Smallholder Farmer

~: The twenty-first twenty-one interrupted

Fan Laoshan’s family said a bunch of words. As a result, the ancestors only said that he would put his heart on the table and say this sentence, he would close his eyes and never say anything again! Then look at the usual jealousy that I can't get on, and the most fierce, and I look at myself with an unclear smile. Shen Shi has always been a ghost, only knowing that hiding behind him, Gao’s face Indifferent, Fan Laoshan couples have a sense of playing in the air and feeling empty.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Qiang’s daughter-in-law, Ren’s, was a little unsettled, shouting at Gao’s, this dead woman, waiting for you to come back to our house, see how I cleaned up you, you thought that your official lady was great, I must mark you Pig head, for the communion!

Miss Gao looked at her, like watching the air, not answering, who is your big sister, my grandmother, I am a good man, have not done bad things, can not afford you this kind of embarrassment!

"Gao, you don't recognize our seniors? Is your tutor? Or do you want to be a fan of the Fan family?"

Gao Wenxue sat downright and moved slightly.

"Grandpa, my name is Huang Ma, give me something to come in!"

"Take a donkey, but your body is not happy?"

"No, Grandpa, my body is good!"

"Some things, you have not passed, don't go to the heart, people who are both alone, you must know the importance, both of you must know how powerful!" The last time the ancestors sang on the Qianbin family,

"It’s Grandpa, we didn’t go to the heart!” The two answered in unison, and Gao’s took out a silver bell from his purse and shook it!

Shen Shi and Yu Yu know that this is a bell, and they have it, but they are not used to it. They are all placed on the dressing table. It is useless, but the Fan Laoshan family is opposite, but I don’t know what she is stirring! Special blame! Laoshan does not want to squash his wife and daughter, and tells the wife to go first!

"Co-author, I said for a long time, you have not listened, do you have my mother-in-law in your eyes? Gao, don't think..."

A voice came from outside the flower hall and interrupted the attack of the eight grandmother.

"Great lady, slaves are coming in!"

Huang’s mother came in and suffocated behind Gao’s body. Miss Gao said a few words back, and Huang’s mother took out an envelope from the sleeve and put it on her hand! Then he still retired. The whole process was revealed and the rules were not seen by Fan Laojia. But obviously this is the rule of the official family. His son is a general. This is the rule of his son's family. The eyes of the eight grandmothers are bright. Afterwards, I have such a respectful person to serve. It is really comfortable. The days of the old lady are coming! I am looking forward to it!

"The patriarch, the second grandfather, the three grandfather, grandfather, please let me say a few words!"

"Modest family, you said! This is a matter of nature, you want to talk about it!" Fan Laoxin sighed, afraid that this grandmother would not say anything, now it is better to open up naturally!

"Gossip, eight uncles, can you still say?"

"What do you mean, I said so much, you still haven't understood?"

"The daughter-in-law really understands it, but I want to ask you what else to say!"

"You promised to set the family's affair to Yuhuan and say it!"

"Gossip first mentioned this affair, naturally I will first say that the marriage, the family's affair, is the family to book, we did not take the daughter to the door to pick him, this they are willing to come, to mention Dear, to retreat, naturally it is up to the family to ask, our family thinks and is willing to do it, but if you want to come, his family will say no more, and will not order a retired woman as a daughter-in-law. I want to understand!"

"You have to look after your relatives and daughters, why do you want to quit her relatives, carrying this reputation, you are not allowed to take care of the family, who cares?"

"Eight scorpion, you can't understand this, I can't understand it. I don't care about my relatives and daughters. I think that I have done a very good job. I have a silver banquet for my banquet. I am more than a jade. I also set up a copy, and then said, borrowed his ten courage, my Gao Wenxue's daughter, he dared to retreat?" Bin squatted on the side, nodded and testified!

"You..." The eight-grandmother pointed at her, but did not dare to speak out!

"Gao Shi, I don't know if you want to come. Who are you? You are a close friend. You are the wife of my parents, Fan Qianhe. Can you say that you don't want to be a singer?"

"I haven't lost my heart. How can I not know, I am Fan's four-room, grandfather's granddaughter, grandson Fan Qian's wife, and my in-laws died early. Is this controversial?"

"You didn't understand it? We haven't followed, but you are the five-room man..."

"Stop, talk less, I have never heard of it. Have you ever regretted this kind of thing?"

"Oh, my father-in-law is fooled and deceived!"

"Cheat, it was the eyes of a silver, a general's official position! Also, we are not familiar, don't call me a big sister, I am not comfortable!"

