Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 7: Town murder

"Ding! You were killed by the Coral Snake King, the leather pants have been dropped, the leather armor has been dropped, and 1540 experience points have dropped."

Su Mu lay on the ground again, looking at the equipment that had been dropped all over his body, he really wanted to vomit a mouthful of old blood on the ground, not even a single pant left!

The resurrection time was waiting. Su Mu saw two players rushing over at this time, but just like Su Mu, he was killed directly.

This boss is not something that current novices can kill at all. Su Mu now feels that even if it is a sea of ​​people tactics, it is impossible to kill these two bosses, because the defense of this boss is too high, and the class with the strongest physical attack should be hidden from The assassin who sneaked from behind, but despite this, Su Mu only dealt 1 point of damage. If it was a head-on confrontation, he might have missed.

Now it is absolutely impossible for a novice to have a bronze weapon, even if it does, it can only be level 5, so no one can bring it.

Just when Su Mu was helpless, a large number of players began to flock here. I don’t know if it was the friends notified by the two players just now. A dozen people gathered in just one minute. These people stood far away and didn’t come forward. By the time he got here, Su Mu was already resurrecting.

"Do you know? The boss was refreshed on Caochang, and many people went..."

"Really? Damn, there will be a boss at this time? Wouldn't the first kill require a lot of rewards!"

"Go, go and see!"

Just after Su Mu's resurrection, he heard countless players around him talking about the boss, which made Su Mu very amazed by the players' spreading power. It only took a few minutes, and the players at the birth point knew the news.

Su Mu glanced at the equipment on his body. Except for some medicines and food, there is no protective gear on his body. Although he has the name of the sword of God’s Domain, the weapon is weak, but Su Mu found that he thought To fight with the boss is still irrelevant.

So he didn't rush out immediately, first he needed to go to the tailor shop to buy some novice equipment.

Because novice equipment is sold without money, so when you buy it, you only need 1 copper coin. After Su Mu put on all the protective gear again, he sighed helplessly.

One time being **** by a chicken and one time by a snake, this is something he has discussed!

Su Mu, who had been upgraded, is now back to level 1, so he can only pick up the level 1 slime quest. The Cuckoo Chicken must have been cleared by the player. Now there is no need to think about quests above level 5. So I can only deal with the slime first.

The slime was refreshed in the twilight forest of the gloomy canyon. After several tens of seconds, Su Mu found a refreshing ground. The slime refreshing ground that was originally overcrowded was now clean.

"Hurry up! The Shengshi Dynasty and the West Wildfire Guild are fighting the boss!"

Su Mu heard the words and looked at those players who ran back, Shengshi Dynasty and Xiyehuo? Su Mu had heard of one of these two guilds. At the beginning, as the president of the largest guild in the game industry, he naturally had an understanding of the world's major ranking guilds.

The reason why I know this prosperous dynasty is not because of how strong this guild is in China. Speaking of which, this guild cannot even enter the top 100, but this guild has a very powerful assassin who was named the top ten of the best rookie kings last year. , So Su Mu was somewhat impressed by this name.

Su Mu did not run with them, because Su Mu knew that it was absolutely impossible to kill this boss unless he could reach level 5. Moreover, the Coral Snake King will definitely kill the Cuckoo Chicken King, so in the end there is only one boss left.

But when he reaches level 5, I'm afraid that the boss hair will be gone, so Su Mu didn't want to look for bad luck anymore. He was seconded twice in a row.

After about half an hour, the quest items have been completed. At this time, there are still players rushing towards the grassland. Su Mu is very curious, because he, as the president of the Zeus Guild, naturally knows that the guild has always played bosses. Sea tactics.

So now Su Mu is very curious whether this Prosperous Dynasty can shake the two bosses. It is impossible to kill them. The first kill of Novice Village will definitely be announced by the system.

After returning to submit the task, Su Mu bought another bottle of potion and then ran to the pasture.

However, when Su Mu ran to the pasture, he was surprised to find that hundreds of people were rushing towards him.

At this time, a five-meter-long python was behind these players, and the giant snake suddenly swept its tail.


Dozens of players were instantly killed in seconds, and this giant snake was like a meat grinder, harvesting the lives of players like crazy.

"Yaoshou!" Su Mu turned around and ran away!

But just a few steps away, Su Mu stopped in place and cursed: "Idiot, I can hide!"

The hidden state will not be discovered by monsters, and the basic boss in the early stage will not have anti-hidden skills, so Su Mu directly enters the hidden state and stops in place to watch those players who are not assassins run wild.

The hatred of the giant snake has always been attracted by players. Its frantic sweeping attack can basically kill more than five players every time. Some people are smarter and spread out directly, but most of them are together. Because there are too many people, it is difficult for them to change direction.

In an instant, the giant snake was attracted to the Gobi Desert of Lingye Lake, but there were still countless players galloping, and the giant snake was chasing wildly!

Su Mu suddenly thought at this time that the Gobi Desert is connected to the town. Would Nima lead this boss to the town? If you encounter the guards in the town, you won't be killed in seconds!

However, at this time, the player is no longer controllable. The boss has a certain amount of intelligence. Players who hide in the water are not easy to chase, so it is just chasing after the players who have been running towards the town, because most people simply There is no time to change direction, there are people on the left and right!

"Damn, it's a big deal now." Su Mu slowly followed the giant snake in the distance.

At this time, from time to time, assassins escaped from hiding around him, and everyone carefully followed the giant snake to the town.

About ten minutes later, the Gobi Desert exploded!

As long as you are not an assassin, you will be killed by a giant snake. The players in the Gobi Desert are constantly driven out of the town to lively, but the lively scene is a bit big, because the constant players coming out of the small town cause the crowd to start It was crowded, so players who wanted to go back had no way to move their bodies. Many players were squeezed directly into the Zero Night Lake, but the players who were squeezed into the lake were saved because the Coral Snake King didn’t care about the players in the lake , It only cares about the players on the Gobi Desert!

A few minutes later, Su Mu initially estimated that more than two hundred players died, and this number is rapidly increasing. Because the current Coral Snake King can hit ten players at a time, the number of players that can kill each time is also more than ten. , This is terrifying!

The Gobi Desert murders were born. Su Mu had to lament the fragility of the players in the novice period. Facing a level 6 boss was so vulnerable, and such a huge player base emerged out of the small town uncontrollably. Don't they know the scene here? Don’t the players after death know to shout inside? This is simply a murder, a tragedy!

At the beginning, Su Mu followed behind, but then the scene became uncontrollable. Most of the players began to crowd and Su Mu had to enter the lake, but at this time Su Mu saw a beautiful figure on the shore, an elven clan. Female player!

"Why is she here?" Su Mu looked at the girl's back strangely, which was a bit too coincidental.