Smallholder Farmer

Chapter 636: Miss Kong Jia 5's body

Ps: One more, huh, huh, the following section, please don't look at it, wait until 0:30 to see it again! The old method, the violent version of the over-exciting means, once again thank all the pros who subscribe to the genuine, you are supporting the work of our network writers!

At this point, all are happy! The emperor and the queen are happy! Xue Jia is also happy, the purpose has been reached!

Really live up to the painstaking efforts of Xue's 20 years. Only Xue Jiaren can see clearly that this golden queen is too ignorant, how can he give up the strong support of King Jin, the seventeen princes are not enough!

Looking back, the day after the Jin family’s departure, the next step is to go to the second day of the coming!

A group of people did not go back, during which they were guessing the decision of the Jin family, but Yuxi was shocked by the origins of the original mother. Once again, Fan Qian and Yan Fu expressed their sincere admiration. How many good things have been done by the former world, and my heart is a little faint. If the mother of Jin’s family does not have this, it is really the majority of Wang Hao’s, and this is still a relative? It can be seen that the fate of a person is really wonderful.

Next, the silent thing is that Gao Niang and Yu Yu discuss the matter of transferring the mother of gold. Yuxi did not have time to open the room, and Kim’s mother vetoed the proposal now.

"No, Grandma, don't say anything else. What happened today, if the Queen knows that our Fan family already knows the roots, it is difficult to prevent the dog from jumping into the wall. The girl is naturally guarded!"

"Mom, it is because of this that I have to alarm my mother to tell the child to keep this child to the heart. If the words are so small, they will open the house, and the Miss Kong, I don’t even know, I heard that. That long sister is also difficult for her, but now she is married to Fanjia. It is a low marriage, I am afraid of less things, but if it is? This is the first grandson of Fan Family!"

"Great lady..."

"I don't want my mother to go to the house forever. The three girls can still deal with it at a time. After going back. The food that I used to eat. I went to the "King Wang Zhuang" and prepared it to move out. My mom’s coaches in the past few years. It’s also a little bit of a thing..."

"When the old slave returned to Beijing, he went to the Grandfather's Office and the difference was..."

Kim’s mother also liked Mrs. Fan’s fancy to herself and worried that she was in the champion’s house. Can't be the master!

"In the hall of the story, that is the lilac in the inner court. You are always familiar, so..."

"Then rest assured!"

"Mom and go to the brother's house, if there are not enough people. I let the "Show Langzhong" couple go to your helper?" Yuxi said on the side.

"That's not necessary, but if I go to the Grandfather's House, it is better for the husband and wife in the exhibition to be with the girl. One is that the herbs are well known, and the other is that he knows how to mix the ingredients."

"This does not need him, it is half-summer now has 80% level!" Yu Yu smiled: "Mom can't use his words. He is still a good supervisor in "Pharmaceuticals"."


Kim’s mother went to the champion’s government to take care of Miss Kong’s five things. Now, I’m not worried about the things in Beijing. I went back to Beijing with the two sisters, and Kim’s mother followed him. This is to have a baby. But things can't be delayed.

"Golden mother, thank you for helping me, I don't worry about it in my heart!"

Miss Kong 5 has always known the wonderful mothers around the younger son. Seeing that I have come to the mother of gold to give birth to my own baby, I can’t help but feel grateful.

On the same day, I would like to go back to the Confucius with Ms. Kong Wu. The old lady of Kongjia and Mrs. Kong are preparing for the February 2nd. Seeing the two returning, Miss Kong Wu has more gold mothers around her. It is a famous palace, a professional master, and both of them can’t help themselves. When asked Miss Kong 5, they asked:

"How to bring the golden scorpion of your little sister to the side, but there is news?" The two hoped for this day, it was hoped for a long time, and there were more than six months!

"Yeah!" Miss Kong Wu was still squatting, just bowed her head and snorted.

"That's good, I watched, if this child can have a daughter, that would be great!"

Kong Jia has already accepted the minds of Gao Fan and his daughter, Jin Gui! The boys are all debt collectors.

The body of Ms. Kong’s five is already prepared. I invited it out now and asked Miss Kong Wu to take it. The two ladies thought for a long time and decided to ask the meaning of this golden plaque. Who called this golden 嬷嬷 name is too big, people are also straightforward to ask the name of the city, I am afraid that one is not good, offending her is not beautiful.

"Hey, I know that you are looking after this little girl. It’s really reassuring, but you also know that this girl has a body. If the family does not send the individual to go to the fetus, it will make people gossip. You see, if our family sends one to follow you, is it convenient?"

"My wife, there is no inconvenience, the old slave is the sorrow of the three girls. Originally, the big lady is also not good for the old slaves, but yesterday, something happened, and the lady was afraid that the little man would be the lady of the big and the young. Unfavorable, let the slaves come to take care of them, and the wife of the family knows that the three girls are already married and will soon be married. If there is a body, I must be busy."

