
Chapter 863: Huang Zhonghun, wake up!

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"Withdraw 500 yards!"

While Lin Tu slashed a foggy iron rider, he dragged the reins, and the people carrying the silver foxes continued. He seemed to have realized that if he tried to fight the front, the silver foxes would almost be defeated. The technical echelon attack lineup has been perfected, and if it continues to die, Silver Fox may collapse completely, and it may even destroy the team again!

He is a wise man and he is unwilling to suffer such a big loss.

"Push it up and occupy the main hall of the city!"

I then gave an order, and the people in Beichen and Tangmen began to enter the main hall of the city. A few minutes later, the people in Tangmen got the news of the commanding banner and echoed over the station.

Not far away, Silver Fox just confronted us like this, and didn't take any action, just watching it so far.


At this time, they have no chance of winning.

After Tang Yun drove Zhen Yan's master skills behind, Liu Que opened Taishi Ci's master skills in front, forming a super attacking echelon of Tang Men, plus two attacking echelons of Beichen, which can easily form a crushing effect on Silver Fox. Already.

"Ding Muyi!"

In the crowd, Lin Yang's eyes showed a chill, saying: "You already have an S-level station in Beichen, but you still come to grab this A-level station. What do you mean? Do you know the price of greed? You are not afraid that you can't eat that much More? "

I glanced at him lazily and said: "It is enough for Beichen to have an S-Class resident, but our ally's guild does not have a resident yet, so I can't stand idly by."

"is it?"

Lin Tu stared at me coldly, sneerly: "Ding Muyi, I know you have a great montage, but don't you think it's too bullying?"

"Lin Tu knows too much bullying?"

I couldn't help laughing: "Why didn't you think you were too bullying when you brought someone to destroy Shanyou Fusu? When you awakened so many Samsung stars and repeatedly destroyed Beichen's regiment, why didn't you feel like you Too bullying? "

"It doesn't help much."

Zhong Er Wu Shou held the blade of his sword, his face was full of anger, and said, "Leader, since Bei Chen doesn't put our silver fox in his eyes at all, let's just rush over to it and destroy them and we're done!"

"Do not."

Lin Tu shook his head and squinted his eyes and looked at the distance. Players at several major guilds of Tangmen, Heroes Hall, and Knights of the Moon Moon were moving from the direction of Xichengmen to the main hall of the city. Next, they will be fortified in the main hall of the city. There are at least 60,000 players in the Grand Guild, plus more elites, there are as many as 10 Samsungs sitting on the soul, and this time Silver Fox did not invite the world to return to heart together, so there are only five Samsung star players. The quantity and quality are no longer dominant.

Lv Buhun, the most disadvantaged is that he ca n’t eat any bonus of monarch skills. Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Yuan Shao, he does n’t belong to any party, and the Han Xian emperor monarch skills of Spring Breeze Knight ca n’t eat, because Lu Bucha is just in Those who stood on Dong Zhuo's side in the war against Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo did not have the monarch skills, so Lu Buhun was destined not to eat any secondary gain effects, stopping at 120% of the attack power, and naturally not so strong.

Even Ma Chaosoul, with the addition of Liu Bei's monarch technique, can completely abuse Lu Buhun. At first, Lin Tu scolded Lin Che as a small garbage. Now it is estimated that he has the heart to die, and he can no longer swear.


"do not fight!"

Lin Tu Jianmei raised his eyebrows and said something amazing: "This time, our Silver Fox has withdrawn from this place for contention, brothers, we will slowly withdraw, and those who have left the city can return to the city. The leveling of this leveling, this station they want, then give them, we have our own station. "

"it is good!"

The crowds receded, and in a flash, thousands of Silver Foxes dispersed like a tide.


Critical smile: "Otherwise, Lin Tu is a clever man, and he will never fight again if he knows he can't beat him. It's really unprofitable."

"Silver Fox exited, and the battle for the resident has ended."

I looked into the distance, and said, "Everyone, please work hard. I'll be in the main hall for two hours."


Therefore, the people of the four major guilds surrounded the lord's hall, and as soon as the silver fox left, there was only one battle in the Chibai God Realm. Soon after, Shen Qiubai led the god's covenant of 200,000 troops and began to attack. However, he was repelled again and again, and the city did not capture it. Instead, he damaged his soldiers and defeated them.

When I was a child, many small and medium guilds with dreams also launched attacks and attacked the Beichen position together with Chi Bai Shenyu, but were repeatedly dismissed by Zhao Yunhun and Ma Chaohun. They could not even beat the front row. Not to mention that the long-range step attack behind was hurt, basically it was shot randomly and died, which is unbearable.

Time passed by bit by bit. Ten minutes later, after an arrow with a clear speech exploded in the crowd, he suddenly trembled and a golden air flow rose into the sky, condensing an old war above his head. Imagine riding a war horse and pulling the bow with both hands, a magnificent momentum, and at the same time the system bell came, the seventh Samsung of Beichen will formally awaken!


