Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3101: Feng Xi's smile

In the early morning, the sun had not yet fallen on the world, and the four Su Mu had arrived at the central building.

Because of the pass, four people took the elevator directly to the 78th floor.

In the white corridor, Crocker walked forward with the machine gun, and he said as he walked: "There is no elevator for the tenth floor, so you have to climb up, and you have to stop and hide after meeting people. Deal with them."

Su Mu nodded.

I don’t know if it’s because of the electricity or something. The whole building can’t see the camera, and there is no high-tech in science fiction movies. Some are just manual patrols, which completely makes Su Mu a little confused. This is not the same as imagined. .

But it’s no wonder that the world has become like this. Who still has the mind to study electronics. It’s hard to restore technology after it’s destroyed. If nothing else, just throw you at the end, can you make a radio? Can you still make some high-tech stuff? I'm afraid you can't build the most common electronic equipment around you.

Of course, even if you know the principle, but you can’t find materials to cook without rice, so the first thing people in this world have to do is to fill their stomachs, survive, and then slowly restore all technology.

Going all the way to the third floor, there was no accident.

However, in this layer, a large number of patrol members suddenly appeared. Crocker was questioned many times and almost had an accident, but fortunately, he passed safely.

While waiting for the sun to fall on this building, the four Su Mu finally arrived on the last floor of the building.

Kroc stood at the gate and said: "This should be what you are looking for, but I have never entered here. According to them, there may be radiation and other hazards, so the patrol will each half I came here to take a look at it when I was young. You just need to pay attention. Don't worry about the others. I will guard you outside. If there is any danger, I will learn how to call a nightingale."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

"Hey, I just hope I can go home early."

After talking about Kroc left the door, but Su Mu looked at his back in a bit of surprise. There were too few people who wanted to go back after finding a way to survive in this kind of world.

There is no restriction, even morality does not exist anymore. As long as human beings can survive here, they can do whatever they want. Who wants to return to that over-stressed earth?

Zhou Wen said zero: "Let's go."

Su Mu nodded, and the three of them walked directly into the top floor of this super computer room.

Hanging in the middle, with four iron bridges in the middle, in the center of the building, densely packed data lines, and a cloud of things floating in the center of the sky, there is constant current passing through, and then a total of the parts of the city electricity.

After Su Mu and three people walked in here, they saw the cloud and mist slowly changing shape, and then formed the outline of a girl's head. Gradually, the appearance became clear. Isn't it the goddess Fengxi or who?

She looked at Su Mu and the three with a faint smile, and then suddenly turned into a cloud...

"Feng Xi?" Su Mu called out in a low voice.

However, the cloud of mist did not respond, but was still floating in the air and running electricity.

Long Xueji and Zhou Wenling looked at each other, then quickly separated and walked towards the positions on both sides.

After they two clicked, then they nodded to each other.


I don’t know what switch was moved. In an instant, the lights in the entire computer room flickered, and then I saw the cloud slowly rise again, and then became the goddess Fengxi, even in the form of a physical body. Appeared in front of Su Mu.

"God, Lord Zun..." Goddess Feng Xi said faintly, but she still had that weird smile.


Floating lightly, came directly to Su Mu's left side, and then heard her say: "Well, why are you here? Lord, you have no fighting power here, why should you die? It's not wise. ..."

With a cry, she came to Su Mu's right side again, and then said softly: "Actually, the reincarnation master has long wanted you to come here, because here, death will completely enter the nine reincarnations, but it cannot be changed. The rules of the world cannot directly transmit you, so, seeing this world, are you satisfied?"

Su Mu frowned.

"You should have seen the future world of the wind element. It is a pity that Feng Xi’s prediction is not completely correct. There will be no data in the doomsday, and there will be no zombies exploding food and water resources. If that is the case, the doomsday and no What is the difference between the doomsday? Lord God, the world where you see the moral collapse and the loss of humanity is what the earth will truly look like in the future... But, now this group of people have felt the terrible end of the day in advance... …"

Snapped! Pop!

A few shots came, Su Mu was shocked suddenly, and then he saw Goddess Feng Xi's evil body spread out his hands, and then saw two bullets spinning in a cloud of mist in her palm.

After that, she looked at Long Xueji and Zhou Wenling, but finally turned her gaze to Long Xueji's side, and then sneered: "My lord, you are here too..."

Long Xueji frowned upon hearing the words: "Don't pretend to be gods! Don't all of your elemental gods finally belong to the tower of Su Mu God's Domain?"

"Oh...maybe so, but if we can break free, we can fend for ourselves, why should we be swayed by others?"

"You are the subordinates and creations of the gods! Where do you come from? The evil body itself should not exist in this world!"


Speaking, Long Xueji shot again, but was again blocked by the evil body of the goddess of the gap.

Then she heard the clinking sound of bullets landing, she dropped the bullets on the ground, and then smiled at Su Mu and said, "Even if these bullets hit me, they will not have any effect. They just make me hurt. God, you Say it?"


The Divine Venerable Illusion Sword appeared directly in Su Mu's hand, and then suddenly picked it up.

For a moment, I only saw that the long hair of the evil body of the goddess Feng Xi was cut off at this moment, and then fell in front of Su Mu's eyes.

Su Mu was slightly surprised, this evil body is actually a flesh? How else can the hair be cut off?

As the evil body returned to the air, she stretched out her hand directly, and then saw two clouds and mist hit directly.

Long Xueji and Zhou Wenling almost didn't have any ability to resist, they were wrapped in the clouds and mist, and then stood in the air unable to break free.

"Since you like Nujia's hair so much, well..."


Su Mu almost evaded subconsciously, but that strand of long hair quickly wrapped around Su Mu's body, and the next second it directly wrapped Su Mu's neck, and a sense of suffocation came in an instant. What shocked Su Mu most was that his body was actually This long hair was lifted in the air...