So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 292: Catch a big fish

At four o'clock in the morning, Aoki Yui was standing by the window, wearing silk pajamas, staring indifferently at the potted plants in the yard, sighing sighily, she was awakened by a nightmare again.

In the past few days, she kept repeating similar dreams, version one: In the dream, she was a helpless little girl, running in the fog without seeing the end, barefoot, and a demon behind her was chasing her. She was scared. They are crying.

But no matter how you run, you will eventually be chased by demons. The devil smirked and approached, and the fog disappeared. The face was as handsome as a little milk dog, but with a sloppy smile. That's Li Xianyu's face

Then she woke up and found herself curled up by the bed, tearing her pillow halfway.

Version two: She is still a delicate girl, appearing on a bright and spacious stage. She thinks she is performing on stage, and it is true, she was insulted on the stage.

The little dog demon came on the stage, issued a heartbreaking laugh, tore her clothes, and then insulted in front of countless people, the audience applauded, twisted vicious faces

She woke up from her dream, tears wet her half pillow.

There are also three different versions, four versions, five scenarios, and the same theme.

The dream was born by heart, and Aoki Yui knew that he had not escaped from the encounters of the Dao Conference and the bonfire party.

As the young lady of the Aoki family, she was a princess when she was a child and a goddess when she grew up. She never thought that she would be insulted by a Chinese man in front of thousands of audiences.

This experience is terrible. For a homeowner's pearl, the experience at the Dao Conference is an epic nightmare.

Traumas in her mind and public opinion in Japan caused her nightmares.

"In Chinese's popular words, my psychological shadow area is as large as ten football fields." Aoki Yui sighed.

"Fuck the heir to the Li family," Aoki Yui pulled out the knife hanging on the wall, the arc flashed, the flower arrangement on the table was cut off, and the cut was flush: "Don't let me meet you at the Pantheon, otherwise the flower will be You, hum! "

The melodious Japanese music sounded, and that was her ringtone.

Looked at the call, it was from the second uncle. Aoki Yui holds a knife in one hand and answers the phone in the other: "Uncle, how about it?"

Aoki Aya's weak voice came over the phone: "Successfully rescued, but this time many people died in the family."

"The casualties are inevitable," Aoki Yui felt relieved, and he heard the second uncle's voice wrong, and asked, "Big husband?"

"I was seriously injured, and I have found a safe place to heal. You don't have to worry about it. You are at random in Lianghua Temple. People in Baoze may trouble you." Takuya Aoki said.

Aoki Yui immediately thought of Li Xianyu's left hand, and the square was in chaos: "I, I immediately left the Lianghua Temple."

Takuya Aoki shook his head: "It's too obvious to do this, even if you don't tell the truth, as long as Baoze has no evidence, he won't take you. But as soon as you leave, they will have an excuse to investigate and even deport us."

They will definitely take the Li family heir to me, Aoki Yui.

Settled down, Aoki Yui said, "Second uncle, I know that Baoze has prepared in advance. How did you rescue Li Peiyun?"

Takuya Aoki paused and said, "Bao Ze did have some preparations. Ape God, Tu Shen Tian Hao, San Wu, and the three s-classes are dispatched together. But Li Peiyun has a stronger strength behind him, sending two people who do not lose Bao Ze. The s-class of the Ten Gods, but I think this is just the tip of the iceberg of that power. "

Aoki Yui was taken aback. She had several contacts with Li Peiyun, but apart from the ancient gods and the fox demon who mastered the customs of China, she found no signs of other forces.

Is it that fox demon?

"But even then, we still had a terrible victory. It was too dangerous. That girl's power was too dangerous." Taku Aoki said with guts.

Thinking of the battle a few hours ago, he still felt scared. High-explosive grenades are not terrible. The terrible is the high-explosive grenades with GPS positioning and tracking. The terrible is the high-explosive grenades. Can not escape, can only resist hard, those fire and shock waves.

Baoze was fully prepared, dispatched three s-classes, and gave the girl plenty of hot weapons. If not, the strength of the forces behind Li Peiyun was miscalculated, this time the ancient theology and the Aoki family were nailed down.

After Aoki warned, he hung up the phone.

Aoki Yui holding the cell phone, his expression of grievance was about to cry.

Li Xianyu was awakened by the thunder and lightning king's phone and said something was wrong. Come over and donate blood.

Suddenly my heart was stunned, I didn't have time to ask, put on my clothes, and walked out of the room. The Thunder Fighter, who happened to be next door, came out eagerly, biting a hair hoop in my mouth, and twisted the blue silk into a pony tail with my hands behind my head.

"Something happened!" Li Xianyu said.

