Skynet In Another World

v2 Chapter 520

Mime private 520

Naturally, Muse would not come to Qingwu for no reason. In fact, when Qingwu just flew out of the lair, he became keenly aware of some objects carried by the administrators of the Dragon Nest of the Academy who accompanied the Muse.

"Is that a saddle? No! The saddle won't be that big! Damn! This isn't a dragon saddle, right!" Qingwu was instantly furious when he thought of the word dragon saddle.

"What do you mean, does this hateful woman want to put that kind of thing on me?"

Qingwu opened his nine eyes at the same time, and a terrifying fierce light escaped in his eyes, and the faint murderous intent had already enveloped the administrators of the Dragon Nest.

Feeling Qing Wu's almost substantive malice, these Dragon Nest administrators instantly became nervous, and some of their timid legs even woke up.

Chains, collars, and dragon saddles, these things were originally on the flying dragon Yalong who lived in this dragon's nest, but Qingwu has not paid attention to them all the time. Now I want to come to this muse to give Qingwu's body too. Here comes such a set.

Is it tolerable or unbearable! The humble man actually tried to insult Qingwu with a chain collar. The dignity of being an ancient great demon would never compromise on this kind of thing.

Insert a sentence, [Change Source Artifact APP] is really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

"Don't be afraid, it doesn't dare to resist, you just have to install it."

Muse saw the scruples in the hearts of these managers, and immediately spoke to appease. Maybe it’s because I saw that the Muse can really control his flying dragon before. These managers took a long time and finally got enough courage. A few of them were more courageous and slowly carried a huge steel collar. 'S approached Qingwu.

Qing Wu had no intention of hurting people, but seeing that these managers were so ignorant of good and bad, Qing Wu naturally wouldn't be polite to them.

The threatening low growl in his mouth, coupled with the nine terrifying dragon eyes, once again deterred these managers.

"What are you afraid of! Are you okay? If you don't, you will all get out of me. There is no waste in the Karrance Demon Martial Academy!"

Seeing these managers procrastinate, the Muse was hesitant to get started, and even shouted angrily.

Seeing the Muse's anger, all the managers were in awe. These people are all aware of the muse's special background in the academy. Knowing that if he and others don't do anything, the Muse is furious, and it is really possible to kick himself and others directly out of the academy.

Mindful of this, these managers can only turn their hearts back and walk towards Qingwu without hesitation.

"Hmph! Looking for death!" Qing Wu saw that these brave Dragon Nest managers could no longer be deterred by threats alone, and immediately became murderous in his heart.

"Ignorance and fearlessness, we must pay the price of death!"

"Aohou! Aohou! Huh!"


Accompanied by two sky-shaking dragon roars, Qing Wu opened his blood basin and dragon mouth in the unbelievable gazes of everyone. Suddenly, a strong black dragon flame spurted out.

Several managers were ignited by the dragon flame almost instantly. He waved his burning body, and continued to make a miserable wailing sound in his mouth.

The extreme screams didn't last long, only Qing Wukang snorted and swallowed several managers who dared to offend Longwei!

The screams stopped abruptly, and the surrounding air suddenly solidified. I don't know who was the first to react, but after hearing a scream, the managers screamed and ran towards the outskirts of Dragon Nest.

On the other hand, Muse was extremely angry at first, but after the anger, Muse was ecstatic again!

"Dragon Flame, it's actually Dragon Flame! It's it, it's actually it!" The Muse suddenly thought of the bizarre dragon roar that erupted in the academy last time. That time, the Muse thought it should be. It is the hope that the three Yalong in the academy may always advance. But in any case, the Muse did not expect that the dragon that issued the dragon's roar last time was actually his own.

Suddenly, the Muse looked at Qingwu's eyes and put the Buddha in a peerless treasure.

"Dragon! Hahaha!" I thought of owning a flying dragon that could only grow into a dragon, eh! No, it seems that Yalong should be right now. The endless vision for the future flashed in Muse's heart.

At this moment, the muse Fang Buddha has seen the eyes of everyone projecting jealousy, envy, and even worship on him! And all this is attributed to Qingwu in front of him.

Suddenly the Muse felt that the dragon Qingwu didn't seem to be that hateful anymore. In other words, why would the Yalong who could only grow into a giant dragon be less temperamental?

