Hong Ji is a messenger sent by the gods, because only the "shadow **** messenger" can explain why Hong Ji knows almost everything.

The kind of mechanical equipment found by the people of Hongshanbao installed at various city gates, and the main traffic arteries in the main areas of the interior are spherical in shape.

The sphere in the upper half is made of black metal, while the lower half is made of bright aquamarine crystal.

In morphology, this newly-emerging mechanical equipment resembles the video surveillance facility of the future world. In fact, this spherical device does have video surveillance capabilities.

Of course, its function is far from limited to simple video surveillance.


A few days later...

The central main fort of Hongshan Fort, this was originally Hong Ji's residence and chemical laboratory.

The original chemical laboratory was located on the basement level of the central main fort. The central main fort had a total of three underground levels, and Hong Ji placed the "spherical magnetic brain" in the deepest underground third level.

The original second underground floor has been transformed by Hong Ji into the central control command room of Hongshan Fort.

The originally empty second underground level has long been filled with various crypt lizard instruments and equipment.

Intelligent control platform with a sense of science and technology, LCD screen polished and spliced ​​by consciousness crystals.

As early as on the way back, Hong Ji had already begun to adapt some of the Crypt Lizard equipment that she urgently needed to use.

Because the Crypt Lizard race and human beings are basically two completely different species of creatures, although they all belong to intelligent humans.

However, such as visual sensing, the Crypt Lizard cannot adapt to strong light, so their equipment indicators and video displays are all weak light displays.

It is almost impossible for humans to recognize objects of that degree of light. Therefore, Hongji must strengthen its transformation so that the display device can adapt to human physiological habits.

Similar to this, the differences in equipment design styles due to the differences in the physiological structures of the two races abound.

For this reason, Hong Ji had to expend a lot of energy to transform those equipment.

The design style of these instruments and equipment located in the central control room that the people of Hongshanbao have seen now is the fusion of the essence of the two civilizations of the civilization of the net machinery and the civilization of the Crypt Lizard.

At this moment, Serenas, Xi Ling Yan and the other sixteen female slaves from Outland all gathered here.

What is displayed on the largest main LCD screen at the moment is a real-time map of the actual control area of ​​Hongshan Fort.

Other sub-LCD screens show some important industrial areas.

At this moment, Serenas and others focused their attention on a sub-LCD screen numbered "D13".

What the LCD screen shows is the real-time image of the first thermal power generating unit in Hongshanpu.

"Every unit reports the situation!"

Through the real-time communication of the brain core, Serenas can directly convey the order to the front-line staff.

"No abnormality in the abnormality in the gas abnormality in the generator."

"The final inspection of the whole set of thermal power generating units is normal."

"There is no abnormality in the connection of the transmission network."

"No abnormalities in the transformer system"


"The fuel tank is full, please tell me whether to ignite"


The final fire order was issued by Hong Ji.

Accompanied by a "bang" sound.

The fuel bin of the boiler is ignited, and the heat energy released by the burning of fossil energy coal continuously converts the water in the boiler into high-temperature and high-pressure steam.

As the pressure of the steam chamber continues to increase, the hot steam starts to drive the steam turbine to work, and the mechanical energy of the steam turbine drives the generator set to operate.

Finally, the first ray of electric current began to be produced, and then electric energy began to be output continuously.


At this time, there was an extremely warm applause in the center control room, and almost everyone present seemed extremely excited.

Except for Hong Ji's expression, it was always indifferent.

In fact, this kind of old-fashioned thermal power generating set has low fuel efficiency, high pollution and high maintenance costs, and it cannot be compared with the energy technology system of the grid.

But from another perspective, the thermal power generator set is indeed a milestone invention in this era.

It represents that from this moment, their Red Mountain Fort has entered the Lingli era.

At this time, the outside world of Red Mountain Fort was still in the era of cold weapons. Red Mountain Fort has been two times ahead of the outside world.

"Boom! Gu~ Gu~ Gu~ Gu Gu..."

On this day, the entire interior of a mountain near the central main fort of Red Mountain Fort violently erupted with a loud bang.

Everyone was taken aback by the loud noise. Looking for the reputation, everyone was surprised to find that the top of the mountain that had just made the loud noise started to emit black smoke.

The black smoke is slightly pungent.

If a person who knows a little about chemistry in future generations is here, he will definitely be able to recognize at a glance that the black smoke is clearly the boiler exhaust that has not been cleaned.

A big drawback of thermal power generation is that the burning of fossil energy will seriously pollute the environment.

The sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust, and volatile organic compounds in the boiler exhaust gas will have a great impact on the human body.

As a mechanical life, Hong Ji didn't have to worry too much about bad air that would harm her. But in fact, Hong Ji is more concerned about the fact that the thermal power generators will destroy the scenery like the fairyland mountain city in Hongshan Fort.

