Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2823: Goodbye Sunburn

A lot of goddesses are also in trouble at this time. The method mentioned by the black and white goddess Nina is impossible. Once they leave the tower of the gods, the goddesses will withdraw their involvement with Su Mu. Don’t say they can help Su Mu at that time, I’m afraid When the time comes, the goddesses will stand with Lie Yu to fight Su Mu...

So the solution is not feasible.

Su Mu probably analyzed the advantages of several goddesses.

Shui Lan and Mu Ling are biased towards healing, so their offenses can be said to be not as strong as other goddesses, but Su Yan and Jin Ning are completely offensive attribute elements, so they can be used as the main output points. , Other goddesses can defend Lie Yu’s offense.

It’s not that Su Mu was too careful to use the six goddesses to defend, it was that Lieyu’s offensive ability was too strong. The four goddesses in the red ray just failed to defend successfully. Su Mu was unable to prevent the six goddesses from defending. Way out.

"After a while, I will be resurrected. Su Yan and Jin Ning will assist me in attacking. Shui Lan and Wood Spirit are responsible for adding status and attributes to me. The other goddesses are all focused on defense. Although I am not afraid of death, how many of you There is a CD for my blessing. Once I die more than ten times, it will be difficult to resurrect again.” Su Mu said.

The gods nodded, and now they can only use this method.

In the following time, because the resurrection time was two hours, Su Mu and several goddesses roughly discussed the details of the treatment, but in the end Zhiwei came up with a way.

"Elemental Sword!" Goddess Zhiwei looked at the gods and said, "Although we are missing one Lie Yu now, you have all ignored the other person."

Su Mu was startled when he heard the words: "Sunburn?"

"That's right!" Zhiwei said: "The Archangel Zhiyan, who belongs to the time element, can also accomplish this. You must know that now there is an ancient artifact like Shennongding in the hands of Lord God. We can completely let Zhiyan act as the time element. Release the sword of elements!"

"But... the most important thing in the sword of elements is the time element and the dark element. The dark element is impossible to find. Now if the time element is let by Zhiyan act as it... is it a bit too rush?"

In fact, everyone knows that the reason why this elemental sword has not been mentioned is because it is Lie Yu. The elemental sword lacking the element of time is no longer called the elemental sword, but it is now the first one by the goddess Zhiwei. It's not impossible to try.

Su Mu said: "Just, is Zhiyan in the second-tier world?"

"Our goddess is different from your players. I remember that Susu has blood and tears of burning angels? You can try to summon her." The water blue goddess explained.

Su Mu nodded, there is nothing left to worry about at this point, and every possible method must be tried, whether it is for Lie Yu or to investigate the person behind Lie Yu!

Su Mu flew up on the night of reincarnation, and then found a relatively high place, but also far away from where the goddesses were.

It’s been a long time since Su Mu, the angel’s blood and tears in his backpack, had been taken out. This thing was created after the separation from Zhiyan, and was finally used once after Su Mu returned from the cycle of time, that is, during the national war.

But now, with bleeding and tears again, it was Burning Flame that summoned to the second world, Su Mu didn't know if he would succeed...

"Angel Queen Burns!"


The blood and tears flashed white light instantly, covering Su Mu like the white light of death...

Then, pieces of feathers appeared around, and then slowly fell...

With a whistle... the waving of wings made Su Mu's heart happy.

Wearing a golden crown, bright eyes, shell teeth, exquisite nose bridge, golden pupils, golden eyebrows and long hair, and even the slightly golden red lips, the sunburn is more beautiful than ever. .

Especially Zhiyan's red and silver armor, it can only be said to be heroic.

"Su." Zhi Yan smiled, and then concealed the wings on his back.

Su Mu also opened his hands with a smile, and then hugged Zhiyan tightly in his arms: "I miss you so much."

"Well, Zhiyan also misses Su..."

There was a burst of Zhiyan's unique scent, Su Mu took a deep breath, feeling the temperature and taste of Zhiyan's body, Su Mu's mood suddenly calmed down, and the previous anxiety also slowly disappeared, as if all the problems were not resolved. Another problem...

The two hugged each other for a while and then separated. Zhi Yan glanced around and said, "Is it Lieyu?"


Zhiyan is now the king of angels, so she can see many things without Su Mu's explanation. After all, they are of the time magic type, and the surrounding ruins and the flat land not far away are telling those who see it. There was a fierce battle here.

"Shui Lan and the others want to jointly release the sword of elements, so they want you to act as an element of time. I don't know if it can be feasible." Su Mu asked.

Zhiyan looked at the ten goddesses in the distance, then nodded and said: "Yes, Lieyu was able to summon the sword of the elements when he was bound by the tower of the gods. Zhiyan is not Su's pet now, so his combat power and abilities are no better than before. How low is the Lie Yu bound by the God's Domain Tower, let's go back."


Everyone gathered, Zhiyan greeted the goddesses one by one, and then discussed the matter of the sword of elements. Su Mu can't help with this matter. The only thing Su Mu needs to do is to teleport to the second world after the goddesses' elemental swords are summoned. , And then hit Lieyu!

But then the question came again. Zhiyan looked at the gods: "You only thought of the power of the Elemental Sword, but have you ever wondered what if Lieyu uses the Resurgence of Time after being damaged by the Elemental Sword? All the damage can be offset in an instant."

Everyone frowned again, and Su Mu also ignored this issue. All attacks must be based on Lie Yu's inability to use the time to regain the tide, otherwise all damage values ​​would be lost.

For a while everyone was quiet, but Zhi Yan said: "Although I am also time magic, but I want to be too far from Lieyu, so Lieyu's time resurgence is something that few people can restrain in the entire cycle. We You must find a way to prevent Lie Yu from releasing the resurgence of time before he can use the Sword of Elements, otherwise everything is in vain."

Su Mu waved his hand and said: "Forget it, let's talk about it again, the Sword of Elements is a combined skill. You have been hiding in the night of reincarnation. Lie Yu may not want to avoid this skill very much, try again!"

Hearing Su Mu said that the goddesses could only do so, because they couldn't think of a better way.