Smallholder Farmer

Chapter 290: You can't avoid the road


Ha ha,

The guards have the confidence to think about their own various martial arts. They are proud, but they are traceable. But a little can escape in their own eyes. This thing can be said that it cannot be heard. This is absolutely absolute. Unbearable, it is simply lost! The **** patiently looked around patiently and vowed to find this kid... However, Yuxi didn’t know, stayed in the space, was happy to eat with Du Li Niang, and put the two rabbits she bought. In the space, I can see if I can breed black rabbits, and let the aunt's fur shop add some varieties. Yuxi himself wants to praise herself. At this moment, I remember my loved ones.

The feeling of a little dislike for Dafeng County, Yuxi decided to rest for two or three days and then said that this lady of the county, the ghost is not scattered, the jade has no hard-hitting thoughts. This is a lurking down.

The **** has the heart to look slowly here, but his master has not waited for this time. After less than one hour, another guard will call him.

"Chairman, come back, the master has something to ask you." When the comer finished, he still looked around. "Why, didn't you find the kid?"

"Go back and talk about it!" The **** of the business guards set foot on the way back, thinking about it, how to say to the master.

"What's going on, let you see where the kid lives. What do you mean by going to eat with him after dinner? He asks you?"

"The master, the slave is not strong, this little son was lost by the slave." The master is preparing to give him a tight skin. Hearing this, he was a little surprised.

"With the loss, you are sure that you are not looking at the girl and you have spent your eyes,"

"Master, what girl can make me look?"

"Yes, you don't look at girls at all, but you have lost people. It's weird, let's go see it!"

As a result, the large forces drove to the vicinity of Yuxi’s disappearance. Outside the city, it was dark in the dark, and there were few people, and there were still a few teas and hangs, showing that the store was still in the store, if you want to return You can go in for a cup of coarse tea and eat two large cakes.

It’s really far behind. Unobtrusive, actually lost people in this place, don't say that the master does not believe, other guards do not believe, this kid, do not do well, really look at the big sister of that family, took a look. Everyone didn't say anything, but they all said this inside and outside, and the captain of the caravan was furious!

"I don't believe it. I came to the two people and chased them to the two heads. I am here. I am afraid that he will not fly to the sky." I also think that the jade can't go too far. If there is no lurking, it is lurking in it. The master will stay here for a few days anyway. He will rely on sin and stay in this tea pot. They will guard and fight the horse. More than twenty miles. I haven’t noticed that there are people who are single-handed, don’t say filial sons, that is, there are no adults. I came back and reported it. This master also came to interest.

"Whatever you want to toss. Get me the hand of this kid. Yes, this person has the secret of the sage of the sage, can not hurt, scare, I am only curious. How can he escape the tracking of the old business? ,that is it……"

With this confession, everyone is not too nervous to find this kid, the only business guard who wants to find him, asks clearly. It is destined that he is disappointed. The jade would have come out, but it was really accidental. I saw that the commercial nursing home was dying in this tea pot. The clothes of the **** were too obvious, and the body was too big. When I glanced at it, I stayed in this space. It was really a matter of moving the whole body, and the jade did not go out, but this man had to leave. Two days later, the guards left the tea pot and returned to the county seat. The master was ready to leave. Yuxi came out on the third day. He did not enter the county again. He rode a small donkey and ran towards Yongqing County.

Coincidentally, the jade has just gone ten miles, and the front is the Tsing Yi Xiao Yu who has seen it twice. Nguyen Road is narrow... This time, Yuxi is not so lucky. The magistrate is not talking about it. The young lady is just too busy. She has no time to find her trouble. The old saying goes, it is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse. I believe it!

"Hey, kid, you are not afraid, you dare to show up in front of me!" Tsing Yi Xiaonu shouted.

Yuxi jumped out of the scorpion and looked at this very prestigious prince, and he slammed his head down honestly: "Xiaomin asks parents and parents!"

"Get up, don't have to pay more!" Zhixian raised his hand very slyly. The jade stood up. I saw the lady walked to her side, and for a moment, the county magistrate opened his mouth again.

"Look, my daughter, fancy your little nephew, it is better to tell you a price and sell it to her. I am busy with my official duties this day. I don't have time to go to her to find the same little nephew..." For a long time, Yuxi understood that the county was too busy, so I had to let myself be a small soldier and give convenience to his young lady. If this is not convenient, the magistrate can not concentrate on working for the people. This is his fault. It is.