Our Hongji has always been a mechanical body with extremely high requirements for the quality of life.

Thermal power generating units should originally be equipped with purification facilities such as desulfurization, denitrification, and dust removal.

However, due to Hong Ji's eagerness to clean up the interior and complete the intelligent upgrade of Hongshan Fort, the manufacturing and assembly of the corresponding boiler exhaust gas purification equipment have been postponed. Anyway, a thermal power generating unit will not affect Hongshan Fort in a short time. What irreversible damage the surrounding mountains cause.

Everything should be prioritized.

The development of Hongshan Fort’s transition from a steam civilization to a power civilization was established before Hong Ji left Hongshan Fort for the far north.

During the two months when Hong Ji was absent, the Red Mountain Fort was under the control of Serenas, Xi Ling Yan, and Hong Ze. Although the pace of expansion to the outside world was slowed down, the engineers in Hongshan Fort We have been quietly accumulating the background of the transition to electric power civilization.

Such as the most basic but crucial power transmission network. When Hongji returns this time, the transmission network has almost covered all the main buildings in the Red Mountain Fort.

The complete power transmission network makes it possible for Hongshanbao to carry out the intelligent upgrade plan.

"The switch between the central magnetic brain power source and the plant energy core has been completed, and the plant energy core will serve as a backup power source for the future magnetic brain."

The main console just sent back the report of Lola Takizawa, the female slave of the Outland.

All the industrial equipment of the Crypt Lizard civilization, ranging from the spherical magnetic brain used for central control to the expendable mecha used for front-line combat, all use plant energy cores.

The so-called plant energy core, its core component is surprisingly the seed of the crystal mother tree.

The Crypt Lizard found that the seeds of the Crystal Mother Tree contained extremely huge energy, and that energy would be released in large quantities during the process of germination.

Based on the characteristics of the crystal mother tree seed, the Crypt Lizard created a type of seed container.

That kind of seed container has a spherical shape. The inside is used to store the seeds of the crystal mother tree, and the outside has eight interfaces made of mind crystals.

Crypt lizards rely on technological means to continuously germinate, wither, and germinate the seeds of the crystal mother tree in the seed container, so that they can continuously obtain energy.

However, biological seeds have a life limit after all, even the seeds of the crystal mother tree are no exception.

The plant energy core made by the Crypt Lizard is more like a battery. And this kind of storage battery is still disposable. Once the seed energy of the crystal mother tree in the seed container is exhausted and senesce and die, the energy core of the plant will be useless.

The original Crypt Lizard human civilization held the control of the Crystal Mother Tree, and naturally it could continuously create the core of plant energy, but Hong Ji did not have that condition. The plant energy cores she brought out from the ruins were extremely limited, most of which were planned by Hong Ji as an alternative energy source for steel mechas.

Fixed devices such as the spherical magnetic brain, Hong Ji, can also replace the plant energy core drive with electricity.

But it is impossible for those steel mecha Hongji to equip each of them with a cable for power supply.

Unless Hongji can manufacture high-capacity batteries, the current crude industrial system of Hongshanbao is simply unrealistic.

The meal still needs a bite.

"Connect the [Mind Contact Device] to the central magnetic brain."

Hong Ji stared at the main screen and said leisurely.

"Activate [Mind Contact Device]...Connect the signal to the central magnetic brain..."


At this moment, the strange spherical devices that were suddenly added to the key areas and main passages in the Red Mountain Fort were suddenly lit up a few years ago.

The bright green hemispheres are just like sharp eyes. At this moment, some sensitive people clearly noticed the sudden appearance of voyeurism.

After probing around, those people quickly locked the target on those strange spherical devices.

Those strange hemispherical devices are the "mind contact" in Hongji's mouth. As the name suggests, they are the contacts of the spherical magnetic brain extending to the outside world.

The idea contact device can not only help the magneto brain collect external image and sound wave data, it can even sense some strong dangerous ideas and send out an alarm to the spherical magneto brain.

The original [Mind Contact Device] most of the time only relied on the instinct of its raw material, the mind crystal, while the [Mind Contact Device] and spherical magnetic brain transformed by Hong Ji were more intelligent. The espionage operation, due to the shortage of Hong Ji's direct staff, could not be completely eliminated.

And this time, the dual application of the spherical magnetic brain and the [Mind Contact Device] will make all espionage activities nowhere to hide in the Red Mountain Fort.

Most people in the Red Mountain Fort should reasonably believe that the Great Zhou Imperial Court is now very important to Hong Ji's knighthood. At this time, everything else needs to be concession to the knighthood ceremony.

(To be continued)

Skynet Terminator in another world