Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 639: Remnant of the Tang Dynasty (6 more)

Su Mu hurriedly spoke to Yoshizawa Mingjing, and then left the lotus lake directly.

Mei Qianer couldn't help but giggled when she saw Su Mu running away. It is estimated that only Anna can overcome him.

And Yoshizawa Mingjing turned around at this time and looked at Mei Qianer and said, "Mr. Su... why isn't he called the shadow of God?"

"you guess."

"..." In the face of the hot Mei Qianer, Yoshizawa Mingjing could only bow her waist slightly, and then left the place.

Mei Qianer watched a man and a woman walk slowly, the girl kept looking around, as if looking for something...


Su Mu did not stay in the theater for long, because all the tasks in the theater were completed by players from various countries. It is impossible for Su Mu to catch up with the honor point, so he can only choose to leave the honor theater. Today, China is still ranked tenth. Name, so that all domestic players are angry.

After returning to Zhongzhou City, Su Mu rushed directly from the city to the station, but at a river on the road, Su Mu met a group of people PK.

A group of guild members with IDs hanging on the guild were besieging a group of hundreds of people. Originally, Su Mu was not interested in watching others PK, but among the hundreds of people trapped, he saw an acquaintance. .

Datang, Heart Leaf Blade!

At this time, he led hundreds of people in the crowd to resist constantly, yelling while teamfighting to improve the morale of the players.

Datang has faced disintegration directly after Chen Yongqi and his son were killed by Su Mu. Because Datang father and son have all disappeared, and some high-level officials also knew about the death of their father and son, so they began to divide Datang. Now the people of Datang are uncertain. People who were loyal to Chen Yongqi naturally did not allow these high-levels to divide the Tang Dynasty, but there were too few people like Xinyedao.

"Proud God! Don't be too much, Datang's people have been divided by you in half, what do you want?" Xinye Dao shouted while defending.

And the president of the proud son of the day is surprisingly the proud **** of one of the three great Tang gods.

He sneered: "Chen Yongqi and his son are dead, what are you still holding on? Do you want to give Chen Yongqi a guard?"



Everyone laughed.

Xin Ye Dao's face was pale, this was humiliation, but he had to admit that now Datang has been completely dispersed. Since the beginning of the division, the people of Datang have withdrawn as many as 60% of the members, and there are only four of them left. Cheng, all were divided by the Three Gods of the Great Tang and other people, and the number of people who adhere to the Great Tang is now less than 10,000. This makes Xinyedao very chilling, and he has learned what makes people go tea cold. Up.

"Fuck Nima, I fought with you! Brothers, kill!"




There are more and more players around, and the intensity of the team fight makes everyone around them slap their tongues. After all, many people know that these people are former Datang members, and now they are killing each other.

At this time, Su Mu frowned slightly. To tell the truth, the heart-leaf knife gave Su Mu a good impression. At least he was loyal to Chen Yongqi from the beginning, but now Datang has collapsed, and has been disbanded by the Three Gods of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Great Tangs. They split up, but Xinye Dao is still sticking to the four words of Datang Tianxia, ​​just this matter is enough to give him a thumbs up.

It was like when Su Mu was in a coma for a month, and almost all of Ziyang's people withdrew, leaving three thousand people, and which of these three thousand people is not the backbone of God's Domain now? Which one is not the team leader and deputy leader?

Therefore, whether in the game or in reality, brothers are easy to do, but loyalty is hard to find!

Boom! Countless paladins charged directly to overwhelm the Heart Leaf Saber, after all, the difference in the number of people was too big.

At this moment, with a bang, a huge yellow sword energy instantly fell on Proud God's head, and a huge amount of damage appeared instantly.

Before anyone could react, Su Mu rushed forward with a dash, and the sundering wave was shot out instantly. Proud God's defense was almost ignored, so, spike!



Su Mu stood in front of Xinye Dao.

Who is the proud man of heaven, who is not a member of Datang World? Who doesn't know Su Mu this long sword?

Therefore, at this moment, everyone was stunned, because the Muying of God's Domain Guild had already been titled? Why did you appear here again? And it was still so powerful, directly killing Proud God!

Xin Ye Dao was even more shocked and surprised, and the members behind Xin Ye Dao looked at Su Mu incredible, because they all knew Su Mu, had fought with Su Mu, and all knew Su Mu's abnormality.

But now, Su Mu actually helped them? This makes them very puzzled.

"Get out of here if you don't want to die!" Su Mu stared at the members of the Proud Son of Heaven coldly.

But, playing games, which one has no arrogance? Although I know that Su Mu is very strong, he can't afford to leave this person just like this!

Therefore, you, the proud man of heaven, look at me and I look at you, no one moves, neither retreat nor enter.

Su Mu sneered, and instantly spread the blade wings.


Coming to the height of fifty meters in the air, staring at the members of the proud of heaven below: "Now I give you a choice, get out of it now, or die here!"

The proud of the sky didn't know if he was ordered by Proud God, and at this time all turned and left, heading towards Zhongzhou City quickly.

The onlookers also slowly dispersed, because the distance was so far, so few onlookers knew that Su Mu was the president of God's Domain.

However, everyone knows that God's Domain Guild has grown bigger in Zhongzhou, and Su Mu just opened the blade, and there are not a few players who can think of it, so besides being surprised, it is helpless. Some things are always unbalanced, obviously. Was banned, and now appears in Zhongzhou.

It is definitely not going to fight again now, so the onlookers are also starting to leave. After all, they are now rushing to upgrade, and the MVP personal challenge is about to begin.

Su Mu fell down, then turned around and looked at Xinye Dao.

Xinyedao looked back at the members behind him and said: "You continue to download the dungeon, and I will say afterwards."

Everyone nodded, and Su Mu's appearance at this time surprised them all, but Su Mu did help them just now, so it was impossible to fight Xinye Dao. Therefore, the team began to leave slowly.

Su Mu slowly walked towards the edge of the river, Xinyedao followed closely behind.

The two stood by the river and watched the brook gurgling. No one spoke. After all, they were once enemies, but now Su Mu suddenly helped Xinye Dao. This feeling made Xinye Dao very strange.