Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 609: Angry China

The map copy of the honor theater of the National Warfare is very large, and the large ones are speechless, so the chance of encountering foreign players is very small. Then the honor point is the task in the theater. There are ten tasks in the theater every day. From the first to the tenth, the first task is the most difficult and the honor value is the highest. The player who completes it will receive the honor value.

These honor points have been retained and accumulated in your country. When the national war opens, the top ten countries will have attribute bonuses, and the tasks will also have some props required for the national war.

As for this message, it can be filled in with honor points. Each player who enters can write it, but it is superimposed. In other words, if you want to cover the message of the previous player, then you have to give this player a little more honor Value, every player in every country has the right to fill in.

However, Su Mu couldn't help frowning when he saw the message on the island. Huaxia and the Wadao battle zone have been deadly enemies since the era of holographic games. In every game, you can almost see the war between the Huaxia battle zone and the Wadao kingdom. This is inevitable. This has been the case in this country more than a hundred years ago, and it is inevitable.

It’s just that this message is a bit arrogant. The National Warfare Honor Zone is only open on the first day. All honor values ​​will change a lot every day. Now the third place of Wadao Island is only temporary. This ranking is at least necessary. It will stabilize after ten days.

"Damn, this Wadao country is so **** crazy, brother, do you want to go in Huohuo?" Xia Feng couldn't help but become angry after seeing those comments.

Su Mu smiled and shook his head, then stood up and said, "Okay, just take a look. Now there is no point in going to the Honor War Zone. Let's wait for the national war."

"Fuck, the national war is still at least half a year away, this little devil is too arrogant!" Xia Feng said while following Su Mu.

It's just that Su Mu knows that there is no need to go by himself now, because Huaxia's masters will definitely enter the honor battle zone. It is only a matter of time before the honor scores go back. These matters will be handled by those Huaxia masters.

At this time, the news of Dong Mingkun came from Su Mu's information column, and it was Shifang County's task.

Su Mu thought for a while. For Su Mu, this task was only the top three rewards that attracted him, but as a land reclamation map, Su Mu was still looking forward to it.

"Let's go, visit Shifang County." Su Mu left the city lord's mansion with Xia Feng.

However, when they left the City Lord's Mansion, Su Mu and Xia Feng saw countless players standing inside or outside the City Lord's Mansion talking loudly.

"Fuck, the little devil is too arrogant, and it's only the first day that he is clamoring, where are our Chinese masters? Get the honor value up, just hit the face!"

"Don't worry, now is the first day, and the honor value is not stable. The ranking will stabilize after ten days. Alas, the US Empire Theater is the first place again."

The first place in the US Empire theater has almost become the norm, no matter which game is the first place, so players in every theater will not be too surprised, but this little devil’s message makes all Chinese players angry. .

Now every city’s city lord’s mansion can see the messages on the leaderboard, so the anger of the players can be imagined, but the honor value is there, and everyone has no choice.

"It's coming, I really want to go to the war zone and **** him!"

"What do you think? The condition for entering the Honor Zone is at least a player on the leaderboard."

"Yeah, I hate it..."

The reason for this setting is that the system eliminates honor points. Imagine if a country and another country are united and the players are frequently killed, so the honor value will go up, but now this setting is directly eliminated. Brush honor points, because the players who enter are all players on the major leaderboards.

Every time it is killed, it will be displayed in the battle zone. If the number of killings is too many, the player will never be able to enter the honor battle zone, and the number of killings is also a shame, so this rule is set.

Because all the members of the Gods' Hall of the Gods' Domain Guild were dispatched by Su Mu, the five places Su Mu asked for Dong Mingkun were suddenly vacant.

Therefore, Su Mu called Fuxia, this hidden sacrificial profession will be very useful in the task, it must be brought.

Then came the fall.

Wenren Zihan and Zhou Wenling didn't want to go, so Su Mu didn't force it.

Originally, Su Mu wanted to call Chen Xiaoruan, but he thought about it for a while and finally shouted zero.

A group of five people came directly to the Tianhu location, and then saw Dong Mingkun and others, but what surprised Su Mu was that Zhuge Muyue was also there.

Zhuge Guild had moved from Zhongzhou City, but she did not leave. Su Mu knew what she meant, so she wanted to work with herself.

"Chairman Su, congratulations." Dong Mingkun smiled after seeing Su Mu.

After all, in the current Zhongzhou, the family of God’s Domain has grown bigger, and the Zhuge Guild has moved away. Other guilds are not popular even if they have more people than God’s Domain, especially Cang Ming, Red Moon Gate and Zhongtian Zhi who were killed by Su Mu in one fell swoop. Peak, these three guilds will be in a downturn for at least one month in the future.

As for yesterday's system announcement that Su Mu's account was sealed, no one asked.

"The map of Shifang County is open, with ten places in each city, and there are five major cities in Huangtianzhou District. In other words, there will be at least fifty people in this copy. Since everyone is working together, I hope to be in the copy. No matter what you encounter, you must focus on the team, what do you think, President Su?" Dong Mingkun, regardless of his age, is able to manage a Qin State Guild, neither his mind nor his courage is what ordinary people do. Within reach.

What he meant was obvious. In Shifang County, if there is a conflict, the ten of them should form a group.

So Su Mu didn't have any comments. Su Mu said, "Apart from the Qin State Guild, is there another one in Huangtianzhou District?"

"You mean Yanhuang? They are in Xizhou City, and it is estimated that they will also appear in Shifang County." Dong Mingkun said.

Su Mu nodded, this Shifang County, the largest copy of Huangtianzhou District, will inevitably cause competition for places in major cities, and Yanhuang, the top three guilds in China, will inevitably enter.

Zhuge Muyue glanced at Su Mu at this time and asked, "Aren't you going to go to the Honor War Zone?"

Everyone was stunned. It is estimated that everyone knows the current ranking of the Honor War Zone, and they probably have seen all the messages from various countries. At this time, whether it is Dong Mingkun or Su Mu, or even the people on the ranking of Zhongzhou City, they should all go to honor. The theater makes a little contribution.