Smallholder Farmer

~: The second hundred and sixty-nine


Good morning, there is a heavy recommendation in the afternoon, plus more congratulations!

The three people asked what they didn't ask. The green mother had to get off the bus and ask, this veteran is not out of the horse, or not!

"This is not a reason. What is your name? Why do you live alone in this nine cents? Are you still making this look?"

Green mother got out of the car and decided to check this person carefully. Because, this way, there are too many strange things. Suddenly a poor person comes out. Needless to say, this little master will be soft, this is a good heart. It’s not good to keep it.

"My name is Du Li Niang, this year is fifteen. They bought me for the literary master. I don't want to, the mother said, the biggest sorrow of her life, is the sly sly, I am facing her. The coffin made a vow, I definitely don't do anything! I was forced to run away from home, I lost my way when I got here, I have been out for at least three months."

"Who are they?"

"My brother is blind!"


"Aunt's family!"

Green mother looked awkward. Is there anything new in this world? It’s Xiaoyan, and the mulberry leaves are tearful. The story of Li Niang has caused her inner pain. At this time, she realized that she is happy, and her brother has been with her. Do not abandon, though, this brother used to be the master.

Yuxi did not go out, still sitting in the carriage, but these conversations, she heard clearly, Xiao Yan, this is a stubborn disease of the times, governance is not cured, just ask yourself not to.

Qing mother soon let Li Niang eat hot rice.

"You just eat half a bowl, and the rest, eat it after an hour."

"Right right. I drink some water, this is too much, and my stomach can't stand it!"

Yuxi stayed in the carriage and did not come out, but this does not mean that she does not understand this fact. In this ancient society, the status of women was low and they could be sold at will. I am good to cross, and there are powerful space cheats, but Yuxi knows that he can't fight this mainstream. This is the mainstream, and Yuxi has no idiots to fight with it. I didn't think about it in modern times. I didn't want to go it out in ancient times. I didn't want to go back alone. It was not a single force that singled out the irrationality of this feudal society. Yuxi does not know why God has such an arrangement, but Yuxi firmly believes that he has no anti-feudal anti-social obligations. Come back, maybe let yourself save people! Save individual, non-wholesale.

With the conditions and reasons for multiple space upgrades, Yuxi knows. Self is to engage in material civilization, spiritual civilization is not its own task.

"Mom, I can help you. In the summer, I found a dress for her, mulberry mulberry leaves, cook some hot water for her. You both gave me a quilt and went to Kim. I will buy you a set in Hua County."

Yu Yu commanded a sentence in the carriage.

"Yes, girl!" Two people should have gone, and they handled it themselves. The safflower was laid on the side of the fire.

"This girl. You will rest here after a while, we will give you a set of quilts."

"Thank you, I will never forget your great grace!"

"Okay. Girl, you put down the rice first, tell me, if you have any plans, just hide here? No longer see people?"

"I don't know, my brother's nephew used up my sales money. I can't go back. I will be sent to the old man's house once I go!"

"You have no relatives to trust?" Green mother has a headache.

This terrible girl shook her head, and the jade was pulled directly over the quilt, covered in the body, sleeping beauty, really can't manage it, big deal, send some money to her tomorrow morning, in the mountains, do not know what to eat If you don't eat salt for a long time, will it be an ancient white-haired girl? Thinking of this, Yuxi suddenly had an epiphany. Did the white-haired witch have no salt and white hair on the Tianshan Mountain?

The next day, Tianma Ma Liang, the crisp bird directly woke up people, but fortunately did not stay up late, Yu Yu stunned and sat up. Shake his head that is not sober, and when he opens the curtain, he still sleeps on the edge of the fire. Everyone didn't wake up, only they fell asleep because they thought about it. When the jade moves, the green mother naturally wakes up.

"Girl, it’s really wide. After I said a few words yesterday, I thought that you would go down and join in the fun. As a result, one person fell asleep in the car."

"What can you do if you are not wide-minded? We can't take her away. This is abducting women!"


"We are at best just sending her some salt and rice. How long may it last? It is not a long-term solution!"

"This man does not know how old it is, not 80."

"This is not asked, but it is called the lord, and the age is naturally not too small."

During the conversation, the fish was white, and the mulberry tree got up. The porridge and the water began to steam the buns. The jade looked at her. This person is really a good life. I don’t have a steamer. Compared to my biggest pot, I bought some steamers of similar steaming steamed buns. This temper is hard to say.

