So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 123: Real Treasures

佩 Li Peiyun was angry with Dan Tian, ​​closed his eyes, and meditated on his mind. After a few breaths, he emptied a white light, and the sword of Qi on the forging stage seemed to be induced and vibrated slightly. From the sword of qi, a ray of white silky horseshoes overflowed, and the ray of silk merged into Li Peiyun's Dantian.

Luo Dantian and Qi Sword are connected by a spider-like slender white awn.

The ancient gods taught everyone to look different, or greedy or excited, but the war god's face was calm and unhappy. The most terrifying place of the ancient gods A-class killer is in the state of mind. They are as stable as old dogs. They have a very strong purpose and practice. Greed.

佩 Li Peiyun shook his arms, and the magnificent air machine turned into ripples and swept the entire cave. Except for the **** of war standing still, everyone was retreated by the air waves.

拔 He pulled out the sword of Qi, the white light billowed, his hair and clothes fluttered in the waves.

摄 "Photo!"

With a clear drink, Qi Zhi turned into a pure “炁” into his palm, and then flowed into Dantian through his arm. Li Peiyun's body was fully exposed in white light.

"咦?" He frowned: "I can't become one with my body in a short time, and need to run in"

佩 Li Peiyun looked around himself, at this time he was shining all over, like a moving light, a little awkward.

"Also, it's pretty cool ..." He forcibly satisfied.

Everyone's attention was on him. Instead, they were the God of War, standing by the forging platform, and watching.

"Boss, what's wrong." The blood demon looked away from Li Peiyun and asked.

"It feels strange to me." God of War frowned.

The Blood Golem walked around the forging platform, patted it, and said blankly: "No problem, no wonder."

The God of War did not say a word, groaned for a moment, and slapped a palm on the forging platform. Under the powerful palm force, the forging platform collapsed.

There is nothing strange about, just a common forging platform.

"It's my heart, let's go." God of War turned his head and looked at the shining Li Peiyun: "It's time for you to become famous."

According to the plan of Li Peiyun's dog head military officer, there is a tough battle to be fought. The Protestantism is mainly to correct the name of the demon road. In the eyes of the **** of war, it is not necessary. The demon road has fallen for dozens of years. However, it was precisely because of Li Peiyun's thoughts that he could reach an agreement with the ancient gods. After all, correcting the name of the demon Tao means to be the enemy of the "right way". Li Peiyun needs to borrow the power, and the ancient gods must also use him to pass on the demon Tao. It's a name that attracts talent, and it's making a comeback.

Right now is a good opportunity. There are five super masters and hundreds of casual repairs in the valley. This is the time for Li Peiyun to become famous.

And the dog-headed military division that Li Peiyun did not know where he came from, the God of War very much appreciated it, and he was very afraid of being stunned. There were not many people who could be shunned by the ancient **** ace assassin, but it was not the man ’s force that the God of War was afraid of. It was the depth of a great wisdom and demon in him.

He told him intuitively that the man couldn't control it, so God of War never communicated with the dog-headed military division and never thought of soliciting teaching.

佩 The timing of Li Peiyun's fame was originally after he got the treasure of the demon road. Sanlibancun's miss was completely accidental. The **** of war who owns the armed forces deliberately exposed the blood demon street.gif

This attracted the masters of the Baoze Group, but just harvested a wave.

It was an unexpected joy to attract San Wu, but he was caught off guard by his family.

Xi Baoze Group almost overturned, the ancient gods actually overturned.

This is the case when walking the rivers and lakes. If you accidentally turn over the car, Zhuge Liang, who is like a god, will exist in the romance after all.

羡 Li Xianyu and others left the cave. He rushed to the stream that divided the valley into two. This stream passed through the cave, but the source was on the other side of the mountain.

"Li Xianyu, did you find anything?" Thunder Fighter Ji rushed to his side and whispered.

羡 Li Xianyu glanced around, wondering if there were any outsiders waiting for him, shook his head silently, glanced at the crowd and motioned them to follow.

He went down the stream.

After lingering for ten minutes, the valley was left far behind, and there was a rumbling sound of water ahead.

Sure enough, the heritage of the demon Tao is not in the cave, but in another place.

Alas, how witty is really witty.

A smile appeared on Li Xianyu's face, and he was one step ahead to get the demon treasure, and the company's mission was half completed. He took the lead and made a lot of points.

Points are a good thing. You can exchange various instruments and exchange countless tickets.

I can slowly accumulate and transfer to become a gold player.

Suddenly, there were several figures coming forward, one of them was particularly eye-catching. The whole person was dazzlingly bright, and the light radiated from inside to outside, like a big light bulb.

The other is two feet tall, with a tall figure, looking forward.

羡 Li Xian fished his foot in a swift pace: "Look, God of War."

空 Liu Kongchao paused suddenly: "It's them again."

The members of the Pibao Ze Pioneer lived together, and everyone looked at Li Xianyu with a complex expression.

Li Xianyu led the way and bumped into high-level forces of ancient theology. Although this is one of the goals of this mission, the ape **** is not there.

家伙 This guy is really forced, really hammered.

The crimson eyes lighted up, and the blood demon laughed wildly: "Li Xianyu is mine."

家伙 This guy is like a madman, flying towards the Baoze team.

Grandma Grandma jumped up, kicked him and kicked him, "What's up with you?"

佩 Li Peiyun slaughtered without saying a word, his arm raised, the light in Dantian rose, rushed into his arm, uttered a "swipe", rushed out of his palm, and turned into a gorgeous light sword.

The God of War's palm was full of vitality, took the blood demon and held him, "It's all right."