"Well, the prince told me, I'll take you there, I'm driving a sports car." Thunder battle Jidao, after finishing, she turned her back on Li Xianyu and raised her buttocks.

Li Xianyu froze for a moment, and barely touched the long legs of the long-legged beauties.

If the Thunder Fighter Ji was shocked, her body trembled, her face turned red, "What are you doing?"

Li Xianyu said blankly, "Well, didn't you let me touch your butt."

Thunder Fighter frantically said, "I'll let you lie on my back, asshole."

"Say it early, I'm here." Just after Li Xianyu finished, Thunder Fighter Ji had disappeared. Standing in the empty yard, he remembered the elasticity of the long-legged beauties, hehe two times.

A quarter of an hour later, he rushed down the mountain and saw a red Ferrari parked in the most conspicuous place from the distance. Thunder Fighter Ji held his face in the driver's seat with the words "I'm angry, don't talk to me."

A few minutes later, the door of the scenic area opened, and the red Ferrari sports car whistled away in the thick roar of the engine.

At three in the middle of the night, there were no cars on the road, and Ferrari was galloping on the national road like a red bullet.

Thunder Fighter Ji stared forward, with a serious expression, and focused on driving.

Li Xianyu reached out and squeezed her ponytail: "Long hair?"

Thunder Fighter hummed.

Li Xianyu: "I still like your short ears and beautiful hair."

Thunder Fighter stopped talking.

An hour later, Ferrari drove into the county seat and drove to a private hospital. This is a small base of the county under the jurisdiction of Rongcheng Branch. It is a hospital, but it is actually a post station for Baoze employees. Similar to the ancient post bases, countless nationwide.

Take the elevator to the VIP ward on the top floor. In the largest ward at the end of the corridor, there is a row of beds on the left side, and there is a white hairy ape, then San Wu, then a kind and strange man.

On the other side, there were King Kong, tentacles, and night. The second son of Wang was sitting on a chair, wiping the bruise on his body with medicinal wine.

Li Xianyu immediately looked at Wang's second child, let alone say that there aren't many s-classes in this martial art.

The real name of Baoze first meat tan.

"Finally here." The King of Thunder and Lightning looked relaxed, and the first nurse of Baoze had already arrived, with little problem.

Li Xianyu cooperated with the doctor to draw blood and make blood packs. Just a tube of blood can no longer satisfy these severely dying wounded people. The Thunder King promised 50 points for a pack of blood. Li Xianyu drew five packs of blood. Sanwu did not need a pack of blood. She just overused her abilities and was unconscious.

With 250 points in minutes, you don't need to wrap the rice bran and fry it to golden color. The Thunder Fighter on the side is almost crying.

In the vacant ward next door, Li Xianyu was lying on the bed fishing for salt water, his face was white, the bleeding was too large, and his power was overused. He is now very weak.

The Thunder Warlord sat next to the bed, pared the apple, and cut him piece by piece. The thunderbolt was sitting on the other side of the bed.

"Faculty, why are you bothering over and over? I have to doubt your minister's ability to co-ordinate." Li Xianyu was heartbroken.

"Well, don't say that. The company's daily tasks are tens of millions, and rollovers are always unavoidable. Besides, the tasks of others are very stable, except for the tasks you participate in." The King of Thunder and Lightning said that he would not take the pot.

You think you always roll over, because you are involved in the rollover task.

Since your debut, you haven't completed your mission in peace.

"But I didn't participate this time. You have to say that my blood is playing for me, then I have to rush with you." Li Xianyu stared.

"Summarize the gains and losses of this mission: 1 ~ ~ Li Peiyun was robbed. Second, the enemy 12 was annihilated, but all miscellaneous fish. Third, our personnel were seriously injured."

"And the information obtained as a result: First, Li Peiyun was indeed supported by a large force. Second, Tu Xingsun was captured. Third, the enemy personnel were seriously injured."

"They probably made a profit and took away Li Peiyun, but we did not lose money." Thunder King said that at the beginning, he wanted Li Xianyu to join the **** mission, but King Kong and the second son of Wang almost scared their urine and died. Unwilling to force a team with things, or else there is a matchless war soul calm down, this time will be very stable and not necessarily!

"Forcing not to lose?" Li Xianyu spat.

"The goal of this operation is to draw out the forces behind Li Peiyun, and then wipe them out. But the strength of the other party is far beyond our imagination, and you don't seem to be surprised at all. Let me be clear, what is going on. Li Peiyun is in my understanding. The forces behind it are at best a group of black people, and the God of War is already the top combat force. "

"Yes, we caught a big fish." The thunderbolt king smiled mysteriously.

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