Smallholder Farmer

~: The twenty-eighth section


Hello everyone!

On the jade seat of Yuyao, there are more people with thoughts, Miss Gao, Yuxi, Jade dispensers, and one is the mother. Among them, the mother's heart is the most sad, and the most incomprehensible. Suddenly, she suddenly regretted it. If she chose to leave and even leave, she wouldn’t know if the present day would be better. Now, both of them are facing a big marriage. Everything must be silver, and I blame myself for being convinced of the people’s words. I fell to this point. Now... I lived in a mill that thought it was good and made money. Now the water is coming, but the mill can’t start work. There is water in this river. Why does it change water? This mill relies on hydraulic grinding for more than ten years. However, why there is water in Dahan Mountain, but this water has been diverted. It is far from the original waterway by three feet. This is to change the river or to After grinding it, it’s all silver, and there’s no silver on it! When she was frowning, her family came, and told a news that she was listening to her ears, and that the good news was bad news. This girl’s family was actually dedicated to sending a message, but the news was from her ex-husband’s family. Let pass,

"Van Laohai's family, because the same Fan family four rooms, Fan Qinfen this branch is good, now, the granddaughter has booked the Jiang family as a beggar, know Jiangjia, this is a rare official, although it is retired But the tiger is dead, it is still a good dear. You are the birth mother of Chun Yu, and you are married to a five-bedroom person. I heard that it is still unclear with the four rooms. I want to let Chun Yu make a kiss with Jiangjia. Now I have a message to you. There is still a little girl in Jiang’s family who is not married. Although it is a slap, you may wish to think about it, plan and plan for Chunlong!"

The person who sent a letter to her mother was her cousin, and she was very close to her family. Now sitting on the edge of the niece, the church is very clever. When this is the case, I feel that it is wrong. In order to not suffer from suffering, the mother-in-law was taken care of by her family and her family. This maiden came, but all her lies were revealed. Mars came far, and had to live for two days. It used to be good. So, gave her an idea:

"贞娘, you have to round this up as soon as possible, this is my sister. But you think about it, your old family’s temper and temperament, I’m afraid it’s hard to get good, you are now more courageous. Now, these big things are all at home. Do you know? No, what your family, you went to Jiangjiamen several times..."

"What is he going to do? He can't afford to be early, can he say that he still wants to..."

"What he wants to do, we know very well, anyway, you have a hard time to solve this problem. What kind of character is he? You don't know, nothing can happen, don't say that he currently has his own grandchildren in Fanjiawufang, ”

"Amitabha, fortunately, he did not know the details, and Gu Gu only said that he would marry his son..." She was afraid after a while.

"You are a fancier, this thing has won others, and the family is only afraid of it!"

"Good sister, cover me for one or two. I think of a way to ask the two children for a way out. Then, the lady who was later married by Fan Jia is the official lady. It must be a tender face. I will find a way. !"

My mother’s method was that before the opening of the meeting, she kissed Miss Gao’s yard and found nothing to talk about. Finally she touched her nose and went home. She turned to Mars and said that she would also be a cat. I don’t want to worry about it, I don’t care if I’m indifferent, how can I say this is my relative’s relatives, let’s just say that I’m just a cat who eats pickles, but I can’t help but cover up the day. So, with the aunt to eat, actually want to see, what does this official lady look like? When I go home, I have to talk about my mouth. When Miss Gao comes in, she doesn’t say everyone. The respectfulness of the patriarch is that she is followed by the service of the servant, and the style of the whole body is not the same. What makes the mother-in-law fight for something, the difference between the two is not a star, it is really a commonplace. This modest is really a big cause, oh... Ma’s interest has been a provocative heart, but it’s the blessing of the mother, and then a lot of trouble!

The two men have complex expressions, sitting here with a strong smile, and rushing back to eat.

Miss Gao is sitting on the table, casually eating a bit, the mood is quite complicated, watching Yuxi sitting on the table at the other table, like a little adult, suddenly a little bit in the heart, this stepdaughter, really Accepted yourself? Although I have to give birth to my own child, Gao Wenxue has nothing to do with Yuxi’s heart. He still puts the jade on his own heart! These four rooms are for those mixed words, have they been heard by her? This eight-grandmother’s family is really disgusting, and it’s too heavy. There’s something in Miss’s heart, and there’s also a snack in the moment, and I don’t know what to eat.

The mind of Yuxi is very simple. The only thing in her heart is that the matter in the heart of Yu’s treasurer has nothing to do with Shi Tao. Does it have anything to do with the medicine I took out? Her heart is actually not called, so she has to eat more, and she is very comfortable. Waiting for the jade dispenser to open his own.

