Smallholder Farmer

~: Section 392 Fan Qianhe after special tra

After staying together for so long, weeding is also a matter of knowing the big things. Looking at her tangled look, I am actually worried. I was just a small buns, but the big buns were the front of the figure.

"The scorpion, there will be nothing! My brother, this heart is very soft, if..."

"If he dares to be soft in front of the gossip family, I will not easily spare him. This is a personal thing outside, but it is still a soft heart, I will let my brother give him tight strings. "When you stop, you still have a fist and strengthen your tone."

"Xunzi, you don't feel bad, but I have heard that her nephew has already cleaned up my big brother, and I have to go to any camp to train! You have to say it again, you may not be able to go to any realm." ”

"Who did you listen to?" This is a big news.

"Last time, I heard a big cow say a mouth, saying that it was said by Zengtou, that place is not good to stay!"

"I have known the head, listen to him and say!"

Miss Gao’s heart is actually believed, what, this big brother is too much, thinking that people are in the army, they just got him. And remember a stroke. Ms. Gao looked at the back of modesty and had a distressed pain. She did not know how many sins were suffered. This stupid, will not come back to talk about it.

Modest and easy to go, do not ask the way, you know where these people are, I saw the servants in the backyard are staying in the second door, probe the brain, want to enter the way they dare to enter, it must be the location of the incident.

"what happened?"

"Grandfather, the ancestors let us out, the people on the wall are inside!"

The better here is to see the portrait on the wall. Naturally, the inside is called the wall, but the grand master does not know. What rhythm: "Is there someone in Fanjiacun who is telling the story of the second master?"

"Yes, Grand Master goes in and sees it!"

"Call a few rough ambassadors and my soldiers to guard in this door." Fan Qianhe looked at Xu Ludao. Xu Lu’s eyes lit up and he nodded and went to work.

Modestly, I went in, in the small living room of the inner courtyard. At this time, the two masters and the ancestors and the ancestors were being stunned and stunned. Naturally, they were the eight grandmothers and the eight grandfathers who felt good about themselves. Fan Qianwen, who can't do it, is the two masters who are serious. Well, everything in it is my good! What are you Fan Qianbin?

"You can't take us as a steamed buns. Who doesn't know that Qianhe is my relatives, and don't want to kill him!"

"Yes, this thing tells you that it is face-to-face. It is also true that it should be said. Does he help his brother-in-law to help you nod?"


"what happened?"

Modest and open the door, only listen to two sentences that really can not listen, modest also do not want to listen outside the door, of course, choose to face. At first sight, he came in, and each person’s expression was different. Fan Qianbin naturally sighed. Everything was decided by the big brother. Anyway, this is really difficult to deal with. Grandpa is silent, but you have to see if this grandson is really awake. When it’s no longer confused, if it’s confused, then it’s really...

When the eight grandmother stunned, she sang in the past and sang like a play:

"Children... Mother is fair to you, and my mother is not good for you..." While talking about Fan Qian’s arm, a loving kindness, a face of credit.

"Big brother, rest assured, there are us, no one wants to treat you as a fool, don't want to take advantage of your example." Wenwu two brothers took the chest purple, expressed their attitude, while looking proudly at Fan Qianbin, he is serious Dear brother, are you really... I don’t know what happened?

Fan Qian and looked down at the hand climbing on his arm and took his eyes to the grandmother.

"Do you have something to say, what do you do with me? Let go! This general is also a woman who is chasing it?" Fan Qianhe said this, it is not only the eight grandmother, but almost everyone is stiff. Lost. Only the ancestors showed a smile on their faces. This child is finally happy.

"Sit here, grandson, you are here, and you can tell the words! Don't be angry when you are overjoyed!"

"Say, what?"

"That is..." Grandma can't say it, this thing is a bit...

"Big brother, this is the case. This is not the case. Your brother-in-law has taken a test of a person. If you want to test the scholars again in three years, you will be older. It’s better to choose the official. We are a mother, you are sure. I want to help, I will come to my oldest brother to say, but they are too much, they should not be accepted. By what, you are my brother, your wealth and prosperity to them to enjoy these years, do not remember If you don’t tell me, don’t let our serious relatives touch a little light. They are taking you as a fool!”

"What you said is that the gossip who said the gossip said that as long as five things are right?"

"Right, Big Brother, don't make you embarrassed, you think, what is the big brother who is a big brother? Isn't that a mouthful?"

"Yeah, brother, we can inquire. This is going to be an activity. It has to be thousands of dollars. You said, would you rather have money? Of course, let your big sister open his mouth and save things. This silver is placed on us. At home, you can open a shop and buy something!"