For a time, everyone got up, and Yuxi saw that this Du Li Niang really didn't lose the face of this lyric, and she really looked beautiful. With regard to this ugly face, it is only slightly groomed and replaced with neatly dressed clothes. This effect is really a natural beauty.

"Girl early!"


Du Li Niang knew that this was the master, and she lowered her head and followed Jade.

"What is your brother doing?"

"Open silk satin"

"So, he should not be short of money, how can he sell your mind?"

"I heard that it is the money that the elder brother owes outside, and the number is still quite a lot."

"The money owed outside? Is it a gambling debt?"

"Yes, there are still a few pens that are the flowers of "Huansianlou"." In a few words, the image of a shopkeeper who ate and drank was vividly placed in front of the jade.

"Oh, let's say that he sold your debts?"

"Well, the number of people at the door has been removed from the store."

"You have a reputation in the county?"

"I don't know, I just embroider or make clothes every day."

"You are very beautiful!" Yu Yu said affirmative sentences.

The breakfast was plentiful, and Mulberry proved that she was a good cook with her craft. Good at all the work in the kitchen!

"Du Li Niang, we are leaving, what do you do?"

"Girl, I am going well with you, I will hide in your carriage, never go out!"

"You know that it is impossible. The direction we go is the place where you escaped. Li Niang, I will give you some money. You take the silver and go to the end of this road. There is a county called Songlou, although I don't. I know if you can live in this Song Building, but it’s safer than you are in the mountains. It’s already July, and the weather is cold. What can you do?”

"I know, I know that I ran out, it was a dead end, I can't escape, but I am not afraid, I must stay in the end, do the worst, I have to be worthy of my dead mother!"

After knowing her difficulties, Yuxi took out her spare pair of shoes and then took out her own backpack. I used a bamboo tube that I used to drink water. I had a bottle of salt. The look of the jin, the quilt gave him the natural, and took a set of clothes from the mulberry leaves.

"We can only help you so much! You take care of yourself, so one hundred and two silver tickets, you carefully collect, this is a pair of broken silver, you take flowers, I mean with the green mother, you still go out You stayed here, how come in winter?"

"Thank you, girl, you will never forget the great grace. I am not afraid of so much salt. I also catch birds in the woods, sometimes catching the bunny."

Yuxi couldn't imagine that this delicate woman was shuttled in this forest to catch rabbits to feed her hunger. Some of these people who were behind the scenes, lived in the carriage, and watched the liver tremble. The last time they were outside, they couldn’t get into the space. Compared with her, their happiness index was super high.

"You are a strong, God will definitely care for you!"

Yuxi really optimistic about her, especially told her how to go to Songlou County several times. Du Li Niang took the money from the jade, and she was grateful, but also had a dim move. Yes, I can go to Songlou County, take this money and make a small door face. What kind of embroidery is not a good business?

Next, Yuxi and his party still returned to the road and continued to walk toward Jinhua County.

"Green mother, we have a chance, we can go and find out what is going on in this article!"

"What is the use of this, no matter what, we have tried our best, the girl is also very generous, this shot is one hundred and two silver."

"Oh, my money is easy to come, I can help!"

It’s easy for Qing’s mother to lick her mouth. This old **** master taught me what to do, and the water that I exchanged can sell such a high The girl is a blessing, this old **** master is not Said, my brother is also a good one, and then I have Miss Gao to be a mother, it really falls into the honey jar!

Along the way, it is still beautiful scenery, the road is still not good to go, but everyone sleeps very well, Pinelli is directly in the carriage of Yuxi, sleeps up, yesterday, is tired.

There are very few people on the road. Only two groups of people who are doing business in the past, Yuxi is guessing what the two businessmen are doing business, but seeing a group of people coming to the front, but they are not carrying bags and carrying some sticks. What, go forward, what is the number of roads? Green mother is also raising her spirits, Yu Yu decided not to ask for the time being, only to put these people's expression in mind. Waiting for the green mother to wake up and say.

From time to time, Yuxi and his entourage finally saw the city gate building with the three characters "Jinhua County" on the upper floor of the city gate. This city is very magnificent, and there is also a moat that is rarely seen by jade. Entering the city must pass through the gate of the city gate, and the suspension bridge on the moat will go up and sizzle!

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