So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 276: Axiom and the overall situation

Li Zhu's words seemed to be meteorites from the sky, setting off a raging wave in the hearts of everyone, but the scene fell into a strange silence.

There was no uproar, no discussion, everyone's eyes were invariably looking somewhere, looking at the Dao Zun wearing a lotus crown and wearing a black gold robe.

The monk is unknown, and the word is long, but the old man in charge of Dao Zun has indeed been for a long time. At this time, he looked down at Li Zhu facelessly.

Shocked and dead.

"Dao Zun is forgetful ?!" Li Xianyu murmured in general.

In the silence, the people in Daomen couldn't help but said, "Li Zhu, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Shut up, shameless old thief, if you dare to scorn Dao Zun, you will never die with me."

Daomen's popularity is crazy. Dao Zun is the leader of the whole Daomen and a spiritual leader, just like the head of a Buddha. The Taoist Buddha Association is a law enforcer in the blood community. It is from justice to maintain order. Taoism and Buddha head are symbolic figures of the two religions, and they are sacred and inviolable.

But now someone tells you that Dao Zun took refuge in the Japanese army, betrayed his companions, assaulted his colleagues, and killed Sister Taisu. The Daomen could not accept it.

It's like someone said that the head of the Buddha is a blood knife ancestor who commits adultery and plagiarism, and the door of the Buddha will explode to you every minute.

"Dao Zun's road number is not forgetfulness!" Someone shouted.

Like the flood that opened the gates, the silent crowd burst into turbulence. No one was willing to believe what Li Zhu said, and the masses retorted the elderly and even sweared. As long as someone organizes and gives an order, even those who are not Daomen will attack aggressively for Daozun's reputation.

The reputation of Dao Zun and Buddhism cannot be blasphemed. They are respected not only by disciples of the two religions, but also by people of the blood community.

"Yeah, Dao Zun's road number is not forgotten."

Li Xianyu asked Murphy to search for the character of forgetfulness. Bao Ze could find the character of forgetfulness. The only time he appeared in the record was that of the anti-Japanese war in the mountains to protect Changsha. No more, if Murderer's road number is forgetfulness, Murphy will definitely tell him.

Facing the many mouths, the old man Li Zhu faced calmly. He raised his hand and pressed gently: "No evidence, I will come here and tell you all this?"

The boiling swearing and cursing ceased immediately.

The old man turned around and bowed slightly to the group of priests behind him. This group of priests followed him to enter the stadium, and his position was very interesting.

An old Taoist who looked at the same old age as Li Zhu was slowly out of the queue. He had a hoarse voice and was out of breath. "The poor are really true."

"Uncle Qingyun? Why are you here?"

"Don't you always stay dead?"

Behind Tao Zun, several middle-aged Taoist princes were surprised.

The old Taoist said "Countless Countless Deities" and looked to Taoism: "Forget Brother, I haven't seen you for forty years. You haven't shown any signs of oldness."

Everyone was uproar.

"Uncle Shi, what are you talking about?" Disciples Quanzhen were shocked and angry.

"All of you in Daomen, do you still remember, where was the **** circle of demon monsters in the past?" The old Taoist asked himself, "Yes, it's true."

"When I grew up in the Quanzhen School and forgot Brother Brother Chen ’s fierce reputation as the bloodlines, I was a little boy who served in the palm of the real world. Because I was always with him in the palm of my hand, I knew some secret."

"In the past, I taught the real person a personal letter. In the name of Sister Wangzhen, please let Brother Wangchen return to the mountain. Secretly set a trap and wait for Brother Wangchen to throw himself in the net. But Zhangjiao really underestimated Brother Wangchen's strength. Brother Brother Chenchen remembered the feelings of his fellow students, and didn't hurt them. He just wanted to meet Brother Wangzhen. When he was helpless in teaching, he used the affection and kindness as a cover to deceive Brother Brother Chenchen's trust and use the township of the true truth. The magic weapon, Fengshen nailed Brother Forgotten, and captured him. "

"Brother Wangchen was arrested and the news spread to the outside world. The factions of the entire blood community gathered in the Quanzhen School, which led to the chaos of the true year." The old Taoist slowly said: "In the past, Brother Chen Chen's evil was publicized. Yes, it's all true. "

The old Taoist continued: "After Brother Wangchen died, Brother Wangqing changed his appearance and changed his name to Wangyou."