Qian Wen has already thought about how he made the treasurer's house.

"You listened well, this thing is really simple. The big scorpion opens a mouth, don't say five things, three products, four products are not in the words, but I don't want to, gossip, just did you not listen to the truth? I don't want to, I said it, you dare to mention this again, I will let you take you out of the house! Do you think I am talking about playing?"

"You dare, we are your mother-in-law!" Grandpa gave a big drink.

"You see, I dare not come, come!"

Outside the door, there were a few rough-bringing sons, and several pro-brothers followed.

"Put people to me and block them, and throw them out by the back door. Later, these people are not allowed to come to the door. Come and call me out without asking questions!"

"Fan Qianhe, you this..." The pro-brother came forward and stuffed the mouth of Qian Wen, pulled it up, and walked to the back door! Simply throwing this group of people out, this way of treatment, violent to save trouble.

Qian Bin has been screaming, modest and not talking, just looking at him until these people come back to speak:

"The big lord, all thrown out, did not alarm the guests!"

This wakes up God: "Big Brother, this, this..." Fan Qianhe waved at these people, "Go on!" This turned to look at Fan Qianbin:

"I Fan Qian and I have only two brothers, you don't want to be embarrassed. You can make your grandfather pay for such a simple thing. It shouldn't be. This time, I will not forgive you for the next time!"

"I don't, this doesn't..."

"This Fan family is the fan of our two brothers! We are a grandfather, you are too small, it is difficult to become a big device!"

"I, you, you are a big brother, you... great!" Qianbin dismissed a trace of worry in his heart, and looked at Grandpa and laughed. "Grandpa, I want to go left!"

"Know it, you have your own military skills, your big brother does not help you, who he helps, your two brothers, especially don't get too clear, saying that the brothers have settled this account, it is not for you! You must remember, though It’s from two belly, but you are a brother!”

The old ancestors stood up and had a grandson on each side of the left hand. They went back to dinner.

Modestly sat back on the seat and looked at Li Fang, who was on the side, laughing: "When I first went out, the gossip said that there was something urgent in the family, so that you can go back with those grandchildren!"

"Is it gossip?"

"Well," Qian He recruited and waved. Several servants over there took the big hair of the four rooms and the children like Yuhuan and took them to Li Bing.

When Li Bingping, in addition to seeing the eyes of Yuhuan, this pile of small-necked children, why did you take a look? Seeing the modest and smiling, and knowing that there is something wrong with it, I made a slap in the face of Zhao Zhixian, and said goodbye!

"This, what's the matter, eat it and go!" Zhao Zhixian saved a sentence,

"Yes, my uncle, let's eat and go, today's dish is good! It's all meat." Big hair is already inquiring.

"Thank you, Zhao Daren, I am afraid that my mother-in-law is in a hurry, let me go out and see!"

Li Bing lifted his foot, and Da Mao and Yuhuan had to follow behind him. Yuhuan looked at the big hair's sorrowful look in his eyes, and he was disgusting. It was disgusting to be a brother, and it was really shameful.

Here, Miss Gao and the Hedgehog Department, naturally, Shen Shi said everything, including the words of the gossip.

"You are also stupid, how can they be so confused?"

"Hey, I am not a bit uncomfortable. People are not all wrong. This is really too much light on you. Without you, how can I give Lin a lot of dowry? This happy event is so grand. !"

"It's a fool, we are two, you see it outside! You can't take me with my heart!"

"Second, you are really, big man, who are you still unclear, by the provocation of the villain!"

"What little man, that is your mother's house!" Bin looked at the grass.

"My big cow said, my mother's family is this Fanfu and "medicine fragrance" nowhere else! I only have two big brothers, we don't recognize more!"

"Your big cow said that it is fragrant It is difficult for you to eat too!" Bin 婶 this is to put the heart down. The jokes come from the grass.

"What is this for me?"

"Is it too suspicious, is there such a slap in the house?"

"Out of me, this is not there. If you don't care about me, you won't leave me!"

"How can I be guilty of you, the pain is hurting!" Miss Gao patted her hand with a smile.

"Sister and sister, this is the last time I told you, don't worry about it. I still have your big brother. I haven't put that side in my eyes and my heart. We are a family!"

"I remember, I will never forget!" Qianbin’s wife said seriously to the modest wife.

For a time, I heard the sound of the time when I came from outside, and the dish was carried like a stream of water. Twelve main dishes, all of which are big meats, chickens, ducks, fish, pigs, cows, and sheep are all together, and there are sea cucumbers! This is a rare seat. Non-rich families can't do it. Rs()