The mind of the jade dispenser is a big event. In fact, he does not understand why Shi Tao asked himself to tell his current situation to the girl. Can this be said? This is also a ugly thing!

"Shantou, how long can I stay here this time?" The wine was half-smoothed, and the jade dispenser finally opened.

"Now is not a free body, I have to be the mother! I have to follow her in the same way!"

"She, okay?" The jade dispenser asked vaguely, and the jade was naturally vague.

"She is good!"

"People in this life, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on water and water, in short, the iron has to be hard, relying on people rather than rely on themselves!" Jade dispensers have sentiment!

Yuxi does not know if he is warning himself or is he transmitting any information? It’s a bit of a bad idea, what does it mean? I didn't know how to interface. Fortunately, there was a glass of wine at the jade shopkeeper. I fell into my mouth with a neck and neck. He didn't wait for the answer from Yuxi. A little bit of something I knew, even if I had eaten bitter. People are small, can you understand what it is, life, to the age of Shantou, this bitterness has just moved, even if it is self, it is not known to Huanglian suffering people.

"You are still very deep!"

When he was in the shopkeeper, he couldn’t see the strength of his nose on the elephant, and naturally he took the words on the side. The two are born with different characters. Yuxi smiled.

"Envy, taboo, I have a poem and a book in my belly. What else is in your stomach besides the books? Is there a half in the Three Characters?"

"You don't have a book in your stomach. It's weird. How do you become a treasurer?"

I haven’t read a lot of books in the shopkeeper. I don’t have many jade shopkeepers who have been tested in the past. I don’t want to talk to him more. I’m going to go to my own long-term, better than I have to take my own strengths than others. In the shortcomings, I didn’t take the short board to go outside and sway, I am my own treasurer, you still have the owner!

"The treasurer of my home is very good, really," said the jade dispenser, who lifted a glass of wine and touched the glass that had been placed on the table. Then he did not need to persuade him, and he poured his head into his mouth.

"It is, the son of the East is difficult! It is really difficult!" The son of the East, Yu Yu straightens his ears!

"Hey, what happened to your family? How do I listen to the treasurer in the county, and adjust the ginseng everywhere? I heard that the three sons..."

"Yeah, the three sons are gone! It's really human, you can't get the wrong disease!" Yuxi heard that the three sons had gone, and my heart was refreshing, and I couldn't bear it. Although no one knew that it was my own hand, it was human. In doing it, the sky is watching, will there be retribution? The atheist jade has been a little cautious since it passed through this one!

"This disease is very difficult to treat. You can also come to your home in the hospital!"

"Please, it’s not one or two. I know, my two brothers have got this disease. I don’t know what to call. I’m so old, I’m sick, and I’m sick, it’s three sons. I got sick, I didn’t get it for half a year, and I died. Now the two masters have got this disease. They are older than the old lady. I’m afraid...”

"Can't hold it?" Raise your hand to fill the jade dispenser with wine.

"I really don't know, it's hard to say that ginseng is eaten like a radish!" The jade dispenser did not refuse. He raised his hand and drank it. Then he said: "Last time, Dagongzi, luck is really good, the whole family came out to look for it. The medicine, the result is that he found it, and the difference was paid. The rest, the two masters ate, oh, the three sons are a pity, listening to the doctor said that there must be this medicine to eat, maybe Can drag on for a little longer!"

"The respective lives, this is the big son, that is the one you often accompany to eat, let him be the master?"

"When is it, what is the life of each other, you said that there is more money in this money. The grandfather has married a few wives. As a result, the eldest son has been out and has been busy for a few years. Unfortunately, you said, is this disease? The man of the time will get it, actually, the eldest son seems to be a little sick,"

The jade heart is tight, impossible! How is this going to happen?

"Hey, don't you say that this little son got this old disease?"

"Oh, it is said that this is poison, too the doctor in the hospital said, so, hey, Dagongzi is asleep, accidentally, don't know how, the skin is poisoned in the hands, I don't know how this poison is back. The next symptom is a bit when the lord gets sick,"

The jade shopkeeper took a look at the jade by the opportunity of pouring wine. What Yu Yu heard about the broken skin, naturally knows that it is definitely the mother of Shi Tao who has made some ghosts! The face is not moving, there are still a few bottles of fairy water in the hands of Shi Tao, not to be...

"This child is a filial piety, a medicine that has been obtained once, and he has used it for his second son. You said that at this time, life is also! Bitter!"