So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 367: Cut Hu (4 * 1000 + 5 * 100 +)

The senior employees of Tong Baoze looked at each other with the same expressions as Li Xianyu, with a sense of terror in their blankness, as if they had encountered something terrible but difficult to understand.

The response of the Superpowers Association was slow, and Eric glanced at the old opponent who wanted to call his father, shaking his hand, and said Shen: "What's wrong."

He didn't know that the teacher had killed his grandmother. At this moment, because of his life-saving grace, he was slightly less hostile to Li Xianyu, and he was very grateful.

羡 Li Xianyu retracted his gaze, his face was not very good: "Sculptures, these sculptures are still ..."

Sweeping everyone in the Superpowers Association who still didn't understand what he meant, he whispered, "Sculptures are reviving. We have already killed them before we came."

The members of the Superpowers Association finally understood, and then his face was confused with fright.

Li Xianyu jumped from Cuihua and broke a sculpture. The sculpture fell apart, and he picked up a piece to look carefully. At this time, he found that the sculpture was not stone at all. The internal mechanism was very delicate, with a touch of light, not easy to detect. Fragrant.

Bacon? !!

羡 The word that emerged from Li Xianyu's mind was absurd, but it was his serious judgment.

的 The crab beast outside the Pantheon, the sculpture of the lizard man in this world, both of them obviously play the role of guard, are they the security system of the Pantheon?

If it is a security system, why did the group of lizardman sculptures not recover the first time they entered this world, who started the security system?

羡 Li Xianyu's biggest problem is thinking too much. The security system has nothing to do with the current situation. What he wants to think is why these lizardman sculptures have appeared again.

"Look carefully, there is no powder on the ground." Cuihua said quietly.

羡 Li Xianyu watched for a moment, and his heart sank. He was still wondering if the sculpture substitute was in place. It would be very difficult to break up one batch after another.

除了 But in addition to the endless sculpture group in front, there is no white sand formed by the sculpture on the dark brown ground. This is unexpected ..... the bronze hall in front is not the same as their original one.

"That's right, we won't go the wrong way," said a senior employee.

Then another possibility was also ruled out: they accidentally hit another bronze temple in this world.

Alas, there is only one last possibility: they came to other worlds?

羡 Li Xianyu said his brain hole, everyone felt incredible.

"Impossible, a key can only open one door."

"In a place like the Pantheon, there won't be such a thing that disrupts your own rules."

"Space is independent, why walk to another world?"

Talking about it.

"No, this is not impossible." A man with a beard and a scum in the Superman Association said, "The Pantheon exists in the dimension space. To be precise, it is a dimension space, so why is it divided For eight worlds, eight keys? This is against space. "

"What do you mean?" Li Xianyu, an undergraduate, did not understand.

空间 "Space is a whole, just like the real world in which we live. As long as the transportation is perfect, you can go to any corner of the world. It is impossible for you to see that China is one world, and our country is another world."

In fact, for most ordinary people, these are indeed two worlds .....

羡 Li Xianyu nodded, this is not the time to raise the bar, the rice country guy makes sense.

"How do you explain the eight keys?" Cuihua turned her head and looked at the Miguel with a beard and scum.

Tong Cuihua has three-dimensional features, her pupils are amber, and her body is hot, which is in line with the aesthetics of European and American men.

Asked by a goddess-like beauty, Brother Miguo was immediately energized and talked eloquently: "I think the problem lies in that door. Maybe that door has some power. It divides the world behind the door into eight independent spaces. But this kind of speculation is too incredible, space cannot be manipulated and changed, because we are born in a three-dimensional world. Even the latest space technology of Baoze Group has only developed a small dimension space. Technology instinct is to create a connection The bond of real space, not manipulation of space. "

小 This kid speaks Chinese well.

"Although it is a bold guess, it is in line with the current situation." My dear pointed at the long pillar of fire: "The pillar of fire may penetrate eight spaces."

Eric thought for a moment, and proposed, "Lit?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Xianyu and asked for his opinion.

The current lineup must be headed by Baoze, while Baoze employees are led by Li Xianyu. Although the eyes are usually higher than the top, this vision is still there.

"I think I'll stand by."

"Yeah, yeah, I knew I wouldn't come out with the Li family."

"Well, now I regret having a fart. I actually think the task is not difficult. I am really drifting."

"Before you leave, don't make a team with the Li family heirs and enter the Pantheon, forgetting to go to Java."

Senior employees whispered.

The curse of the Li family heir appeared, as long as he teamed with him, things will always move in an uncontrollable direction. Obviously it was a very ordinary rescue mission, and it turned out to be what it is now.

