Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2427: Li Hong

"It's you?!" Su Mu stared at the woman in front of him in surprise.

Chen Yongqi and Qi Yun were also a little curious. This woman looked like she was about thirty years old, but she was a bit pretty, but she was a little insignificant when compared with the women around Su Mu.

The woman chuckled, then turned around and said, "I didn't expect the dignified shadow of God to remember me? It's really flattering."

A white coat and a pair of simple jeans didn't look special, but Su Mu remembered this woman.

Su Mu's memory of Wendy's incidents was still fresh in the memory of Su Mu, and it was precisely because Wendy involved this woman, the current president of the Scorching Sun Guild, the junior before Li Qiangfeng, and Wendy's scumbag brother-in-law! (The details are about chapter 933, Wendy incident)

"Li Hong? Are you the boss of Xianlingmen?" Su Mu stared at Li Hong and asked.

Li Hong turned around slowly, then glanced at Su Mu, Chen Yongqi and others and said, "Am I the boss of Xianlingmen? Anyway, I don’t have the Wang Family and Long Family in Haitian City, in Yunhai City. Even with the Chen family sitting in town, what is the fairy gate? Huh."

Li Hong’s tone is a bit mocking and resentful, but Su Mu can understand. At first she thought Li Qiangfeng was a man to rely on, but who knew it would be such a result, so Li Hong’s current attitude somewhat resented Su Mu. The whole thing was directly dismantled.

Su Mu took a few steps forward, then looked at Li Hong and said, "You asked this yellow tooth man to find Wang Gang and the others, you really want to attract me here, right?"

Li Hong was startled, then turned to look at Su Mu and smiled slightly: "The shadow of God is indeed the shadow of God, yes, my purpose is to attract you to come here, they are just a bridge, who let the current Is it so difficult for the Shadow of God to want to meet? Even in the game it is so difficult to meet..."

Su Mu frowned slightly. In the game, it is not as difficult to see herself as she said, especially for a while, for any reason. It is not difficult for Li Hong to even use Wendy's identity to see Su Mu, like There are very few who see oneself in the way of becoming strong.

So Su Mu still doubts Li Hong's motives.

But Li Hong seemed to know Su Mu's thoughts. He turned around and looked at Su Mu and said, "Of course, you will definitely doubt my motives now, but if you don't see you like this, would you believe these things you see now?"

Su Mu nodded. Indeed, if someone told him in the game that the golden sore medicine of reincarnation can be taken out in the real world and can be used, it can even repair human wounds, and even fractures can be repaired instantly. This kind of thing Su Mu Would you believe it? Obviously, Su Mu couldn't believe it.

So Li Hong asked Huang Yanan to find Wang Gang, that is, Su Mu's power in Haitian City. As long as he stared at Wang Gang and others, Su Mu would be discovered as soon as he returned to Haitian City, which was what happened before.

Su Mu nodded and said, "Now I believe it, and then? Are you going to explain why these things appear in the real world?"

"Of course it was brought out from the game." Li Hong said.

Su Mu frowned, Lao Tzu was not stupid, these things were originally in the game of reincarnation, and they were naturally brought out of the game.

At this time, the people in the room suddenly started to leave. For a time, there were three people Su Mu, Li Hong and Huang Yaman left in a hall of thousands of square meters.

Su Mu frowned slightly.

At this time, I saw Huang Fang directly holding a remote control and pressing it, and then slowly pushed and pulled a wall behind Li Hong, and immediately saw a room like a teleportation array. Something appeared before his eyes.

Su Mu and Chen Yongqi were shocked.

This is the real world. How could the teleportation array in the game appear here? This is simply a fantasy?

But the teleportation array in front of me is very realistic.

Li Hong took a few steps forward slowly, and then stood in front of the teleportation array and said: "I never thought that the teleportation array in the game would come to the real world, let alone the props in the game. People use it, so I started to study this teleportation array... Afterwards, as you can see, many things in the game can be brought out. Of course, the golden ruling of rank three is an exception. Weapons and props can only be brought out at most Novice Village level things."

Su Mu took a few steps forward and determined that it wasn't the kind of portal of time-space teleportation, but just an ordinary teleportation array in the game.

Li Hong continued: "Of course, the use of golden sore medicine can cause harm to the human body, but human greed cannot be restrained. Huang Fang has been using golden sore medicine for two years. Now, his body has begun to change..."

Then Li Hong looked at the yellow tooth man, who walked up, and then directly took off the clothes on his chest to reveal the skin of his chest...

At this time, the three of Su Mu saw that the skin of the yellow-toothed man’s chest had become exposed to the veins, which made people panic like strips of earthworms on the chest...

"Exposed veins and blood vessels are more exaggerated lesions than varicose veins, but there is no pain and no physical abnormalities..." Li Hong explained: "People who use other potions also have different physical changes. But uniformly, the things in one kind of reincarnation game will change all the year round, and the second thing cannot be used. In other words, you cannot use the energy bottle or the game props the first time you use the golden sore medicine. Not available."

Chen Yongqi took a step forward and said: "What you mean is that people in reality can only use one thing in reincarnation, not the second thing."

"Yes! That's what I meant. I called you here today. In fact, it is for this matter. I want to prevent this from happening and not let the reincarnation thing continue to be brought out." Li Hong said.

Su Mu looked at Li Hong in surprise and asked, "You mean, besides you, there are people in China who can bring things out?"

"It's not just China? It's available all over the world, but it's more secretive, and it will only appear on the black market."

Su Mu was stunned.

At this time, Su Mu can understand what the end of the world was mentioned by the goddess Feng Xi. It is not about the data of the earth, nor is it a collision between the world, and it is not a crisis of loss. It is actually a crisis of reincarnation, which is the current thing...

Humans can use the things in the game, which in itself is unscientific, but you can't measure the reincarnation from a completely scientific perspective, so Su Mu didn't expect this kind of thing to happen now.

Su Mu discovered this kind of thing only a month after he returned to the earth, so how much has changed in the end of reincarnation in the past five years?

"There is one more thing you may not know..." Li Hong's tone became more serious at this time.

And Su Mu, Chen Yongqi, and Qi Yun were completely shocked. Is there anything more terrifying than this?