Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 542: Zeus tomorrow

South state.

The resident city of the Echo of God.

A beautiful man and a girl were sitting in the lobby of the resident city.

The boss of Echo of God, Broken and fleeting, is an assassin with a small reputation in China, and Chunchun Feng is a class of celebrities.

Broken fleeting years looked at the good-looking man and said: "If this is the case, then rely on you."

He did not expect that Zeus would come to the China Region tomorrow and join his guild in Nanzhou, which made Broken fleeting years a little bit surprised and pleasantly surprised.

The man’s ID is Tomorrow, but in Zeus, his name should be the English name of ‘I’ll take my youth to bet tomorrow’, but it should be the same name from the Huaxia region, so he named tomorrow.

In the game world, the ID tomorrow, the first thing you think of is the top ten of Zeus's Pavilion of Gods!

The reason why Zeus can become the world’s largest guild is not only because of the shadow of God, but also the masters of Zeus, such as Zero, Mei, Kuanglan, Shuangshuang, etc., and in Zeus, it is more famous. God Pavilion, the name of Zeus was originally the **** of Western countries, and the God Pavilion in this guild, everyone is very powerful.

Moreover, the requirements of the Pavilion of the Gods are extremely cruel and abnormal. The ranking is not determined by anyone, but according to whose ability is strong. You can challenge your previous player as long as you enter the Pavilion of the Gods. If you have the ability , Can challenge to the last place, then the boss of the Pavilion of Gods-Zero, will also give way.

At the same time, Zeus has an unwritten rule. After challenging zero, you can challenge the shadow of God. If you succeed, you will own the chairman of Zeus. This kind of organization makes all Western players very excited, but, Over the years, no one has been able to defeat the shadow of God. Among them, many people have defeated zero, but in the hands of the eyes of God, they are all defeated.

And this tomorrow is one of the few who defeated zero, so the broken years will be so shocked.

For a giant like Zeus, the internal organization is definitely not like that of an ordinary guild.

Like the shadow of God, it is not that within the guild will be welcomed by everyone, countless people are more like the defeated person is the shadow of God, and then sit in the position of boss of Zeus, but no one can do it these years.

Tomorrow stood up and looked at Broken and said: "I came to China for one thing. Joining you is also entrusted by old friends. You don't need to care too much."

Broken and fleeting nodded.

The shadow of God was expelled by Zeus. Everyone knows that the shadow of God is a Chinese. Will the shadow of God who have left Zeus return to China? This possibility is very high, and if it appears in the Huaxia District tomorrow, then this matter will be nine out of ten. Who doesn't know that tomorrow will be the challenge in the Pavilion of the Gods? Challenged ten times in a row, defeated Zero twice and then played against the Shadow of God. Although defeated both times, the ID will become famous tomorrow.

Therefore, Broken and fleeting years are also suspecting that if this day comes to Huaxia District, then the shadow of God must also return to China, and it is likely to be in Nanzhou City.

Thinking of the broken heartbeat that can't help but speed up here, the shadow of God, if you can see him in person, or can win him, then the echo of the **** will have a metamorphic leap development.

At this moment, the broken fleet received a message.

He couldn't help frowning. This kind of thing could not happen at all, at least in Nanzhou City God Echo and God Luan Zhan, who would dare to be so presumptuous?

"What's the matter?" Tomorrow asked involuntarily looking at the broken and fleeting expression.

The latter smiled and said: "Nothing, something small happened..."

At this time, the girl next to Tomorrow said: "In Qilin Town, someone has attacked Shen Luan Zhan's headquarters and has rushed into the resident. Two people have killed more than a thousand people in Shen Luan Zhan."

"Oh?" When raising an eyebrow tomorrow, the two rushed into the location of Shen Luan Zhan? Killed more than a thousand people? This is a bit interesting.

But Broken and Flowing Nian looked at the girl in shock. How did she know about these things herself?

You know, from here to Qilin Town, at least two jump points are needed to teleport, and they are just two people. How does this girl know that what she knows is the matter at the Shenluanzhan station?

The people of Zeus are more mysterious than the other, and they know that it is not a good thing to join the Echo of God tomorrow. There are pros and cons. In short, it is the trust of friends, so it can only be so.

Tomorrow stood up, and then opened the folding fan in his hand, he looked at the broken and fleetingly said: "In that case, let's go and take a look. When I came to the Huaxia region, I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. Two people killed more than 1,000 people. Masters should be very famous in China, right? Shuang, what are these two people called?"

The girl lowered her head slightly and said, "One is called Muying and the other is Zhou Wenling."

"Muying?" Tomorrow frowned slightly.

"Yes, it's Muying." The girl confirmed.

Tomorrow, my brows were slightly frowned, and then a smile hung on the corners of his mouth, which became more and more interesting.

Through the teleportation scroll, the three directly arrived at the resurrection point of Qilin Town. At the resurrection point of Qilin Town, they will see Xia Feng and Luo Li tomorrow.

Because Shen Luan Zhan was still confronting Xia Feng around the resurrection point at this time, so after seeing the broken years at this time, the people of Shen Luan Zhan quickly let out a way.

Tomorrow and the girl looked at Xia Feng and Luo Li.

"God's Domain Guild?"

Following this, tomorrow will look towards the broken and fleeting years.

The latter shook his head and said: "It should not be the guild in Nanzhou City. At least there is no such guild in Nanzhou. It should be a guild in a small town."

Tomorrow he shook his head indifferently, and then left the resurrection spot and walked towards the outskirts of Qilin Town.

The word Muying made him very curious.

In Zeus, there are few people who know the name of Su Mu Huaxia, but the shadow characters make you look forward to tomorrow.

Especially after knowing the strength of this person, he even expected this Muying to be the person he was looking for. After all, a master with such strength, ID with shadow characters, in China, there are few, and it is too coincidental a little.

Several people stopped outside the Shenluan Zhan Guild that had been coming to Qilin Town.

At this time, Broken and Flowing Nian directly called a player who was a goddess and said: "What is going on?"

The player saw the broken fleeting year and quickly said: "The fleeting boss, two unknown guild members are attacking the station, and they did not apply to attack the station, so they rushed over."

At this time, Zhou Hengxin and Ruo Han came over and seemed to have received the news.



"what is the problem?"

Afterwards, Ruo Han briefly talked about the matter.

Broken fleeting snorted: "This stinking problem will never be corrected, this **** Luan Zhan will be taken to death by him sooner or later!"