Forget about real people, contemporary Taoism!

The audience stared at each other.

Dao Zun's voice sounded like thunder and implied majesty: "Qing Yun, do you know why it's a crime to frame the same door and slander Dao Zun?"

"Death!" Qingyun Lao Dao was not afraid of the majesty of Dao Zun, nor did he care about the glare of the Quanzhen people: "Now I am close to life, what else is terrible? I was still young and did not dare to stand up and talk. Everything was in my heart. Until a few months ago, Lord Li visited me personally, and I promised him without any hesitation. "

"Brother Qingyou, you and Zhangjiao can stop you for a while, but you can't stop you forever. Silence does not mean submission. It is forbearance."

Dao Zun said coldly: "The people at the gate listened to the orders, and Qingyun colluded with the evils of the ancient gods.

The sound of the weapon leaving the sheath sounded, and all the doormen pulled out their weapons.

Li Peiyun stepped forward slowly, the sword of Qi shone, the breath of horror was like mountains and rivers, he used one person to block the power of everyone present.

"Forget love, if you have a clear conscience, why don't you dare confront me? The more the reasoning becomes clearer, the path becomes clearer and clearer." Li Zhulang said: "Do you dare to kill in front of the world?

Li Zhuxuan made sense at the Dao Conference. If it wasn't for this occasion, he would n’t dare to knock directly at the door, but now it ’s different. Here is the Lianghua Temple. There are Buddha heads, major forces, and countless others. Sanshou, even if it is a door, cannot cover the sky with one hand.

"I still have evidence!" Li Zhu's words caught everyone's attention.

In the Japanese team holding a knife, a middle-aged man was out of the queue. He took over the hand-held code box that was handed over by his followers.

He bowed to everyone and introduced himself in lame Chinese: "In the lower Aoki Takuya, Aoki's representative in China."

Li Zhu didn't look back. He seemed to dislike the Aoki family and listened expressionlessly. Originally, in his plan, he did not want to involve the Aoki family. He wanted to find the head of the Buddha to preside over justice, and only the same level existed.

But the head of the Buddha refused.

Li Zhu was very dissatisfied with this matter. The Buddha's head owed him a favor, and he did not return it. This time, Li Zhu came with a mortal heart, which means that the Buddha's head did not return to others. No chance.

But the Buddha's head turned him down. In the eyes of the old man, the Buddhist leader is also a selfish person who scams the world and protects himself.

No, I had to accept the olive branch of the Aoki family.

"This matter starts with the Allied Powers of the Eight Kingdoms. Everyone knows that the Qing Dynasty had searched for the Pantheon, but because it was not found, it created the Warriors Soul of War." With Aoki Takuya's words, he turned his attention to the audience. To grandma.

Grandma frowned displeasedly, deep well ice, nothing to do with me.

"In fact, the Qing Dynasty was about to find the Pantheon, but the Pantheon did not open, and even if it found a place, it could not go in. When the treaty was ugly, the Qing Dynasty lost us a lot of money. At the same time, they gave the Pantheon's information and information for free It was given to us. During the Second World War, the Aoki family inherited this unfinished work of the Qing Dynasty, and we worked hard to find the Pantheon. "

"Let ’s not hide, in fact, the Aoki family has found the Pantheon, but it was not us who finally entered the Pantheon. It was the demon that was captured by us and became a member of the slave camp. The slave camp is the mobile blood bank we collected. In order to open the Pantheon. "

An uproar in all directions.

Aoki Takuya's sentence revealed too much information and shocked everyone.

Did the Aoki family find the Pantheon?

Need to move the blood bank to open the Pantheon?

"These things were recorded by the family at that time. We captured many Chinese **** people, and the demon Tao was just one of them." Aoki Takuya opened the code box, exposing the yellowish scroll: "In the record, two of them were mentioned Of Chinese descent who once worked for us. "

Everyone held their breath, thousands of eyes stared at Takuya Aoki.

"The Cao family, Cao Jun, the true truth is forgetful." Aoki Takuya said: "These are the records left by the family in the past, and they must not be faked. I Aoki Takuya guarantees with the reputation of the Aoki family and guarantees with martial spirit. It's true. "


"Oh my god, is this going to make trouble in the heavenly palace? If this is true, the door will be turned upside down, and the blood community will be turned upside down."