The reason for the appearance of the torch of fire is yet to be determined. No one knows what is happening at the Bronze Hall. It may be **** ..... It must be hell, according to the law of the Li family.

Eric was a little confused, wrong? Isn't the Baoze lineup headed by a family member of Li family?

Li Xianyu drew a corner of his mouth: "Let ’s go, whoever is willing to sneak in with me, go together. Those who are afraid of death, stand by. Intercom."

The walkie-talkie could not reach the large army of Baoze who was staying at the Bronze Hall.

He Bing's strategy of splitting the two roads he thinks it is possible. In the premise of lack of information, a brain surges over, and if it is in danger, it may be destroyed.

"Persons of investigative powers must follow me, others you are free." Li Xianyu said.

On hearing that, Victoria patted Ryder's head.

In the end, Baoze sent three senior employees to follow Li Xianyu. The Superpowers Association was Ryder and Eric. Ryder has tailwind ears, and Eric is purely an entertainer and wants to go for fun. .

Uh ...

The moment the torch of fire rose, everyone felt a great sense of oppression, a fear from the depths of the soul, as if imprinted in the genes for tens of thousands of years.

It reacted most fiercely, like a bird that frightens a bow, throwing away its injured men and defeating them, and then escaping from the bronze hall, disappearing at the entrance of the steps.

佩 Li Peiyun was at the entrance of the step and passed the monster. He saw the doom-like fear in the eyes of this confused monster.

What does the Pillar of Fire mean?

I actually gave such a strong sense of fear to the legacy of an ancient demon.

The monster disappeared at the entrance of the steps, and the top S-classes set their eyes on Li Peiyun.

佩 Li Peiyun took a sigh of relief: "His ~ I want to say that I was just joking, brother dei, do you believe it?"

Wright Green said coldly: "Clearly unbelievable."

There was no nonsense, Li Peiyun jumped down the two-meter-high step and slipped away.

Fall Anderson glanced at the steps and looked at the pillar of fire behind him. "What should I do? Let's look at the bottom of the pool and catch up."

The top S-classes gathered together, some had broken bones, and some had internal organs injured. Fortunately, for their masters at this level, they can completely handle it, and their combat power is damaged, but they will not lose their ability to act like ordinary people.

The woman started to stay away from the incident, and suddenly said, "Dare you go down? That thing has been stuck here for countless years. It is the weakest time. Don't catch it now. Do you want to wait for it to recover?"

After speaking, she held the baby and disappeared at the step.

Fall Anderson turned his head again, looked at the hot pillar of fire, stared for a long time, his eyes would be sore and painful, like looking directly at the sun in the sky.

The beacon column is too hot, and it is estimated that steel can be made.

I will be able to hold it at half past one, but the bottom of the pool is 100 meters deep. What's the difference between jumping in and dying?

In this way, chasing monsters is the only and best option.

"We are not its opponents," Eva Cape said.

"Since the woman dared to chase, she was confident." Wright Green said, "Go and see."

He brought his own men and horses. They jumped from the first step to the dark brown ground. A hundred meters away, the Thai woman holding the child was confronting him.

After Xun left the Bronze Hall, it seemed to get rid of that fear and no longer be afraid. At this time, it had a new opponent, the human girl who confronted him.

Farther away, the two were Li Peiyun, who was two or five. He did not rush to escape, but chose to stay and eat melons. Seeing a number of S-Classes from the Soul Evangelion followed, his eyes were a bit wary.

But everyone ignored him, just glanced, and focused on the opposing sides.

Confrontation is not long, the baby seems to wake up from a sweet dream, first a weak humming sound, and then a cry sounds and gradually brightens.

"Wow wow ..."

In this deadly space, crying is the only melody.

I have been listening for a long time, and the people in the Soul Alliance are gradually feeling dizzy, and the temples are like needles sticking to seal the ears, which is still useless.

The wailing sound acts directly on the soul.

It suddenly moved its shoulders, as if it was held down by something, struggling subconsciously.

Spirit eye stress of the top S-classes opened, tears rolled, and I saw a familiar scene. The baby in the arms of Thai women exuded black smoke, and the black smoke turned into wretched grievances in the air.

The Wraiths hold it on their shoulders, or hold their hands and feet, trapping it in place.

Silent, it has been controlled by the Wraiths.

I have met these grieving spirits before, to be honest, people in the Soul Alliance have never seen such weird grieving spirits. They are different from ordinary grieving spirits, and they are not afraid of blood, but they are not particularly afraid. And has strong toughness, shocked by the power of blood and blood, at most weird shouted to retreat.

Ordinary Wraiths are shocked by the top-level S-level blood and will disappear in one second.