"This is naturally known, so Jin Yu, you are taking care of the little girl, we are all grateful! When she gives birth to this baby, she must be thankful!"

"My wife’s words are heavy. I care for the lady who is the old slave. The young lady has an old slave. I dare to pack the tickets with the two ladies. It will be safe, if it is two sides. There are happy events, the old slaves must be separated from the lack of skills, this time, it is best to ask the lady to send a year of sincerity, the old slave knows these one-and-a-half-points can say the mouth's ability, will not hide, all with her If there is any intercommunication, take care of the lady of the big and the young. In the future, if both sides have a body, I will be busy with her, thinking that it is the most secure!"

"That is really a thank you for the mention of Kim Min Jong, we are called Gong Mama and I have seen you with Kim Min! Please take more care."

Next, the mother of Gong came out and met with Kim’s mother. I would like to say that Miss Kong 5 did not dare to stay overnight. After dinner, I took the big bag of nutrients, the medicines for the body, and the Kong family. Six big scorpions, together with Gong Mama and his party, returned to the champion house.

In the house, the cloves took the big head. At this time, the newcomers were seen. As usual, they took the personal deeds of each person, and the registration books were not mentioned. The mothers were all alone in the room, and the thicker gimmicks were called What I don’t know is that the cognition of these newcomers, the cloves were handed over to the mother of Hu in the Yuxi Palace. After two days, I was asked to call the two big scorpions brought by Miss Kong Wu. It is enough to say that people have returned to the Confucius.

"Mother, what do you mean by this fan family? We sent six big cockroaches to use for five children this time. Then we will return two. Those hair hoes that have not grown up may be used up?"

"I watched, this thing must be awkward, Fan family did not retreat, and did not retreat at night. It took two days to retreat. At 2 o'clock on February, I met Mrs. Gao Jiada and said nothing? That girl is also If you smile, you don’t mention it, you have to ask it privately!"

Mrs. Kong’s wife is also unclear.

"Mother, do you want to give someone away?"

"Well, wait for me to think about it!"

At the moment, Mrs. Kong’s wife called Wen Wang. Wen Hao Wang has been doing things for a few days. She is thinking about what this Jin family will do. Therefore, the feeling of struggle in a stomach, when I hear this, is now:

"Mother, I heard that the inner and outer housekeepers in the granddaughter's house are originally the big management of the high family. They have a set of things. It is estimated that there are so many men in the high house, there is no suspicion, and the three-bedroom brothers are friendly. There are certainly some reasons for the generality of the same mother. This is also the reason why I want to introduce Wuyitou into the Fan family."

"Niang didn't tell you this. I mean, these five-headed men can't be without the callers. Can the people who come back come back?"

"No, I have seen this clove, it seems to be very close to the foreign housekeeper of Shantou!"

"What's wrong with you, is it more dizzy than the mother, what's going on?"

"The foreigner's housekeeper's origins in Shantou are not ordinary. It is the person who came out of the wise king's purple shirt camp!"

"and so……"

"I am afraid that these two people have problems, and the mother can check it out..."

Under the investigation, Mrs. Kong’s wife almost killed the two men. This turned out to be the niece of the niece of Miss Confucius’s niece! The relationship is quite round, but how to get around is also the problem. Mrs. Kong, the old man, found a loophole and gave it to Missy to take it!

Miss Neri Kong was so angry that she was not obtained by Mrs. Kong.

Miss Kong Wu, there is no more people in the Confucius family. They have seen it. I really feel that this literary king is really poisonous. It is such a life.

Miss Kong Wu’s food was all sent by the little aunt, and the water was also sent in a sealed bucket. However, other Gaojia Yu Niang, what are sent tonics, clothing or something, Jin Yu took a look, then ordered people to accept, eat it drink it! There is no special test.

My own baby, red and white flowers are generally nourished and moist. Aisle, even if the garden is covered with carpets, the wooden strips are set to be stable, preventing her from slipping on the slate and falling.

Naturally, I have to ask the mother of Gong to ask, how have you not eaten the food sent from outside the government?

Gong mother said: "Golden sister said, Fan Gao in the two houses, no one will start that bad heart. When the high-grand lady gave birth to a few young masters, she was worried for years, now, She dares to take a life guarantee, there will be no problem, the only thing is that she can't let her grandmother come to see her nephew!"

"Why? We are asking, the relationship between Shantou and your girl is so good, why didn't you see her?"

"Golden sister said, do not allow her to come, the three girls have brought a scent, the taste is not appropriate, smell more will fall!"

"This is God, then the girl will become a pro, what should she do?" Mrs. Kong lost her smile. (To be continued. (lwxs.))