System announcement: Congratulations to the player [Clear Words] trigger conditions (more than 800 PK kills on the day), successfully awakened the soul of the famous star-[Huang Zhong] (historical famous star ★ ★ ★), comprehend the extraordinary star skill [Sky Bow], Celebrity skill attributes: After launching the Celebrity Skills, the archers' professional attack power of the players in this team + 35%, according to the extraordinary strength of their extraordinary achievements, the maximum increase is 150%! (Biography of famous generals: Huang Zhong, Han Sheng, one of the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Kingdom, first from Liu Biao and later returning to Liu Bei, helping Liu Bei to capture Yizhou, killing Cao Wei famous general Xia Houyuan during the First World War in Dingjun Mountain, World War I Known all over the world, he is loyal, his sword is not old, his archery is unparalleled, and he has the ability to walk through Yang in a hundred steps.


"I depend, just wake up like that?"

With clear words, holding the bow, he stood still and said, "I thought that when the guild fell into desperation, I would wake up and turn the tide. How did I wake up like this?"

"Get cheap and sell well!"

Critical sulky and grinned: "Are you the protagonist? Still want to turn the tide? Let's talk, Huang Zhonghun, what else are you dissatisfied with, this is the strongest general in the remote department, do you say it ? "

I nodded: "Of course it is. The 150% attack power bonus, plus Lin Che's monarch skill is a 225% attack power bonus. After the explosion of Lu Buhun ’s attack bonus, Beichen ’s archer team will be You're here to lead the team, and quickly get out of the sea, form a team of archers and hit the enemy with random shots, it must be super powerful! "


With a clear greeting, he resigned: "The sea, I'm sorry, I won't have to confuse you again!"

Driving Xia Houyuan to touch the sea of ​​the soul with his nose: "Fuck, you're not sorry to resign, but why your general will chop my soul? MLGBD ..."

Laughing plainly: "A misunderstanding, it's a family now."

Soon, the 400 strongest archers in the guild were concentrated in a small team, led by the clear words, and opened the loyalty of Huang. When the crowd launched the chaos again, they felt that they had destroyed the world. The arrows seemed very weak. "Papapa" hit the opponent's shield with only a maximum of seven or eight thousand attack damage. Now it is incredible, each time the damage is more than 2W, so that the front of the white gods in the front position One fell like a cut wheat is a large slice.

"Rusty ..."

Holding the shield back and forth without any trace, his face turned green: "How can it be so fierce, Sun Quan's injury-reducing skills can't completely stop the archer from hurting, what the **** !?"

Shen Qiubai looked dignified: "The master of the second monarch skill addition is awesome, MD. Now, the most difficult person in Beichen is not tonight or tonight, but to fall in cold water!"

"Find Qiushuihan and slaughter him!" Jiange Wen Ling drank low.

"Don't look for it."

Shen Qiubai stretched out his hand and pointed deep into the crowd of Beichen, saying, "He is chatting with dozens of Yunyou Xianyi girls."



In fact, looking at the entire Beichen, Lin Che is protected the most tightly, and it is more thorough than Su Xiran's protection, not to mention the situation is more different now. Admiral Wuhu has awakened four, in Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Ma Chao 4, Huang Zhong's four generals want to kill Lin Che under the protection of the soul, at least with the strength of Chi Bai Shen Yu is impossible.

As a result, the front line of Chi Bai Shen Yu kept backing down. At first, under the command of Shen Qiubai, he rushed a few waves, killing many of us. Later, in the case of greater damage, he could no longer organize any attacks. Then, a large group of people stared at us from afar, and then watched the people of Tangmen gain ownership of the main city.


System announcement: Congratulations to the player [Tangmen Songge] for successfully holding the command battle flag for 120 minutes. The guild [Tangmen] obtained the resident ownership, and the leader [Tiramisu] became the resident city owner!

You're done, it's over!

In the station, a group of small and medium guild players suddenly dispersed. Many people knew that it would never be possible to enter the main hall of the city from the four guilds under the control of Beichen, Tangmen, Knights of the Moon, and the Hall of Heroes. After all, such events are rare. All the top guilds in the main city participate in activities that are exciting enough.


"All right."

Tang Yun approached with the Scepter of Flames and laughed, "Thanks everyone, I thank everyone on behalf of Tang Men."

"You're welcome, it should be." Feiyue laughed.

Yanguang Yanzhao said, "Congratulations to Tangmen!"

"Uh, thank you."

Then, Tang Yun blinked her eyes, looked at me, and asked with a smile, "As the owner of Nanfeng City, do you have any management experience to share with me?"


I smiled slightly: "Early start the dartboard, after rushing to the 3rd level station, open the tavern."

"Yeah, I got it!"