Smallholder Farmer

~: Section VII Yaner Mud built a small nest

Yuxi now feels that the patriarch’s adult did not regard himself as an outsider. This simple ancient people can hardly imagine that they have evolved for more than a thousand years. Oh, the old people who fell can not help, let alone If you don't say anything, just help others to take the idea to repair the house! How big is this! If you are modern, you can’t think about it! I saw the patriarch looking left and right in this place, unable to make up his mind! Finally, the cautious hedged three said:

"Grass hoes, words, come over, listen together, and say something!"

The jade that is directly ignored is not angry, who is calling himself small, deserve it! Take the initiative to follow my brother, listen to it! This is for people to take the initiative, you are a little girl, others still ask you not!

"The money has only five cranes. It is difficult to set up the first house." The patriarch said: "This is not a grain!"

"This old courtyard is the adobe. Now that I look at the house and take it all into the adobe, I will use the old foundation. It will take some time and effort. If you don’t have any money, it is necessary. The grass roof is going to be turned over in two or three years. You are too small and troublesome! And this season, the straw that the family saves is not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to repair the tile roof now, but safety is a problem! The wall!"

"Yes, Big Brother is right. I also watched. This place is too old. It is inevitable that there will be a wolf on the mountain. How can these three be played!" Grandma is also looking around!

"Speaking brother, grandfather is planning to be a wall for you! One is to surround the house, to start a small yard, one is to simply start a large yard!" said the patriarch!

The jade eyes are bright, the heroes see the same, this patriarch is not a mortal, actually thinking so long! have a future!

"The two acres of land, all rounded in! From a higher wall, the land you planted in the future, will not be shaved by the wild boar!"

Everyone nodded! This wild boar is awkward, and the harm to crops can be profitable! Surrounded, the province is a big deal! Once and for all!

"From the big yard, you have to spend money to buy stone for the foundation! These five strings of money are not enough! You have to buy food in the future!"

The patriarch is more entangled, hehe! As a sincerity, I have become a house, and Yu Yu knows it well. I am used to the warmth of past lives. Now I am deeply grateful to the patriarchs!

"The patriarch, why should the bluestone spend money? You can let the people in the family come to the people. We go to the small stone ditch in front and use the stone to make the foundation. The foundation of the wall is not too ruled. Let's call it almost. That is to say, no more than the foundation of the house, to be flat and even, the walls of my house are not bent and bent!"

A man named Fan Jinzhen, a man in his thirties has an idea! The patriarch’s eyes are bright, and he is too much. This big wall, as long as it is strong, the foundation, the size, the height and the low point, is almost not! There are no other people around, a big hand,

"Just do it! Really two baby, really have a good time, how many things have been saved for my brother!" I praised the truth of the second baby, and set this way!

Immediately, more than thirty people were set up, stoned and pulled, and a dozen others began to dig around the two acres of land! Grandma took a few of the family members who came behind and looked at the room.

First, the room with half of the roof will be cleaned up. The bandits only collapsed in half, and they are cleaned up. I don’t know which uncle is still wearing the old mat! There is also an old wooden door! The three also dealt with a place to sleep!

"Grass hoes, I am afraid I have to go to the town once. You have nothing in this pot or bowl! This is also used later. Besides, the folks in this township will help you to get your house. This money is not given. This water has to be given, otherwise the heart of the cold is not?"

"Yes, Daxie is right! We will go to the town to buy a pot!" This is just noon! It is obviously useless to cook at the time of application! The weeds are also reflected!

"It’s just that my family has to go into town. It’s better to go together and drive the ox cart of my house! Nothing is covered with scorpions! Black conscience! See the boss, how come they have faces!”

Going away, Grandma is also an action group, letting his son drive the oxcart and send the three babies to the town!

I will stay with myself, with a few of my own ladies, to clean up the Fan House, which is downstairs! Look at what can be used, the result is naturally not ideal!

There are only over 30 miles in the town, and it will take more than one hour to walk! What is the oxcart is faster!

In this town, it is really a jade accident, really beautiful, a blue brick wall and a small courtyard, a delicately painted gatehouse, the pavement on the street is a two-story building, the facade is in the same door Below the corridor! There are usually small yards of different sizes behind!

