Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 110: Thousands of proud battles (6 more)


The East Gate of the 98th Regiment!

The city gate collapsed suddenly, and Su Mu stood at the door and stared proudly!

Onlookers kept pouring in. A large number of players stood in the distance and watched a person standing in place at the gate, while the people in Datang's resident stood at the gate, and the two sides actually stalemate.

The shock of everyone at this time or how did the door open?

The first-level resident gate has at least one hundred thousand health, but now it has been opened by someone alone? What the **** is this?

Not only the onlookers, but the members of Datang now also looked at Su Mu in shock.

At this moment, he looked like a **** of death with a faint smile, and that smile was like a devil, like a person who came to harvest their lives.

The door...The door's 100,000 blood volume was actually broken by this person in an instant?

No one thought it would be such a result, even the members who walked down the city wall did not expect that this person from Ziyang actually opened the door!

Because of the shock and fear, no one dared to do anything with Su Mu for a while!

At this moment, Su Muqiang endured the exhaustion from the beating heart and body, and he tried to keep breathing deeply to prevent the other party from seeing his exhaustion!

Every time I use the Shake Sword, I feel so tired, which has made Su Mu used to it.

Hundreds of people stood inside the city gate looking at Su Mu, and Su Mu slowly moved forward at this time.

Wow, a group of people stepped back.

Su Mu couldn't help feeling ridiculous, he was just a person, and the people of Datang didn't dare to step forward!

The picture at this time was very strange. Hundreds of people were staring at Su Mu with weapons, but no one took a step forward. They took a step back when Su Mu took a step forward.

A berserker in the crowd in the Datang world shouted: "Don't be afraid, just himself, brothers, give me a shot!"


A blast of wind flashed past, and Su Mu watched as an arrow on his left rushed past, and there was also a phantom phoenix on the arrow.




The people of Datang World were shocked again!

Spike the Berserker?

Everyone looked behind Su Mu.

"Wow haha, brother! Sure enough, you are here by yourself! Haha!" Xia Feng rushed over with a laugh.

Following him was Chen Xiaoruan who was pulling a long bow.

The ability of the White Jade Phoenix Bow was completely revealed at this time.

"Big Brother Su..." Standing behind Su Mu, the soft girl looked at the people in the Datang world warily.

Xia Feng walked to Su Mu and took out a shield and said, "Brother, Sister Han and Sister Ling, let us come over and tell you that you are not fighting alone! All the people in Ziyang have participated in the battle. Now they are facing the 25th and 26th regiments of Datang. It."

Su Mu smiled and said, "Wenren Zihan and Zhou Yaojing dare to go to war?"

"Brother! Don't be shameless, you've done it all, how can the people of Ziyang be persuaded?"

Su Mu laughed haha, and then said: "Xia Feng, protect Xiaoruan, let me solve these rubbish."

"Come on, don't worry, brother! Make sure not to let the soft girl get hurt at all."

Su Mu slowly walked over with the sword of God's Domain, while the members of Datang World slowly backed away. Chen Xiaoruan and Xia Feng had been standing at the gate of the city. Here you can avoid remote professional attacks!

At this time, in the Datang Guild channel, Brother Twenty-Six furiously said: "Damn, what is he afraid of alone? Kill him for me!"



Hundreds of people rushed up, but there were still dozens of people who could really come into contact with Su Mu, so Su Mu didn't have to worry about directly facing the attack of hundreds of people!


Su Mu's figure quickly became faster, and he rushed into the crowd in an instant. The players who charged had not reacted yet discovered that Su Mu was already behind them!

This feeling was too weird. It was obviously that they were charging, but after they rushed over, they realized that they had already rushed into their team.

"Domain Fist!"


A huge gas fist appeared in the crowd, like a scene in a movie, dozens of players were knocked into the air.

"Fuck! Su Ge's move is too exaggerated, right?" Xia Feng looked at the picture inside a little speechlessly, this is simply a unilateral slaughter!

Su Mu alone can block hundreds of them!

Chen Xiaoruan also had a nervous expression, her little face flushed, and she looked at the power of Domain Fist's skills and said: "Brother Su's skills are limited, Xia Feng, we must support Brother Su."

"Let's pull it down, let's just watch it here, and it will not be too late for us to go up when he can't do it. Now we go up to die..."

Damn, Xia Feng is speechless. Now Su Mu's combat effectiveness is very strong, and he feels that he can't keep up with Su Mu's rhythm at all.

Not only Xia Feng, but also the people in the Datang world were shocked at this time. I heard that someone in Ziyang fainted when he was fighting against the Shengshi Dynasty, and he led a hundred people to defeat the Shengshi Dynasty. Four to five hundred people, such a madman, they have seen it with their own eyes.

After the Fist of the Domain, Su Mu's figure shuttled through the crowd again. He quickly dodges the attacks of surrounding players. The ghostly body makes the players unable to attack at all, so Su Mu's blood has always been above the safety line!

"The column is topped!"

boom! ! ! !

The huge stone pillar instantly stood up in the crowd, countless people were knocked into the air, and a place became empty again in the middle of the battlefield.

Su Mu stood alone among the crowd and laughed wildly: "The Tang Dynasty! Lao Tzu is here to slaughter the city!"

Everyone started to retreat. Su Mu alone forced them to retreat. The violent skills made them doubt whether they were the same game as Su Mu!

At this time, no one would think about how long Su Mu's skills cool down, and no one knew how many such skills Su Mu had, so no one dared to use it!

Xia Feng and Chen Xiaoruan walked out slowly, picking up equipment on the ground while alerting the surrounding players.

"Damn, what kind of boss is this, the player is the best boss! Haha!"

At this time, Brother Twenty-Six stood out from the crowd, frowning and staring at Su Mu, and then shouted: "Fuck me for him! Kill him! One person scared you like this! You will think about it in the future Don't want to mix in reincarnation?!"

People in the world of Datang glanced at each other, and then rushed up again!

Brother Twenty-Six is ​​right. If a person is beaten like this, how will they get mixed up in the future?


charge! !

The two impact skills of the Berserker and the Paladin were instantly unfolded, and all the targets were Su Mu in the middle!

At this time, Xia Feng and Chen Xiaoruan couldn't help but worry, being hit by so many people together would have half their lives if they didn't die!

At least they know that ordinary players will undoubtedly die if they are impacted by so many people!

boom! !