Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3114: Su Mu also has weaknesses

A quiet world.

Only the sound of a car from Su Mu.

The territory of fresh country.

Su Mu deliberately entered the city, there were signs of various human activities, people looking for food, people walking, and even people who were robbing people, people who were doing bad things to women...

Su Mu has limited time, so he can't manage that much, so he can only drive quickly towards Wadao.

Until noon that day, Su Mu finally saw the coastline.

Finding a cruise ship, Su Mu directly jumped on it, and then checked some necessary things. Although not very proficient, for mercenaries, there is no machinery that they can't drive.

So this also saves time invisibly, otherwise, if you don't sail, you won't be able to reach the island in one day.

The ship was traveling smoothly in the sea, but Su Mu saw that the creatures in the ocean were also still, and even the sea was quiet. Unless an external force destroys the sea, the sea will return to flow, but Su Mu looked at the sea at the stern of the ship. After there was no external force, he remained still.

This feeling is very terrifying.

All the whales, sharks, dolphins, etc. exposed to the surface of the sea were in a quiet state, and Su Mu felt that the whole world had abandoned it.

The ship is fast, and you can see all kinds of cruise ships on the sea, as well as the posture of humans standing on the cruise ship and fishing.

In the doomsday era of zombies, the sea is indeed a very comfortable place, but survival at sea is a big problem, because there are too many humans, and water resources must be obtained on the shore in addition to rain. Therefore, people living in the sea are also Just a small part.

When approaching Wadao Island, Su Mu saw a cursor-like white light on the shore of Wadao Island rushing straight into the sky, and the beam of light could be seen from a distance of several hundred nautical miles. No need to ask, that was definitely Lieyu's position.

So Su Mu's heartbeat started to speed up, and Su Mu didn't worry after he walked to the shore.

He walked forward slowly, because Su Mu had no clue at all but dealt with the evil body of Lie Yu who had time control.

how to spell? How to kill?

Without any game attributes, no super hot weapons, how to fight against Lie Yu?

Moreover, according to Su Mu's understanding of Lie Yu, even if Su Mu gets a super bomb, it is estimated that it will not kill her, and even the atomic bomb will be choking, because she can control time, which is enough to control all your abilities.

That's why Su Mu is not nervous about time, because Su Mu knows that when the time is up, he will be teleported away, but at least it is not death or failure. What Su Mu is afraid of is what should be done after failure?

Die by yourself? What should this world do?

Stopping at the door of a store, Su Mu took a look, then walked in.

The store is completely different. The food in the store has been looted, but there are still some clothes and inedible utensils, but there are blood stains in many places, which are obviously caused by human competition.

Su Mu looked at the dark shop, then walked to the clothing area, changed into a set of relatively fitting clothes, and then found a comfortable place to sit down.

As the shadow of the remnant soul, Su Mu is not afraid of death or hardship.

But the problem now is that it is not difficult at all, but not even a 1% chance. It is not a big deal to die. After Su Mu became a member of Remnant Soul, he had already thought about this matter.

But the question is, now that he is dead, what should Chen Xiaoruan and Wenren Zihan do? What about this world? What about the agreement with the goddess of water and blue? There is also Fu Yi, what should Fuchu Wan'er do?

Therefore, Su Mu at this time was not afraid of death to some extent, but to some extent he did not dare to die.

Everyone has weaknesses and personality defects, and Su Mu is no exception.

Su Mu felt very terrible at this time, the world was still, but Goddess Lieyu was an existence that could not be shaken.

Before the sixth floor, Su Mu was not afraid because there were game data, but now, in the future world of the sixth floor, there is no game data at all. Some are just Su Mu’s combat experience and ancient martial arts, but this is for Lie Yu who can control time. What kind of?


Even if she can hurt her, she will recover in the next second, because time can heal everything, or she can erase the second you hurt him, these are not impossible...

Su Mu was confused.

After sitting in the position of the shadow of the remnant soul, for the first time I felt confused, no sense of direction, no confidence.

This feeling, coupled with the world's still loneliness, would completely destroy Su Mu's patience and resilience. This feeling became more and more terrifying.

Su Mu shook his head, then stood up.

When he walked out of the store, Su Mu suddenly thought of a question.

He returned to the shop, and then walked out of the shop.

Under the alternation of darkness and light, Su Mu suddenly realized a serious problem.

Now that the world is still, the clouds in the sky are not moving.

However, the sky will be dark and the sky will be bright!

So in other words, the earth is still rotating? !

Su Mu suddenly laughed at himself. If the earth stopped rotating, then the buildings would no longer be visible, for fear that the entire earth would have entered chaos.

So the flash of my aura just now was just superfluous...

But it feels wrong again.

Because what Su Mu couldn't determine right now was whether this world was still time or everything?

If time is stationary, then the earth should not rotate. If there is no time, the earth should be stationary. Then, the entire solar system should be quiet and no longer rotating.

But why is there still day and night? Instead, the clouds in the sky no longer move?

Or? Is the time outside the atmosphere and inside the atmosphere not the same?

Black hole theory Su Mu knows a little bit, the edge of a high-speed black hole will speed up time, so time can not only stand still, but can also be accelerated or slowed down...

So what is going wrong?

What exactly does Lie Yu's ability control? Is it space or time?

Su Mu stood there for a long time and didn’t move, because Su Mu suddenly realized that by understanding this it seemed that he would be able to subdue Goddess Lieyu’s evil body, because Goddess Lieyu’s evil body has no game skills in these six worlds, some It's just her ability.

That's it!

There will be no exceptions.

So it must be clear whether this is still time or space.

Su Mu raised his head: "Do I have to take a rocket out of the atmosphere to be sure?"

by! In that case, there is not enough time in a day, and where to find the space shuttle? Even if you find a space shuttle, will you drive it? When he sailed the ship before, Su Mu was fortunate that he knew a lot of machinery. Now it feels so ridiculous. The space shuttle Su Mu has never touched...

Damn it!