Miss Gao took the words coldly, and Yu Yu grabbed her mouth without concealing it. She smiled and smiled with her eyes bent. The ancestors saw it at a glance and felt a lot better. I knew this high girl. It’s a good one. I didn’t expect it to be better than I thought. It seems that I don’t have to show my face with the juniors. It’s good!

Zhou’s Zhou’s family touched his nose and closed his mouth.

"The patriarch, the second grandfather, the three grandfather, this is a letter written by Qianhe. He knew that if I came back to the village, I would definitely get into trouble. I wrote it specially. Today, it just happens to be used! Gossip, you can see one. Look!"

Fan Laoshan is also literate, writing is generally not complete, you can see a letter, no problem!

Grandfather, patriarch, two grandfathers, folks:

Fan Qianhe here reiterated that I am a four-bedroom person. My parents died early, not the son of anyone. If anyone swears! I am going to pursue the press!

Fan Laoxin took this belief again! My heart is also relieved, and this letter is easy!

"How can this letter be made! My son, I know, I definitely want to go back to the five rooms!" Grandma insisted on not believing!

"Yes, it must be someone!"

"There are modest fingerprints on it. If you don't believe it, wait for modestness to come back!"

"Wait, wait, let's deal with your niece's marriage!"

"Eight scorpion, if you believe, this matter is broken. If you don't believe that modestness is coming, then if you want me to take care of your family, unless the sky is red and rainy! The river is flowing backwards, what you do to modest, let If the person is cold, if he wants to recognize the five rooms, I will leave with him!"

The patriarch and the three tribes laughed together, and the three looked at each other and the patriarch still opened his mouth:

"Hey, don't say this, family, what is not and how to get away from it, it's hard to hear. This letter can naturally replace the meaning of modesty! Besides, in our family, there are also letters of humility and paintings, and he returns. If you don’t return, the impact will not be great!”

"How can we not know what letter he wrote!" Fan Laoshan screamed.

"Who are you, why do you want to know!" Three uncles asked!

"I am his biological mother, why can't I know?"

"It’s strange to say that you are a biological mother. How do you look like you are coming? If Fan Qianhe is dead, your first thought is to force the grandchildren and save the coffin money!"

The two uncles took over the words, and the fourth child is not convenient to speak today, and he will start everywhere!

"We didn't think about it at the beginning, we were fooled, and the long brain would not take the general's son out!"

"When you are passing, but you have passed the dead to the four rooms, now these are late!" The three uncles decided! There are two letters in front of them, all of which are modest and reserved. It is also considered that the patriarch has a calculation. This letter has always been caught in the genealogy. At this time, it comes in handy.

"But my son is now a general, who will not return him, who I am not finished with!" Fan Baqi's head is hot, his heart beats so badly, suddenly he suddenly sweats and spoke first.

"I won't pay back, Wang, what are you going to do!"

The patriarch decided to smash the knives and deal with this matter at once!

"I..." Wang was a person who had suffered a hard loss in the hands of the patriarch. Naturally, he did not dare to answer the question. This **** injury has not been long!

"The patriarch, you see, our five-bedroom is not a big loss, a general is a show, who is willing to eat such a big loss!"

"I said it earlier, don't say that modesty still has a letter, it is not left, things can't be done as you think!"

"What should we do with our losses? Even if this is the case, Qianhe is the son of our two families. I have never heard of it. My son does not recognize his parents. He will eat up to a loss, and let Qiang both look at it!"

"Eight scorpions, impossible, two heads have to see if I am willing or not! Killing me is not willing to take care of both!"

"That is not to ask you to retreat, this jade ring with the spring, you have to take the mother to teach what, then choose a good dear!"

"It is absolutely impossible! I will pick up the whole village and raise it, and I will not pick you up!"

"Why? You hit it We don't forgive you and endure you! What do you want?"

"Not very good, today is the patriarch once again said that our four rooms have nothing to do with your family!"

"Hey, it’s reasonable to go all over the world. You don’t want to leave these two girls. Fan Qianhe doesn’t want to be an official. I want to sue him for being a big filial piety!” Fan Laoshan didn’t expect Qiang’s to write a letter, this head could not help but It hurts a lot, telling them that it is only the last blow!

"The clay figurine also has three points of soil. Modesty is not masculine. I am blinded by you. I have nothing to say! Now, he has a letter, and my Gao Wenxue is the only one and the only one to tell you the whole family. You can listen carefully, and violate me. It is absolutely self-sufficient: in fact, in one sentence, we are with you, well water does not make a river, your family still wants to take up half of my family, unless the sun comes out from the west! Can be a thief to fight!"

Yuxi knows that the matter is over, very happy, the matter is over, I don’t have to say a word, it’s really good!

The ancestors are also happy, and there is such a strong grandson who can finally break the bones with Fan Laojia and never get involved! Rs()