Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 118: Nightmare level

Ziyang Station.

Zhou Wenling, Wenren Zihan, Chen Xiaoruan, Zhou Xiaoman, Luo Jing, Wendy, Xia Feng and others stood at the entrance of the resident dungeon.

"Auntie, there is no way to choose the level of the resident dungeon mission. Are you sure you want to enter at this time?" Su Mu looked back at them and said.

"Hey, yeah, brother, can you still get to the nightmare level with your luck?" Zhou Wenling giggled.

The resident copy is also divided into four levels: simple, difficult, horrible and nightmare, but this level cannot be selected by the player. The system is based on the overall strength of the participants, and part of it is the chance of luck, so I can’t say what mode it is. But most of the time it is a simple mode, after all, it is a copy of the first-level resident application.

The benefit of upgrading the station is that the city guards are doubled. The first level station has 100 system guards, and the second level is 200, and so on. At the tenth level station, it is more terrifying. At that time, in addition to the system guards, there are also station building. The defense, there will be about 100,000 system city defense guards by then!

The resident upgrade copy can only be applied by the president, so Su Mu directly clicked on the guild medal and then chose to upgrade the resident.

"Ding! Upgrading the resident requires one hundred gold coins. The upgrade is successfully consumed, and the upgrade fails and returns. Do you want to continue?"


This one hundred gold coins can be deduced by analogy, and when they are upgraded to level ten, they are more than 70,000 gold coins!

"Ding! Ziyang resident is upgraded, the copy is opened, your mode is-nightmare!"



With a scream, a dozen people disappeared in place.

In front of him was a small canyon, a bit like a dry artificial river, but at this time everyone was quietly looking at Su Mu.

Well, look at Su Mu's eyes differently.

Some were surprised, some were trembling, some were helpless, um, and Zhou Wenling was gloating!

"Gluck...little brother, go buy lottery tickets after offline..."

"Fuck! Brother! Didn't you wash your hands before you went online? Nightmare level?" Xia Feng also looked dumbfounded.

Zhou Xiaoman walked up to Su Mu and said with a thumbs up: "Dude, I will serve you this time!"


Damn, I didn't expect it!

This resident upgrade dungeon is judged according to the overall strength of the guild. Although there is a systematic accidental element, what does it mean to give a nightmare level to Nima?

The most important thing is that Wenren Zihan has brought more than a dozen people to participate. I thought it was a normal level, but now it's all right, it is the highest level of nightmare!

Chen Xiaoruan glanced at Su Mu and said, "Brother Su, otherwise, go back and come again."

The resident upgrade mission will not change the mode. You can only continue to upgrade after you have passed through it. Therefore, the resident in the reincarnation, in many cases, the first-level resident will accompany a guild for life, or you can find someone to help pass it.

Zhou Xiaoman wiped his nose with his hand and said, "Since I'm here, I'll take a look, I can't go back."

"Let's go." Wenren Zihan took the lead and walked forward.

Everyone saw that Wenren Zihan and Zhou Xiaoman had both gone forward, so they all followed.

Zhou Wenling followed Su Mu and walked forward and said, "Brother, maybe our guild is destined to be a first-class... heh..."

"Brother! Your hands are too stinky." Xia Feng also rolled his eyes sharply.


"Ding! The resident upgrade instance, the first level, the first wave, the anger, level, nightmare of the chain zombie!"



In the canyon, as the white light flickered, zombies appeared in front of everyone.

These zombies are gray-brown, with rotten clothes and muscles. The rotten arms of the zombies are still tied with two iron chains. With their hideous fangs and disgusting calls, all the girls are backing subconsciously.

"Paladin go forward!" Wenren Zihan said.

Xia Feng and a few paladins walked in front, and Su Mu also took a few steps forward at this time.

Chain Zombie Lv15

Qi and blood: 10200

Energy: 3200

Skills: Bite, chain attack...

"It's disgusting..."


Bang, a Paladin was attacked.


"Fuck! More than five hundred hurt!" Xia Feng was taken aback. This Nima is a level 15 monster.

Not only Xia Feng, but Su Mu was also taken aback, the damage was too high.

Nowadays, players generally have more than one thousand to two thousand qi and blood, and evildoers like Su Mu can only be regarded as an alternative.



Three zombies rushed, and the three iron chains fell directly on a paladin beside Xia Feng.






And there was a crit damage!

"Go back!" Su Mu shouted.

However, at this time, the zombies were moving very fast, Wenren Zihan, Zhou Xiaoman and Chen Xiaoruan had no time to retreat. Those zombies had already rushed up!

Seeing that the zombies were about to attack them, Xia Feng raised his shield again at this time!


Su Mu appeared in front of Chen Xiaoruan and grabbed her waist, then blocked her with a long sword!



The vertigo effect made the zombie no longer attack. At this time, Su Mu also directly hugged Chen Xiaoruan in his arms, and...this big hand touched something...soft...bounce...

Huh, Chen Xiaoruan's face flushed, because Su Mu grabbed Chen Xiaoruan's chest...

"Ahem..." Su Mu directly pulled Chen Xiaoruan back and shouted: "Remote occupation, attack!"



The attacks of the archers and magicians unfolded immediately.

However, the chain zombies attacked very frequently. Zhou Xiaoman was able to deal with ordinary monsters easily, but now he can't stand it anymore.


Su Mu rushed up again, grabbed Zhou Xiaoman's hand, and slammed the zombie arm with a sword!

"Don't mess up, everyone!" Zhou Wenling commanded from behind, but now that the zombies had completely rushed into the crowd, Su Mu had no time to react.

Zhou Xiaoman let go of Su Mu and was about to fight, and at this time another chain zombie appeared out of thin air, and it was just behind Zhou Xiaoman.

"Be careful……"

Su Mu was holding Zhou Xiaoman in a bear hug again, but that big hand... caught the bun again!

Su Mu's heart has blossomed. Your sister, told you to satirize Lao Tzu in full screen just now. Now it's just to get some benefits back...

"You pervert!" Zhou Xiaoman broke away from Su Mu and moved back.

The scene of Su Mu rescuing Chen Xiaoruan and Zhou Xiaoman naturally couldn't escape Wenren Zihan's eyes. At this time, two zombies were refreshed beside her, and Su Mu stretched out his big hand to catch her...

Su Mu saw Wenren Zihan at this moment and raised his foot.


One kick hit Su Mu's chest!

"Go!" Wenren Zihan turned and fell directly between the two zombies.




The defensive effect of the Hanxue Yulong Shirt is extremely powerful!

"Fuck, would you rather let the zombies touch it than me?" Su Mu cursed.