Smallholder Farmer

Chapter 404: Prepare for the 0 Chrysanthemum Exhibiti


First 2,000 words, the next 4,000 words! Thank you

"Yuehualou" can actually be a self-contained house, surrounded by flowers and plants in the courtyard. The outer courtyard is home to the nursing home, Xiaoyan, the middle is the servants living, and the stove, the pantry The storehouse is set up. The inner courtyard is a two-story building with a main hall and a wing. The main house of the jade is in this yard. Pan’s mother puts the old gray and the second black in the second door. I flew to the nest in the inner court and went to rest. This is a matter of course.

The sixth sense of Yuxi is still good. Sure enough, there is something happening. The youngest generation of Gaojia has no girls. This is what the Jingli family knows. However, Gaofuli received a flower sticker, and the Queen Mother of the Palace. The "Zijinhua Light Post", that is, one must go to three girls to participate in the Qianju Exhibition held in Fengchishan. For other families, this is a very rare opportunity, but for the high family, it is very difficult.

The large supply table of "Jianqitang" is full of two golden posts. Some people have a hard time asking for it, but there are two here. A county government.

After seeing my grandfather and grandfather one by one, Yuxi saw it, and the old people laughed so far, and then they saw the post on this table. To know what the exhibition of this thousand chrysanthemum is, Yuxi wants to pout.

"Isn't you received it last year?"

"We have a high family, a female baby, and have not received this post for many years!"

"Then go!"

"But how can a high school girl?"

“Don't you have three cousins?”

"To be a surname!"

"What does this emperor mean?" Yuxi is a bit confused.

I don't know what to say if I am a bit clear.

"I am going to the county government. Is there any rule that the stepmother can't?" Yuxi has placed the stepdaughter here.

"This is not!"

"So, a post will be solved. Is there a big problem with my grandfather's post here?"

"Hey, who knows!"

I was very angry, how did the daughter-in-law get here, and gave birth to ten grandchildren, and the hair of a granddaughter was gone, and it was anxious. Change the rules of the ancestors, twenty women without a woman!

"There will always be a way. Hey, there is no girl in the high family. This is something that everyone knows. The emperor must also know that if this post recognizes a woman who is not a surname, she will go to the high school, I am afraid there will be problems! I I think this is a set!"

Grandpa and the grandfather look at each other, this little girl is really extraordinary, this is all of a sudden, it is the key!

"What do you do?"

"It's a good idea to think about it, you can't be fooled!" The two applauded.

Yuxi thought for a moment: "Can you send flowers, Qianju Exhibition! This post said that three thousand gold medals were selected to participate in the event Qianju Exhibition, and it was said that it was a human!"

"Send flowers?" Adults consider this feasibility.

"The Queen Mother is very fond of chrysanthemums. All the famous chrysanthemums in the world are in the garden of the goddess, this we can have any valuable chrysanthemums to send, and also send three pots!"

"This is not a problem! Give it to me! Now it is necessary to think about how to get through the past, not to let people rule a crime of bullying."

"This is a good idea, but sending a good chrysanthemum may be able to offset a post."

Yuxi thought about it. Suddenly remembering that I had won an emperor's Kowloon 珮, is this deliberately embarrassing, I want this Kowloon 珮? Since Tianwei is unpredictable, this is equivalent to the use of a dead gold medal. Naturally, it cannot be used casually!

That night, returning to "Yuehua Building", Yuxi lived in the inner court and naturally entered the space with confidence. Three chrysanthemums were moved in, and the good variety of chrysanthemums were grafted. The jade decided to graft the chrysanthemums for reference. If you want to use flowers for people, this is a natural flower.

The next day, the niece moved out some of the fabrics that were made in the warehouse, and Ms. Pan knew that she would participate in the event Qianju Exhibition. Naturally, clothes are selected in these fabrics.

The seven princesses received a post from Yuxi to Beijing, and immediately sent the latest in-house fabrics, and the variety of colors is not as good as the general. The skillful embroidered mother of "Jinyifang" also came to the house, and the jewelry of "Zhenbaolou" was also sent to choose.

Yuxi laughed, this is the rhythm of spending big money.

Everyone is busy. Yuxi carried his hand and asked the embroidered mother to measure the size. He took the pinellia safflower and was guarded by the green mother to go to the post.

The result was very disappointing. Tang Tang and Cai Cai went to go, but the woman who made the dear and married was sitting in another yard and did not participate in talent competition. There is not much time left. If you don’t fight talents and fight for cooking, the two are getting burned. Yuxi sighs, you can change it, you are always a small farmer, not suitable for the literary fan.

Yuxi participated in this activity, she was purely involved, and she still had a lot of ambition. It was no better than being the last one! I have never thought about it. I have participated in such activities more than ten years ago. She succeeded in letting Gao Jia up and down have a huge immunity to this "Jinhua List". I have not considered the finalists at all. For Gaojia, it is a success to be able to participate. I definitely don't expect anything else.

Of course, there are always two people with different opinions in the Gaofu of Nuoda, only listening to the second courtyard of "Yuehualou", Pan mother knocked on the door and found the green mother.

"What is your name, Xue Liansheng, and the girl has become a girl?"

"There is about eight layers. When she is married, it can't be ten stories."

"Can you dance on the lotus leaf?"

"no problem,"

"From tomorrow morning, you will practice with the girl, it is best to take this dance down!"

"Doing things, girl is willing?"

"This is your I think this Qianju exhibition is an opportunity, I don't want to give up!"

"Sister Pan Jia, what is your hope?"

"Life is also Jinhua list, death is also the Golden Flower list, I am not satisfied!"

Green mother had to take a stack of pictures of many palace women, but fortunately, this was taught. Review it and you will be fine.

Yuxi didn’t know that Pan’s mother had pinned her hopes on herself. She was envious of others’ ability to cook and talent, but she could only watch it. Guqin, Yuxi learned, and even practiced on the way to Beijing. However, Yuxi knows with his own small conscience that his piano music is completely a level of entry, no matter how he practices, as if he is hard, there is no such cell. Really still not guilty.

Therefore, the talents of Yuxi were completely unprepared. A relaxed jade sleeps on the work, and the carved bed of Huanghualimu sleeps very well, and does not worry about the feast more than ten days later.

Worried about the use, before she fell asleep, went to see the flowers in the space, it has grown almost the same. I can play bones tomorrow, see how the patterns are, maybe I have to try again. I hope that I can use the space to cultivate a new variety of chrysanthemums. ()