Smallholder Farmer

~: The ninth ninety-two section


Second, the recommended ticket for 11833, thank you

Fan family originally had a shallow foundation, and the wealthy point of the farmer was born. What rules are there? The rules of the landlord’s family have not been implemented. This is a young lady who comes to a high-ranking family. Naturally everything is high and low! How high is this high, is this grandson not high in surname? Old ancestors are more trouble-saving. Miss Gao went to report to Fan's reform plan. The only thing he worried about was that his family's income was not enough to support this arrangement. However, Xu Lu Guanjia took the account book: "This vegetable garden, let alone Five acres, really earning money, in addition, this only heard Xu Laojiao said, the original, 20 acres of gardens, most of the species are medicines, that is, the bluegrass planted on the roadside, actually is wheat Winter, old man, what is the price of the medicine outside, it is really unimaginable."

"Oh, this is fine. Well, the weather is good. The land in the same place in the home is watched by Xu Laojiao. In the last year, we planted rice, which is also making money!"

"So, old man, silver, don't worry about it!" Xu Lu naturally did not dare to say that he had received 5,000 two silver tickets from the girl. This is the way the man was saved on the road, and the people gave it.

Therefore, Fan Jiaxin took the lead in the transformation of the Fan family.

First of all, the entire house was renamed "Fan Fu", followed by the move of the people. "Wind House" is a large courtyard with a five-in-one structure. The structure is also different from the "medicine fragrance". Several yards are vaguely a device. The structure of the word, the main courtyard is coming in the middle of the gate. It is still called the "Feng He Yuan". This front yard is the ancestor living in the main house, then Fan Qian and a yard. Without the name, he called "Heyuan" Fan Qianbin. A yard, naturally called "Bing Garden", the aunt's family, the Song family originally invited to live in a yard, the aunt and the Song family resolutely refused to say that they are always relatives, and then disturbed, they could not help, and finally agreed. The aunt’s family lived back to the backyard of Medicine.

In the "Horse House" all the boys lived in a yard, still called "Rundetang", all the girls lived in a yard, named "Yuyuan", Yuxi looked at this arrangement, a little... so extravagant of?

"Grandpa, live here first, but my aunt still took Shijie to live in "Rundetang", the same is true of the two Song family, if Song Shu is willing to go, then go to Grandpa's "Wind House" live. Anyway yard There are so many rooms in the sky. You live together, and you have to say something, isn’t it cheap?”

This is all-encompassing, and there is nothing unwilling. However, when I came out, I went to live in the yard with a steel shovel, and the shovel lived with my aunt, Runde Hall.

"Oh, live to be sure to come back next time!"

"Ah, I want to talk to you with your words!" I thought that this family was arranged so well, naturally there is nothing to say, the only thing to say, he is going to tell his father privately.

The manpower is also complete. It was also quick to move home. Everyone packed their bags and moved to the place soon. There are some small martial arts left, and I have to do it myself. Xu Laojiao still lives in the medicine. Anyway, he just wants to guard the vegetable field to be practical, Xu Guanjia did not move, not far away, what to move? "Pharmaceutical House" has to be watched.

The three sisters of Yuxi, this is officially lived together, a small yard, each of them a small building, up and down, and everyone sharing the study room, embroidered room or something, looking at the inside of the shop, Yuxi understands, see The Ding butler has already made this idea long ago. Is this counted on the embroidered floor? Thinking self-deprecatingly.

In addition to doing embroidered work, the three people do not have to do other things. The jade has not moved. It only looks at it and everything is done. In fact, it is moving the so-called soft and moving house. In this new building, The account book is all new, it is the size, the dowry brought by Miss Gao.

That night, Yuxi slept very satisfied, and there was also a life. Some people took care of it. Just got up and finished the grooming. Then I thought, where is the breakfast? Yesterday I was busy moving, and I didn't ask. Just want to let Pinelli go to inquire, then Ding Butler said:

"Girl, the old man said that everyone will be in the "Fengheyuan" dining room, and all three meals will be eaten together."

The "Yuyuan" of the three sisters of Yuxi is a bit far from "Wind House", but it is still good. There are twists and turns in the corridors in the courtyards of Fanfu. There is also a tile roof to protect the rain from the top, but it is very convenient. The three clothes are all prepared in the same way, the style is the same, the color is different.

Walking together to "Feng He Yuan", I saw the ancestors sitting in the middle of the eyebrows, the bottom is the grandfather of Song accompanied, I have been here for a long time, nowadays, every move is unusually regular, I do not know if it is a school. Still learning, Yu Yu looked at his brother, and he secretly speculated. When the three little girls entered the door, the ancestors signaled the meal.