"What did I hear? The demon Tao is a good person? Forgetting love is Taoism, and it is a victim of the same situation. The Japanese running mother, I want to go home, I don't want to listen anymore."

"It's so exciting. Eight thousand tickets are worth it. This is definitely the most exciting controversy in history."

"Hua Yu's real people feared sin and committed suicide, and Dao Zun was exposed to history. These people are colluding, and they want to push Daomen to death."

"I don't believe it. I don't believe that this will happen. Li Peiyun is the **** of ancient gods and Li Zhu is his grandfather. Can their words be believed? Japanese words can be believed?"

The auditorium was chaotic. Some people are roaring and roaring, some people are holding their mobile phones to shoot videos, and all beings are different.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Buddha and Baoze to identify the authenticity." Li Zhulang said.

As soon as this word came out, the people of Buddha Gate and Baoze were equivalent to being burnt on the fire.

The Buddhist monks looked at each other and felt very troublesome. What Li Zhu said was true or false. What kind of person Dao Zun was then had nothing to do with Buddhist monks.

This hot potato, the Buddha door does not want to pick up, Dao Zun is innocent, if that Buddha door is equivalent to helping Li Zhu to knock Daomen. The Taoist Buddha Association had to be divided, and the Taomen would not be good with them anymore.

If the Taoist Buddha Association is divided, the blood order will be in chaos.

The demon Tao was wronged. That was their way of doing things. Other people's family affairs had at least a few grievances. There was no reason to go to another's house to try the case.

Ji Xie got up, Dan Chen around him dragged him.

"What are you doing." Dan Chenzi frowned.

"Identify the true and false." Ji Se straightly.

"You look at the fart, do you know how to identify it?" Dan Chenzi said in a deep voice: "The Buddha's head won't let you interfere, he seems to know it already. Then you know why the Buddha's head doesn't let you interfere?"

Discourage him.

"If Dao Zun really did something wrong, Daomen would not cover him. His body is not correct, and no one will obey him. Daomen will handle this matter by himself, and you need to intervene?"

"Li Zhu's use of axiom and justice as a cover is forcing Daomen and Buddhism to break. There are so many taboos between Daomen and Daoism. The Daomen will fall down. Daomen will be grateful to you? We will think that we will deal with our own affairs. What is the meaning of coming out and upholding justice? Hit our faces. What does this matter have to do with the Aoki family? Why did they come to testify for Li Zhu? Dao Zun ’s reputation has been broken, and the relationship between Buddhism and Daomen is fraught, and they are happy. what."

Jiezhuang frowned: "If this matter can't be understood here, why do you say that the door will definitely make Dao Zun step down? For how many years has Dao Zun been in office, Dao Gate has mostly been his supporter. Why Li Xianyu is not Hua Yu is going to be killed because there are so many night dreams. "

"What is the relationship between the real person of Huayang and Li Xianyu? Of course he wants to kill Hua Yu, he is here to get revenge. What is your relationship with the demon Tao? Why do you want to avenge him? He wanted to use the Buddhist gate as a gunman. "

"I'm not a demon, I'm an axiom."

Dan Chenzi was angry: "Just as you are righteous, Buddhism is your righteous companion? How can a person with such great wisdom on the Buddha ’s head teach you such an upright disciple. Others think deeper than you and see Farther than you, you only see the black and white in front of you, but you ca n’t see the big picture. You have to understand that now we have a **** world, and foreign forces are constantly infiltrating ~ Buddha fights the Cold War, what will happen then? "

Seeing him frowning and hesitant, Dan Chenzi sighed: "Let the people of Baoze deal with it, and the Taoist Buddha Association will stick together. This is not convenient for the Buddha's door, so throw the pot to Baoze."

Yes, at this time, the role of Baoze is manifested.

Isn't it trying to be the boss of the descent world, isn't it trying to get involved in the order of the descent world.

Don't shake the pan at this time, wait any longer.

Thinking about it that way, Ji Se immediately became bright and cheerful. He looked around and said loudly: "Master has a command, this is a housework of Daomen, and Buddhism is not convenient for intervention. Daoist chivalrous men are right and wrong, and they will give justice. Baoze The syndicate is a moral pedigree of the blood community. It maintains order and asserts justice. There are two parties present, and I am very relieved. "

The Buddhists immediately breathed a sigh of relief, hitting all in their hearts for abstinence.

Baoze crowd: mmp.

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