The blood spitting blood spit out blood, but his face was surprised: "Wusou War Spirit's strength has plummeted."

The man in the black robe asked, "Take it?"

The **** devil grinned, and Bai Yali Qin bleeding silk: "In the encounter that night, she did a trick to me, but this time I only suffered a minor injury, and the strength of the battle soul fell too much."


The sword of suffocation was chopped on Grandma's arm, and sparks shot, and Grandma's feet suddenly blasted off the air blower, flying sand and stones.

佩 Li Peiyun retreated at a touch, and then retreated, falling between the two sides, holding a sword in his right hand, his face full of arrogance.

Grandma Yun grandmother bowed her head, staring blankly at her arm, her white and slender arm was cut open with a wound, and her red blood stained half of her arm.

"Grandma" Li Xianyu's discoloration. This is the first time he saw grandma being injured. Usually grandma always brags about how strong her fighting spirit is. The envy fish felt that the grandmother's body was unparalleled in the world and no one could break it.

终于 He finally realized the horror of the demon Tao, which is like the grandmother, standing on top of the extreme Tao.

The Pioneer team changed their colors at the same time, and they looked at the grandmother with blood in their arms.

The God of War brow raised his eyebrows: "That's the case, that night's combat power was not her normal state, so to speak, the combat power demonstrated by the Li family heirs that night was also not the normal state."

He laughed, cruel smile: "Very good, use her as a stepping stone tonight to help Li Peiyun become famous in one fell swoop."

In the darkness, two red awns lit up in vain, and the woman's war spirits flew out. Her **** arms were raised high, and the air was squeaked by her.

佩 Li Peiyun sank down, raised his sword, and confronted each other.


The squealing noise erupted, and Li Xianyu's eardrums became sore that he could no longer hear any sound.

Hearing his hearing, he didn't care, staring at the field, staring at the light sword that exploded.

佩 Li Peiyun kneeled on the ground with two knees and smashed two large pits, and the scattered light was turned into layers of light and mist, floating on the heads of everyone, lighting up the world.

佩 Li Peiyun bit her lip, flicked her knees, stood up, and said, "Photo!"

The misty sky was over, the storm surged into Dantian, then flowed out from Dantian, and reunited into a sword of light.

"Thank you for rebuilding your predecessors," Li Peiyun said sincerely.

The so-called break and stand, the woman's war soul punched the sword of light, breaking the mark of the demon road, at this time this sword of light is his sword of light.

Grandma Yun shook her arm, blood splattered on the ground, and her snow-white skin did not seem to be stained with blood, and her wounds had recovered.

"Interesting, when I was at the peak, I never encountered the demon Tao. At the peak of the demon Tao, I had been restrained by the Blackwater Lingzhu. I was sorry that I couldn't fight him." Grandma said lightly: "The extreme preacher of the Buddhist door I look down on you all, only you deserve to be my great-grandson's enemy. "

Li Xianyu repaired the eardrum automatically. When I heard this sentence, my brain was full of vomiting, and my heart said, Grandma, you despise me too much.

But he still chose to cooperate with grandma's pretend, pulling the clothes chain with a cold expression, holding the hem with his hands, and shaking back, "I can hit you once, I can hit you twice."

What a dazzling thief with three characters on his chest: called dad!

佩 Li Peiyun's forehead jumped with blue muscles, and the expressionless grandma and grandmother waved a sword: "Please enlighten me!"

混 The melee started immediately.

The Pioneer team has more masters than the ancient gods, but the **** of war v5 of the ancient gods, and Li Xianyu knows that grandma and grandpa actually can't beat Li Peiyun who has completed the three talents of swordplay. When the battle spirit body no longer has the advantage and the power is sealed, grandma and grandma cannot defeat Li Peiyun.

The kid himself is equivalent to an S-class master. He holding the sword of Qi ~ ~ is undoubtedly another **** of war.

羡 Li Xianyu and Liu Kongchao turned around and ran, and Youmeng Yu followed.

"What are you doing with, you go up to battle." Li Xianyu shouted, "You counseled at the critical moment?"

"Although I really want to fight, there are too many masters on the other side. Black and White and Tu Xingsun have the strength of senior staff, no better than the last singles fight. I may have been attacked and spiked without any attention. Rage is the most powerful. Fear is spike. "You Mengyu's bitter face:" Unless my sister comes out, I can't summon her. "

"This is easy to do." Li Xianyu stopped abruptly, turned around, and bumped into Yu Mengyu's arms.

Xu Youmengyu bowed her head incredulously, and a three-centimeter lightsaber slammed into her abdomen, burning her internal organs with high temperatures, causing severe pain. He also stirred.

Li Xianyu ran away when he was finished.

With a trembling sound, she sat softly on the ground. She looked at Li Xianyu's back: "I'm not wrong because I'm so cruel."

Her eyes dimmed and lighted up again, the whole person's temperament was renewed, her eyes were strong, and her soft and cute face seemed to have become firmer.

Yu Youming hummed coldly, slipped out the hilt of her sword in her sleeve, clenched her hands, and her three-meter-long whip condensed. She aggressively killed the remaining evil of the ancient gods.

"What a simple thing." Li Xianyu turned back to see this scene, and was immediately relieved. Due to his riotous operation, we added another tiger. As for You Mengyu's injury, she gave her a tube of Li family ancestors afterwards. The essence of blood is just fine.

The cave was getting closer and closer, Li Xianyu brought Liu Kongchao back to the entrance and shouted with a voice: "The treasure of the demon road is here on a first-come, first-served basis. Come and grab it"