There are many ways to deal with the grieving spirits in the practice qi system of the descent world, and each religion has its own "excessive" means. In ancient times, exorcism and spirit removal were the main methods of religious transmission.

So after hundreds of years or even thousands of years of exploration, religions have a wealth of means to deal with grievances.

But it is a legacy of an ancient demon, which only shakes the power of blood and tries to remove these nasty things.

The grieving silent grunts of the grieving spirits, the smoky body trembling violently.

I am very painful, I feel unable to support it at any time, and it is desperate, but it will not dispel these annoying grudges.

It seems that the two are in a state of balance.

At this time, the S-Class of the Soul Era Union found that the baby's crying stopped. They focused on its entanglement with the grieving spirit and ignored the baby's cry.

When they realized the problem, a creepy scene happened.

A small baby appeared on top of his head. The baby was very small, with a large head, and looked like a doll. The skin is dark blue, and the thick and thick blood vessels are raised.

The fingers and toenails are as dark as ink, the eyes are scarlet, and the colors are fierce.

In this image, it is more than enough to appear in any "Ghost Baby" movie.

A more terrible scene happened. The ghost baby opened his teeth, and his blood basin bit his head with a big mouth.

Carry a baby, the mouth can open 180 degrees like snakes, and bite off an adult man's half head.

自然 It was naturally knocked down so easily, the power of mad shock and blood, the baby's small body appeared burn marks, fleshy skin, he ... Maybe it should be called, with a squeak.

It was like the child fell down and called out in pain.

But the mouth kept on, and he continued to gnaw on his body, and soon drank his head, emptied his internal organs, and finally ate both hands and feet into his stomach.

The baby's tiny body was red with blood, and his face was covered with blood during the process of eating.

Eva Cape stooped and vomited.

The gentlemen in Europe and America twitched one by one. They were not seen **** scenes, but an ugly little baby was eating an adult and eating with relish, and his visceral brain was eating out. This kind of picture really challenges people's ability to bear.

The content caused extreme discomfort but could not be reported and it was uncomfortable.

After eating the clean old monster, the baby was holding her stomach and rolling around in pain, and the crying sounded again.

Are you back bitten?

The top S-classes exchanged their eyes, observed in secret, and waited for the development.

After a few minutes, the baby curled up in pain, spasms, and then spit out a tender red flesh.

This thing is the essence of the ancient monster's legacy.

The Aoki family's eyes brightened, and that was what they dreamed of. The Aoki family in World War II looked for the Pantheon for that.

It is the essence left after the death of the ancient demon. It inherited part of the power of the ancient demon. Getting it is equivalent to the power of the ancient demon.

就是 This is the evil creature on the Li family heir. It has all kinds of incredible power, and now it is all inherited by the Li family heir.

"It's my prey." The Thai woman turned back and glanced at everyone. "Of course, if you want to grab it, you can try it."

She speaks Thai, and after being proficient in Thai, her top S class scolds her mother.

还 What else does this grab ~ ~ That little thing has to be half a step away.

Who dares to rob it, isn't he trying to die?

The woman picked up the tender red fleshy tissue, held it in her palm, and looked at Takuya Aoki: "How does this thing work?"

"I don't know, it's the first time we've seen it. But it must be the same thing as the Li family heir." Aoki Takuya said reconciledly, "You can ask Li Peiyun, he and the Li family heir have both gone through the demon road. Scramble for relics. "

In the distance, Li Peiyun saw the woman looking up and thought for a while, and said seriously, "Wrap the egg liquid with bread crumbs, and fry it in oil until golden, you can believe the Li family."

Thai woman ca n’t understand, and said in lame English: “Can you speak in English ...”

Suddenly her face suddenly changed, and screamed.

The tender red flesh in my hand was digging into her palm and devouring her flesh. A striped path bulges in her white arms, like a snake crawling through the meat, trying to climb into her body along her arms.

This devour is irresistible, as long as you are blood.

古 The ancient demon relics in the Pantheon have one characteristic: devour!

If Li Xianyu was present, he would never rush into it. So far, Li Xianyu's left hand can't be regenerated, and he can only rely on Slime to maintain his left hand.

Unfortunately, she has no experience with Li Xianyu.

It was decisive, the Thai woman cut off her right arm directly, the **** arm cut off shoulder to shoulder, and fell to the ground. Nearly the next moment, the arm was swallowed clean, and the tender red flesh squirmed on the ground, like a sley Um.

女人 When the woman lowered her head to deal with the injury, the ground under her feet suddenly arched, a black tentacle broke through the soil, wrapped in the tender red fleshy tissue, dragged it to the ground and disappeared.