Yuxi looked dizzy! Jiangnan Water Township? Unlike, there is something wrong with this room! Leave it alone! Come back later! However, I am very satisfied with the external environment of my new life! so pretty!

After all, there is a person who has a family, and the hardships of this day are also experienced. This town has come many times, naturally knowing what is good and cheap! Weeds did not go to the cloth shop, but took two children, familiar with the road, and found a "Jiangji Grocery Shop" on the side of "Jiangji Dangpu"!

"In the village where my wife is, there are people who come here to add things, good and cheap!"

When Yuxi saw it, he understood that it was estimated that this was the thing that died in the **** shop. It was sold here, a shop selling second-hand goods. Buying old goods to use, my heart is very uncomfortable, but think about the situation of the three of them, it is also smart to say nothing!

Sure enough, this store has fewer things and cheaper prices! Quality depends on your own vision! Scribbled carefully calculated, in this shop, found a two-bed scorpion, two-bed quilt! The store immediately sent two pillows, and touched it carefully. It was all cotton, and it cost 60 yuan. It is really not expensive! Packed well, but when you left, you found something good.

Yuxi found that in the corner of the shop, there was actually a set of furniture used in the kitchen, and he was busy pointing to his aunt. When asked, it turned out that it was a person who opened a restaurant, could not leave, and took all the furniture. The miscellaneous items were all taken up, and the death was written at the time! Asked about the price of the shopkeeper, I feel that it is much cheaper than the new one outside the grocery store. This can't be missed. When I live, my aunt is an expert! Don't say that this quality is ok! Busy to choose some of the three iron pots of different sizes, two wooden barrels, a large iron kettle, a kitchen knife, a chopping board...

As soon as the aunt picked something, she went to the shopkeeper with porcelain! Speaking of the pity of his brother and sister and his aunt being swept out of the house, the heart of Jiang’s treasurer heard the sorrow and grief, not only the price was good, but also gave a bunch of old tableware to the jade, and it really did not produce jade. Unexpectedly, this ancient good man is more, and his heart is too soft! The pile of tableware was placed inside a provocative one, and the other of the shopkeepers found another matching round to pick up the pieces and put the pieces in the other one, and sent the poles.

"Yu Yu Xiaowa, take it, when you receive it in the restaurant, you can take it with you, and you haven’t paid it. It’s worth nothing! You can use it to pick something up!"

The treasurer is not good at talking to the little lady who is licking the grass. He only talks to the little girl, and squatting on the side, thanking him again, arranging the provocation, and paying a hundred words for a bunch of things. !

This went to a grain store and called this Shibuya noodles! I spent a hundred and fifty articles, I found a salt shop and bought a pound of salt! Twenty texts, soy sauce, vinegar, also bought, soy oil and rapeseed oil is too expensive, I have to buy a pound of vegetable oil! Thirty texts, went to the meat stalls, I bought ten pounds of fat meat in a hundred texts ~ ~ ready to bring oyster sauce, see the pig large intestines really unexpected, not very popular! Three books can buy a bunch, can not say, the pig large intestine also bought two pairs, that is, the internal organs of two pigs! This scribble is not ready to buy, there is always a smell of pigs, it is difficult to eat! The price is so cheap, it is very suitable for the family of this poor family!

Yuxi smiled and secretly said in the aunt's ear: "I will wash, rest assured to buy it!" This is determined to buy! Yuxi really can't see the worry of her aunt! However, I dare not go too far. After all, my eight years of original life, but living under the eyes of these people, if they are excited, they will be exposed, or be careful.

With this pile of things back home, my aunt is busy boiling water! Also bought a pound of tea! It will be fine if you can eat it. The country people are using this hospitality!

This patriarch was really resolute, and when the three returned, they started working with them! The foundation of this wall has been excavated! This logistical work has to keep up. Yuxi took the large intestine and went to the river to wash it away. At the same time, she thought about the practice of the large intestine that she knew, and she wanted to laugh at the pig's large intestine in her hand! This traversed, who does not wash this large intestine? One by one, I can't escape this trick?

The salt is bought by myself. A pound of 20 texts must not be used to wash the intestines. The jade of the pig's large intestines is washed dead by the river, and the idea of ​​drafting wood ash is early!

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