The roar of the dragon was shocked again, but this time it attracted more students from the academy, and the tutors gathered to Dragon Nest. When everyone discovered that the dragon that gave out the roar of the dragon was actually the humble seven-plane flying dragon of Muse, everyone was a little unbelievable.

"Unbelievable, it could be this flying dragon, but... my God, it's still so small!"

"What do you know? This dragon is so talented at first glance. How can an ordinary dragon be born with nine eyes! I said last time that the dragon's roar must have been made by this dragon."

"Huh? How do I remember the last time you said that Muse's flying dragon was mostly a handicapped silly dragon that was captured by Muse..."

"Who! Who is spreading the rumors! I want to fight you!"

Facing a little dragon that is only seven battles long, it will actually be a powerful sub-dragon that is expected to advance to the dragon. Even the deputy dean Langton and the head of the Dragon Knight Department Cassius were shocked .

However, after all, the two are powerful and knowledgeable senior figures in the cultivation world. This fact was quickly accepted. In any case, the Muse’s flying dragon is wrong, Yalong is expected to advance to the dragon, and it is an extremely important matter for the entire Karansi Demon Martial Arts Academy.

"Well, yes, Muse, very good." Vice Dean Langton nodded at Muse while stroking his beard with a smile on his white robe.

"Hey! Muse, you have actually broken through to the middle stage of the second stage. How long did you break through the second stage realm, and you actually broke through again!"

It was Cassius that first discovered the fact that the Muse's strength broke through. When Cassius was reminded by this, Langton also suddenly discovered the improvement of the Muse's strength.

In less than half a year, two breakthroughs were made, and the other two of Muse's cultivation talents couldn't help but look sideways.

"Hehe, it's just a coincidence." Muse's charming face smiled lightly, and although he spoke of modesty, he was proud of his face.

"Strength breakthrough is a good thing, but remember not to rush for quick success and quick gains, to move forward steadily one step at a time, so as not to delay the road to later practice."

Although amazed by the powerful talent of the Muse, Langton did not forget to remind the Muse to guard against arrogance and rashness. Don't be greedy for a quick breakthrough and ignore the importance of the foundation.

Facing the teachings of the deputy dean, Muse seemed to have listened to it, but in fact he didn't care about it.

Everyone turned their sights on the Muse, but they didn't know that Qingwu at this time had already set off a huge wave in his heart.

"Swallowing humans is so effective! Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

Just furious, Qing Wu killed several Dragon Nest administrators with dragon flames, and directly swallowed their flesh and blood for refining. What Qing Wu never expected was that the essence of the refining of several administrators was actually Forcibly raised Qing Wu's own cultivation base to a considerable level.

You know, these are just a few ordinary managers, even if they have practiced some simple martial arts, their strength is definitely not as good as the rank level. But the effect of devouring these human blood essences is more than that of similar monsters. This had to make Qingwu's eyes bright.

In the past prehistoric times, the monster race had a precedent for swallowing human essence and blood to quickly improve the cultivation base, but the human race swallowed by the monster race at that time was the primitive human race. The prehistoric human race contains the breath of nine days of breathing soil in its body, which helps the monster race to quickly improve its cultivation.

Now the Western humans, Qing Wu has never felt the breath of the nine heavens in their bodies. Originally, Qing Wu thought that the effect of devouring such humans would not be as good as the effects of monsters, so Qing Wu has never tried to devour humans. But when he tried Qingwu, he was very regretful and hated himself for wasting so much time before.

He immediately decided in his mind that as long as there is a chance in the future, he must give priority to human beings for devouring and refining.

As an ancient monster clan, Qingwu had both humans and monsters, and devouring humans was naturally without the slightest psychological burden for Qingwu. Moreover, after the death of his body, Qingwu gradually became suspicious of the causal karma that Dao Ancestor said in the past.

Even though I used to have no great merit to protect my body, I have never done anything to kill evil. But afterwards, he was still dead.

Anyway, it's the dead Dao friends who don't die poor Dao! For your own sake, even if it is to slaughter the human race!

Thinking of this, Qingwu's heart suddenly breeds a strong hostility. The moment the hostility arose, Langton and Cassius were alert. Both of them were suddenly shocked, and they all turned their gazes at the Yalong Qingwu!