Breakfast is full, not extravagant, so that the ancestors feel peace of mind, but also the porridge, steamed bread, noodles and the like that are often eaten at home. The dishes for the meal are just some pickles and eggs, and the variety is small.

The ancestors liked this arrangement very much. This was proposed by Miss Gao. Everyone sat together and ate three meals a day. There is a family atmosphere. For the performance of Miss Gao these days, the ancestors are very interested, born in the famous door and not arrogant, have a look like a master.

After eating breakfast, Miss Gao had something to say. In fact, when eating, Yuxi found that it was not good, because there were four more people who looked like mothers, and there were people who were dressed in gimmicks. Stay in the courtyard corridor. There is no such thing as no reason in the world. These people must have her reason to stay here. As a result, the truth is here.

"Grandpa, Xianggong and his younger brothers, as well as your younger siblings, are all I don't think about it. I don't know if there are two girls at home. I only think that there are only two people who are jealous and jealous. So, when they are raised, they will only give The two of them sent their mothers to be in charge of the same thing. I would like to say that Meng Zijin is now the same as the manager and the master. I am going to return to study, and then I will be in line with my mother. I am still looking at these two children. OK, if you are used to it, you will not change it,"

I am very busy to thank you. The new Fan Dawei continued:

"Now is the side of Yuzhu, has been followed by Bauhinia, Yulin is around, is mint, this has not found a suitable mother, today, finally Jingli invited, I will give them two sisters! ”

"Well, these things, grandchildren, you will be the master!" The ancestors did not want to control, can not control. Too broken, it is also a matter of inner court, and some people will be fine.

"Yu Lin, Yu Zhu, can you still get used to them two?"

"Thank you, Bo Niang, get used to it!"

The two people are in unison, in fact, there is nothing to be used to, people are like this, from the luxury, easy to entertain!

"In this way, Bo Niang, you have to make it difficult for you two sisters. The age of both of them is big, mint, then go to the second son to be a mother, and the guardian to do the management. You two will get married one year later."

"Thank you, Grandma!"

"The Bauhinia and the flax, you are also a pro-family after a year, go to the waiter!" How can I talk about my head, the aunts of the grass have reacted for a long time, busy refused.

"Oh, no, no, I can bring it myself!"

"Call me, I will obey. The children must be disciplined. In the future, you will have more things and you should not be negligent. In the past, they just happened to be able to accompany these two children and grow up in the future. ""

"Thank you for your aunt!" The aunt and the big cow looked at each other and agreed. They accepted it.

"The two sons of the Song family, together with two little gimmicks, you bring the call, if you are used to, then bring home, don't get used to it, stay here!"

I immediately came in four little hoes and went to two.

"Slaves, scent, sage, langen, scented flowers, please give Mrs. !!"

"This is a big show, we are not used to people in rural areas!"

"I don't force you to get used to it. These four gimmicks, this is also a group of childish, you each bring, teach them to do things, usually let them take three young masters, and the same place, and staying for a while. Go one piece."

"How is this good, we..." Several people in the Song family are looking at it with gusto. When they talk about their own homes, they all have a little bit of a return. Is there a waiter?

"Cousin sister, you two usually take the children, can't do anything, this girl, although I came, I know, the most things that can make a living, find something for you, which makes you breathe Not a sip, there are these children playing with the table masters, but also let you free your hands, so follow this little girl toss!" Miss Gao looked at the jade smile, as if the jade can toss same.

"This, big performance, thank you!" Steel scorpion first came out to accept, it is really reluctant to teach the weaving skills of the jade, there are a few helpers, it can be a lot easier.

Yuxi looked at everyone, and everyone behind them was safe. After that, the mother was just a hard hand. Who can guarantee that the hearts of these people are the However, it is not a big door, it is difficult. Can't you still play a house fight? Yuxi thinks that it can only be a good place to think about it. This aftermath is to put Fan’s shelf up. He said that he is a five-person military officer with his uncle’s eyes. Just thinking, but I saw two mothers and four hoes.

"This is Luo Mama. The two hoes behind her are peach blossoms and cherry blossoms. You will follow Yulin!"

"Give a big girl a gift!" This little fat Luo mother with two small fifteen or six-year-old girl, to Yu Lin!

"Mom and the two sisters please!" Yulin learned a little basic etiquette with Mint, and naturally responded! This appearance falls in the eyes of Qian Bin and Bin, and it is a surprise! Sure enough, people are to teach!

Miss Gao also nodded her head and said:

"This is Du Mama, behind her is plum and lotus, you will follow the jade beads."

"Give the girl a gift!"

With the excellent performance of Yulin in front, everyone's eyes are on the jade beads, which makes people very stressed. ()