Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 631: Ashen Ring

Su Mu and the Goddess Shuilan walked directly to the side of the item dropped by the boss, and then put away the gold coins on the ground.

Pick up all the equipment when they were, and then Su Mu checked them one by one.

There are many scrolls, invincible scrolls, transfer scrolls, and transfer scrolls, and even encountered formation scrolls.

Player levels in Samsara have generally increased, causing a lot of new things to emerge.

In addition to these, Su Mu received another elemental essence, which was also a holy grade. It was the same thing as the holy element fire beads. This thing was a necessity for the Supreme God's character improvement, so Su Mu directly placed it in the empty backpack.

In addition to this, Su Mu received another piece of God's Domain equipment.

And it's still a ring.

This is a ring glowing with black light. There is a miniature figure on it. I can't see who it is and the costume because the ring is too small.

However, the attributes of this ring made Su Mu frowned.

【God Domain Ring】

Grade: None

Attribute: None

Status: Sealed

It needs to be unblocked to open the equipment attributes.

Su Mu was dumbfounded.

The God Realm suits you hit before all directly saw the attributes, but now, this ring actually doesn't have any attributes, so you need to unblock it?

During the fierce battle with the Zhuge Guild, Su Mu was punished by the system, and the equipment seal was opened in Samsara. However, at that time, it was the artifact seal, but the artifacts that Su Mu got afterwards directly saw the attributes, while the God Realm suit was Can't see the attributes anymore?

Su Mu suddenly stunned, the system said that the artifact, is it true that the equipment above the artifact will be sealed?

So what should I do to unblock?

Su Mu handed the ring to the water blue goddess and said, "Look at this thing."

Shui Lan took a look, and then was silent for a while before handing the ring to Su Mu said: "Su Su, Samsara may have opened the seal of the artifact, and the equipment above the artifact may be directly sealed, and it needs to be unlocked to get the attributes of the equipment. And wear, and the artifacts that are directly typed out may not be used directly."

"How to unblock it?"

This is the point.

The goddess Shuilan shook her head, and said, "Sue Su, ask Mu Ling about this question. She has a lot more memories than Shuilan and Sister Empress."

Su Mu nodded, Mu Ling's memory was indeed a bit more than that of them, but now that the system enabled this attribute is a bit cheating, because it didn't explain what to use to unblock it.

Since I don't know how to unblock Su Mu, there is no way, so I can only put the ring away and continue to check other things.

However, what made Su Mu helpless was that apart from the Gods Domain Ring, there was nothing worth seeing. There were a few fairy equipments that were still used by Rank 3 players, so Su Mu didn't have much excitement.

"Ding! You have completed the Shifang County mission. Now wait for other players to complete the mission and send it together. Please wait. The estimated time is 12 hours and 21 minutes."


At this time, Su Mu received a prompt from the system. However, was this Shifang County task completed?

Shifang County is the largest restricted area in Huangtianzhou District. Although the previous maps have been cleared by players, Su Mu did not encounter any bosses, but this last county was actually completed alone?

In other words, Su Mu was teleported here and encountered the true **** boss of the 100th level of Time and Space Element, then what about Zero, Dragon Mark and the others?

However, after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this method of completion is correct, because Shifang County has only ten rewards. If it is calculated according to the team, then the reward for this task will be cheated, because it is very likely to be A team directly swept all the rewards.

Take the Yanhuang Guild as an example. Their team has five members. If the Yanhuang team is the first in points, should they be given five rewards?

Therefore, the system is set up in this way, and the reward is calculated according to the individual player to complete the task.

It’s just that Su Mu is very curious now. The last level of this Shifang County is calculated according to what difficulty. The boss that Su Mu meets directly turned the water blue into the heyday, and if they don’t have a favorite, they will meet What boss?

Su Mu has become more and more aware of the arrangement of reincarnation. It seems that every difficult task is not a fixed final boss, but the difficulty of the task is divided according to the player's overall strength.

So Su Mu encountered the time and space elements, and Zero and the others are likely to meet the direct true spirit boss!

Su Mu and the goddess Shuilan chatted on the spot for about half an hour, and then the system prompt appeared again.

"Huangtianzhou District, Shifang County completed the first phase of the mission, and the ranking of points is as follows;"

"First Place: Points 789, ID: Muying"

"Second Place: Points 784, ID: Dragon Mark"

"3rd place: 678 points, clear ID"

"Fourth place: 354 points, naive ID"

"Fifth place: 210 points, zero ID"

"Sixth place: 102 points, pure wind of ID"

"Seventh place: 45 points, ID autumn water is also cold"

"Eighth place: 21 points, ID falls away"

"Ninth Place: Points 12, ID Hu Tian"

"Tenth Place: Points 11, ID Sweet Dream"

Su Mu looked at the ranking list with a bit of astonishment. Is he number one?

Previously, Su Mu’s points were almost negligible, because Su Mu didn’t play the boss since the first level. He has been helping Wangqing before he really started to break through the level. Moreover, the boss of the eighth district is still the contribution of Wangqing’s points, and Su Mu At that time, the points were only single digits, but now, they are close to 800 points?

This made Su Mu quite surprised.

However, if the last task of this Shifang County is the final evaluation, then Su Mu deserves to be the first place, the goddess of water blue in the heyday, although the way to crack it was just a kiss, it was just a coincidence. Su Mu died directly. Twice, drop level 4, and have to face the indifference of the water blue goddess in the heyday. If it weren't for Su Mu's broken sword and ten shadows, this task would directly clear Su Mu's level.

Therefore, it is totally unexpected and reasonable for Su Mu to get the first place.

"Ding! The first prize of Shifang County is open."

"The first option is free to get."

"The second option, level up to 5."

"The third option is to take the initiative to choose a profession for weapons higher than true artifacts, and weapons higher than sacred weapons can be obtained freely."

The three reward options made it a little difficult for Su Mu to choose.

For this Shifang County quest, if the player with Rank 3 passes the first place, it is a very good choice to raise five levels, because the difficulty of raising the level after Rank 3 does not need to be said at all. If it is a player with Rank 65, it is straightforward. Will catch up with the first 69 in Huangtianzhou District!

As for the third option, you can actively choose what kind of real or artifact weapon you want, or you can freely let the system give you equipment above the sacred artifact. This choice to let the system freely is a bit pitted, because it is very likely to be Give you any accessories such as boots and wristbands. The most precious equipment in samsara is nothing more than veils, weapons and armors!