Realizing that his mind seemed to have caused Langton and Cassius's alertness, Qingwu immediately converged his mind.

The chill in the hearts of Langton Cassius and the other two suddenly disappeared.

"Could it be an illusion? What happened to the awe-inspiring killing desire just now!"

Although they were puzzled, the two of Cassius Langton didn't think much about it after all. After discussion, because Qingwu is expected to grow into a giant dragon, the academy decided to focus on training Qingwu, and with his own strength and a dragon mount that is expected to break through, the Muse finally took off his head. On the hat of the outstanding candidate.

After devouring several administrators at once, Qing Wu instantly heard the evil name of the evil dragon within the academy. Everyone also knew that Qing Wu, the evil dragon, was a promising dragon, so he was afraid of Qing Wu at the same time. More people are envious or jealous of the luck of the muse.

With the words from the academy, naturally some managers sent Qingwu a panacea.

For these elixir, Qing Wu would naturally not be polite, and the dragon's mouth swallowed them all. Refining into spiritual power, improving cultivation.

With the exposure of the quasi-great dragon's identity, Qingwu no longer hides his appetite in the dragon's nest. Soon the dragon's nest managers discovered the anomaly of the dragons in the dragon's nest. At the very beginning, the managers found that most of the flying dragons and Yalongs in the dragon nest were not in good spirits, but later they actually showed a weakened state.

Such a discovery frightened the administrators of these dragon nests. You know, the dragons in the dragon's nest are all mounts of the academy dragon knights. These administrators are usually responsible for feeding the flying dragon. It's okay if there is no accident, there will be no good fruits for them once an accident occurs.

The manager of Dragon Nest didn't dare to conceal it, and hurriedly reported the matter to Cassius. Cassius heard of this and immediately went to Dragon Nest to investigate.

After a careful examination of the dragon nest flying dragons, Cassius concluded that these flying dragons were simply not fed for a long time, and it was not that they had suffered from any disease.

"How could it be hungry? The food for these flying dragons and sub-dragons is given in a daily ration. How could it be?"

Supervisor Long Chao's expression of sadness kept murmuring in his mouth.

Cassius is also puzzled. According to the Longchao Management Office of the School of Justice, the employees are all experienced and old employees. It is absolutely impossible to make a low-level mistake such as forgetting to feed. The only possibility is...

"I see, it's not your fault, it's the nine-eyed Yalong!" Cassius pondered quietly, and quickly figured out the root cause.

Nine-eyed Yalong, it is well known that a dragon's food intake is related to its strength. The stronger the dragon, the stronger its digestive ability, regardless of its size. Just look at the strength of strength.

The strength of the Muse’s nine-eyed Yalong is already on the verge of the Tier 4 Now it seems that its appetite should be close to the dragon's appetite.

Once the reasons were evoked, there was a solution. Karans Mowu Academy has never had the tradition of keeping dragons in the academy. It's not that the dragon's nest can't accommodate the physique of a giant dragon, it's that a dragon with a huge appetite like a giant dragon can eat more food than all the dragons in the dragon's nest today.

Feeding the dragons will bring an excessive burden to the academy, so the dragons in the general academy are scattered in the Warcraft Forest by their owners.

"It seems that this matter has to find the Muse." Cassius made a decision silently in his heart.

Because of the food intake problem, the academy found the muse and put forward the idea of ​​letting her raise Qingwu in the nearby Warcraft Forest. At this time, Muse was still immersed in the joy of owning a "dragon". Wholeheartedly enjoying the chase and worship of everyone.

Regarding the department head's proposal, Muse did not hesitate and agreed. Anyway, there is a contractual connection between her and the dragon, so she is not afraid that Qingwu will never return.

In this way, Qingwu was accidentally sent out of the academy. The surprise came so suddenly that Qing Wu couldn't even react.

"Nani? What are you doing! Don't do that? I plan to run away secretly. What's the matter with taking the initiative to kick me out of the academy! Hey, hey, don’t leave and keep in touch!"

The Karrance Demon Martial Arts Academy had no idea that what they released today was not just an ordinary Yalong, but a complete peerless dragon. Soon after, the Qingwu dragon set off a special event in the Warcraft Forest. The **** wind against humans and monsters.
