Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2096: Global migration (6 more)

Su Mu and Qiangwei could not continue to land after they landed to a certain extent inside the volcano. Because the heat wave was too great, their bodies were unable to fall. So at this time, Su Mu could only tell Qiangwei the way he thought of, migrating to the entire underworld. Go to the water blue world, although it is said that the water blue world has already endured the life of other elemental planets, but most of them are well water and not the river water. They are like angels. They will not contact humans, and humans will not. Wouldn't it be nice to be in peace with them?

While Qiangwei was still hesitating, an air-conditioning fell in an instant, and then he saw the heat waves around him directly turned into ice, followed by the fall of various elements that directly enveloped Su Mu and Qiangwei.


The bodies of Su Mu and Qiangwei quickly rushed upward!

boom! ! !

The two rushed out of the volcano, and then saw that the surrounding red clouds had faded away, and the crater had been blocked by something...

At this time, Qiangwei saw that all the seven goddesses were present, and sent aura to surround the location of the crater. The huge elemental aura controlled the crater to continue to emit red mist, and the surrounding environment began to slowly become clearer... …

Waiting for Su Mu and Qiangwei to slowly fall to the ground, the seven goddesses all surrounded them.

Su Mu asked, "Have you found Lie Yu?"

Su Yan took a step forward at this time and said: "We went to Lieyu’s planet on this day, and explained your master’s plan to Lieyu. Lieyu said that there is still something to be done. When we go back, we must pass the light. Being a planet, she will enter the reincarnation of the earth with us at that time."

Su Mu nodded, as long as Lie Yu knew, so now Su Mu could only look at the goddess of water blue.

Shui Lan was slightly startled at this moment, and then glanced at Qiangwei. She instantly understood Su Mu's meaning, so the Goddess Shui Lan frowned slightly, but she did not immediately say her answer. After all, the underworld has changed. In this way, the only way to save them is to migrate. The fall of the planet is beyond the control of the Supreme God. Even the highest **** is only life after all, and it is too small compared to the galaxies in this vast universe. .

Su Mu said: "Although there are only humans on the continent of time cycle, there are also beasts, angels, demons and other kinds of life. As long as they are creatures with powerful genes, such as angels, they live in high altitudes. The gravity of this planet is enough, and there are other lives hidden in places that humans cannot see or reach, so I think..."

Qiangwei also looked at the goddess of water and blue at this time, and the latter directly interrupted Su Mudao: "Susu, you don't need to say, it is not impossible for life in the underworld to migrate to the water system stars, but like other life, it must adhere to the contract. As long as you stay on the water planet for one day, you can’t have any contact with human beings. Once you have contact, you will be sent away. If Qiangwei agrees to this, I will allow them to migrate."

Qiangwei's eyes widened when she heard the words. She looked at the Aquamarine Goddess a little unbelievably, because she had never thought that the Aquamarine Goddess would agree so readily. You must know that the current water system planet is already very saturated, and now let her The people of the underworld migrated over, isn't this another burden on the water system stars?

It’s just that Qiangwei himself knows that the star of the underworld has not been for many years. If it does not migrate now, it will definitely disappear in this universe. Therefore, the current Qiangwei is not to mention the conditions mentioned by the water blue, even if it is ten times harsher. For the sake of it, after all, this is to step into other people's homes to survive...

The other goddesses also showed smiles. As long as the water blue goddess agreed, then the matter would be resolved.

Therefore, at this time, the goddess of water blue took the lead and flew directly into the air, and then said: "Susu, we are waiting for you below."

Su Mu gave a hum, and then watched all the goddesses disappear into the volcano...

At this time, the entire crater was left with Qiangwei and Su Mu. Qianglin didn't know where to go, and Su Mu was not in the mood to bother.

"I'm sorry..." Qiangwei stood still and looked at Su Mu.

At this time, Qiangwei looked apologetic. After all, Qianglin said so many hurtful things before, and Qiangwei was a bit confused before and wanted to let Su Mu jump into the volcano with her.

Su Mu directly grabbed Qiangwei's hands, and then looked at Qiangwei's apologetic expression and couldn't help but smile: "You think about your planet, these things are nothing, the most important thing is, as long as you can solve this matter, it doesn't matter. What will happen in the future, at least you need to solve the immediate matter instead of avoiding it by yourself..."

Qiangwei's eyes were startled, because Su Mu said that she was in her heart. The reason why she thought she had jumped into the volcano, apart from comforting the life on this planet, Qiangwei really didn't want to carry it anymore, because she herself knew that the underworld could not support much. Years, so in desperate circumstances, Qiangwei can only choose to escape and jump into the volcano. After all, she has nothing to do...

So instead of saying this, Su Mu spoke directly to Qiangwei's heart.

She sighed helplessly: "Before you came, Qiangwei really had nothing to do. I have thought about all the ways, but I can't save this planet. Su, Qiangwei, so tired..."

Su Mu hugged her, then patted Qiangwei's shoulder, and said: "Okay, everything is over, the underworld migration to the water system stars will be fine, will you and me meet the earth or help your subjects migrate here?"

Qiangwei shook his head: "I don't know what to do. After you go back, can Qiangwei go back alone?"

"Yes, the space-time tunnel should be open, the same as when you entered the earth, as long as all the earthlings in this galaxy go back, everything will return to normal."

According to the meanings of several goddesses, as long as Su Mu opens the tunnel to return to the earth, then the whole thing will undergo a huge change. All the people on earth and all the things about reincarnation will return to the way they were before they came to time reincarnation. , Qiangwei and the others can also return to the Earth Reincarnation as their NPCs through a certain way of reincarnation.

Therefore, at this time, Qiangwei could only look at the red planet in front of her and said: "As the king of this world, I only hope that life in this world can continue... Su, you go back first..."

Su Mu had long known that Qiangwei would make such a decision. It was inevitable. Together with Zhiyan, they would not leave easily without setting up their subjects, so Su Mu did not force it, because Su Mu had the confidence to wait for the settlement to be completed. After the Nine Elements matter, I can still come back here, and I will take them away when the time comes.