Yuxi had to answer: "Go back to the old man, this is the labor force at home. Without it, what does our family make?"

Seeing the voice of Yuxi has eased, Miss Zhixian immediately said: "Today, I came out with the best horse in my family. I will give you the horse of my family, and then I will give you twenty-two silver, can you?"

"How can the horse of the magistrate's family know how to call the people? This is a must!"

"I said that it makes me, I really like you, this little sister, please let the little brother complete it. If you have this horse, you can let it work for the scorpion. Then, give you twenty-two silver, if you like, then Going to buy a donkey!" Yuxi looked at her, didn't have a sigh of relief, thought about it, didn't know if the family had to look for the idea of ​​black and white, buy it, anyway, this lady looks strange. Gambling! Fortunately, it is also the root of trouble.

"I don't know what the lady wants to do with this little bitch?"

"Nature is taking me around in the yard!" Miss County is very charming, but in front of her father, she is still quite measured. It really makes people take a high horse and hand it over to Yuxi. Then, One of the other side came over and handed in a twenty-two official silver!

Yuxi had to take the horse, took over the silver, and went to the county prince, and then went on the road. Because there was a lord around, Tsing Yi Xiao Yan did not dare to make a living, but had to let go of the small bag of jade back on his body.

Yuxi riding a horse, naturally faster than this scorpion, the small smashing car is not equipped at all, the jade is simply riding, and for the business of scorpion for Malaysia, it is also necessary to find twenty-two silver. Yuxi did not feel relieved. When he went out of this official road, he chose a road. He also turned a few turns and walked toward a small village. The next day, he set off again to find the way to the east. When I went east, I passed another county very quickly. At this time, I was only five hundred miles away from Yongqing County. Yuxi was seen on the map. I was so close to Yongqing County that I couldn’t help myself. Less, no more than five days, you can go home.

Taking the horse, Yuxi began to look for his own rare things. In fact, there is nothing. This Wang Laosi sent himself a better life. There are three pairs of llamas in the space, and now they are breeding very sparse! Yuxi turned to see the seed shop, went to the city of Hummer and turned around, there is no strange species, Yuxi died, and the truth, the species in his space is complete!

Yuxi walked out, but he didn't want to meet an individual. Yuxi passed him by. He looked at the horse that Yuxi took, and the person who walked by him was the **** who came out to find food.

I saw that the little scorpion of the jade was replaced by a horse, and I voluntarily understood that it was just bought by Yu Yu.

"Stop, little brother, I want to ask, in Dafeng County, where do you live in?"

The jade was stopped by people, and it was discovered that this person was actually the one in the tea pot...

"I?" Yuxi looked at him and pointed at his nose.

"Yes. You, live in Dafeng County?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because... I..." Yuxi pushed him away and turned away! The weather is not too early. The jade took the horse and went straight to the outside of the city. When the escorts woke up, the jade had already gone very far. This soon came to a time when no one was there. , Yuxi flashed into the space. The high guard knows that the jade is gone, and it is far behind the scenes. What made him shocked happened. This person actually had no shadow. This time, he reviewed the previous wrong decisions and methods, and sent people to guard the roads in Fucheng. They also guarded a road he thought was the most important.

This time, the interest of his master came. This kid is obviously out of the ghost, so be sure to ask.

The next day, Yuxi came out, naturally no one, then riding a horse, walking to the next rest of his place stop, this little brother, my family wants to chat with you! ”

Yuxi’s heart is like a ghost. It’s the last time, last time, the people of the big man who have been appearing in front of themselves. These people’s clothes are too professional. When they look at them, they will recognize each other. Who is it? The nursing home! What is this bad luck?


Yuxi looked at the master in front of him. There was a sense of familiarity that could not be said. I must have never seen it before. However, this person’s whole body is quite familiar!

"Do you know the people of Duanmu?" Duanmu? There is a voice in the heart of Yuxi, Duanmu is the country name.

"Know, I think you know this guy. Isn’t it the man of his family today?"

The old three had a sip of water, and it was too late to squirt out. I want to swear, but in front of this boy's face, this time is naturally not a sultry time. The third child is very particular about it. Besides, this kid is black, but it’s good to look at the five senses...()